So I did the essential oils thing


New Member
.. and trust me when I say cedarwood stinks.. I cant take the smell, is there anything i can put in this blend to mask the smell??
LOL! I started it too. I realized it's not just the cedarwood, the thyme stinks too. It grows on you. I'm not going to bother with the smell. I just concentrate on the BUT, if you do find something to help with the smell let me know /images/graemlins/smile.gif
/images/graemlins/frown.gif /images/graemlins/frown.gif.. I dunno, it makes me gag and is so overpowering that I cant bother with putting it in my hair... what I did was mix jojoba with rosemary oil and some kewee oil and that smells decent but i really wanted to try that specific recipe but I need something to mask the smell.. Help

Have you noticed any changes in your hair from applying this oil? Thanks /images/graemlins/smile.gif
See I cant rinse everyday, i get home every night at about 10 pm and that just takes too much energy.. do you think i can just use it once a week before my wash?? Would it still be as effective??

I have noticed a great deal of new growth...A few weeks ago I had to do the "swipe" after the last relaxer took ALL of my left side out /images/graemlins/mad.gif I kid you not. That is when I started to use it, and the left side has grown in completly in a month time...I started to see result in 2weeks but after my one month mark I really saw the difference (no more swipes)

This was done as a research study and the participants were instructed to use it every night. Also remember you have to wrap your head in a warm towel after you massage it in (I think this would get rid of all the smell?)

It is not only for naturals, and it is to stimulate hair growth...I took pics of my hair after the nightmare /images/graemlins/mad.gif and two weeks later and now a month later...I will post soon...seeing is believing.
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Imogin3 said:

This was done as a research study and the participants were instructed to use it every night. Also remember you have to wrap your head in a warm towel after you massage it in (I think this would get rid of all the smell?)

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wow is it that effective? i think i will get me some of this! /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
I think this stuff could grow hair on a rock /images/graemlins/smile.gif. Anyway, I love peppermint OIL (it makes your scalp GLOW)! It's my favorite essential oil, so I add this to my oil batch, and when I do this, you can't smell the cedarwood. I also decided not to use thyme (because I read somewhere that it affects your thyroid); I'm using clary Sage instead. Good luck ladies!!!!!!!!I'm also thinking of using Wheatgerm oil instead of Grape Seed oil because wheatgerm is very high in vitamin E.
I went to a Natural Food store today, and checked out the Grape Seed oil. Apparently, Grape Seed oil has vitamin E in it also, just like Wheat Germ Oil, so it's probably just as good as Wheat Germ Oil; they're probably interchangeable. I guess it just depends which is cheaper.