So I Did It


New Member
Yesterday I was water baptized. I have been water baptized before but it was not my choice to do so. I felt like I was pushed into doing it by others and didn't really comprehend the significance of the baptisms. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and then with the Holy Spirit 2 years ago. I made the choice to get water baptized after fully committing myself to God, service and my ministry.

It was an incredible experience. For the first time in a long time my mind and spirit were in total agreement. It was like everything fused together and I truly become 'one' in my flesh and with God. A scripture came to mind when I came out of the water:

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

And today truly is a new day. Just thought I would share :grin:
What a beautiful story of your baptism! I am truly happy for you girl! May the Lord bless you and build you up in His Holy name!
Congratulations! Ramya.... :grouphug2:

I am so happy for you. Isn't it wonderful and such a beautiful new beginning of Life.

I pray this 'glow' never leaves you. :Rose: It's so wonderful.

God bless you Pretty Lady, Woman of God, highly favored.