So how many jobs has God delved out lately?


Well-Known Member
In this terrible economy the world is all stressed and fearful and worried about what the world has taken away from them. But we serve such an awesome God that he can work things that the world can't even comprehend. So how many jobs has God handed out. The economy is bad and people are losing jobs left and right, losing homes and such.

I know I have my job now thanks to God and I know a couple of other people have posted of jobs. I just feel like we all have to keep testifying about the awesomeness of God because we have to be the example and let God use us and our circumstances to show people what he can do when you just let him.
Well I have more freelance work than I can deal with right now.. My side biz could very well become my full-time biz :)
Well I have more freelance work than I can deal with right now

Same here...God has provided me with such abundance in author appearances
I can even consider turning down author appearance work that may not be to my best interest when in the past I'd take anything to earn and anything related to my vision
Clients are snapping me up left and right and this is when budgets are being cut~~

I just did a preliminary protracted personal budget for through the summer and I
will have rent paid through August by spring ...because of work coming in now!!!

I just had client today who was okayed by her vice principal for a series of author visits and she has about 2,000 and I assumed she was going to use me for one visit ..and to pool the rest with other authors...BUT she has offered all the visits/money ..for me...this is just one school..of many...I nearly offered to take less to be "nice"and I was like
WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????????? Take the full amount..silly goose

I almost stuttered...God is blowing my mind
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Two weeks ago i got my job back after taking two months off to travel to my homeland (so i took the risk and God knows i really wanted to go to Nigeria to cool off)and when i came back i called, and i could start immidately because the person who was to start that week called off,because she was preggers ! good news for her and good news for me,so God was looking out for me.
I can tell you all that we serve an AWESOME Abba Father. I am saying this b/c God is still God and He remains the same Yesterday, Today, and forever. Keep tithing, Keep Giving God back his word. Remember we are "in the world and not of the world". We are his childern the Sheep of his Pasture, we are his witnesses and his Ambasadors to this world. From my experiences in this life. God will never leave nor forsake you. Never Ever doubt God. Have Faith and Trust in Him and His word. He will see you through! AMEN!
Same here...God has provided me with such abundance in author appearances
I can even consider turning down author appearance work that may not be to my best interest when in the past I'd take anything to earn and anything related to my vision
Clients are snapping me up left and right and this is when budgets are being cut~~

I just did a preliminary protracted personal budget for through the summer and I
will have rent paid through August by spring ...because of work coming in now!!!

I just had client today who was okayed by her vice principal for a series of author visits and she has about 2,000 and I assumed she was going to use me for one visit ..and to pool the rest with other authors...BUT she has offered all the visits/money ..for me...this is just one school..of many...I nearly offered to take less to be "nice"and I was like
WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????????? Take the full amount..silly goose

I almost stuttered...God is blowing my mind

That's awesome girl :yep: I really feel like this is a time where God is mightly blessing those in the kingdom so they can fill up the storehouses for the times to come...
That's awesome girl I really feel like this is a time where God is mightly blessing those in the kingdom so they can fill up the storehouses for the times to come...
tonight in my inbox four different emails from (within 20 minutes of each other)
all from Joel Osteen again different ...but ALL on preparing for SUPERNATURAL INCREASE

this after Monday I opened a bank account God's bank account with the first 10th of the first of the overflow deposited for God's account.

I now have a savings account for the Lord with its checking account and so I can automatically separate the tithe into savings and then write out checks for tithes from its attached checking

that felt so good to do! it's all about how can I better serve...
sharing this means abundance is not just for me's on time
for all of us..Praise be to God
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Kayte, I got the same emails from Joel Osteen-I posted one in the Gratitude in Gethsemane Thread.

I am so excited to hear the amazing things that God is doing for His daughters-the daily reminders that there is no recession in Heaven!
I'm sorry I haven't been back in here. I am so excited to see the hand of God moving in the lives of my sisters. I remember hearing a sermon on Thanksgiving about there being a Supernatural Bailout on the way. I do believe it has arrived and will continue to bless people by their(our) belief and faith in the power of God.

kayte, I believe your Jabez thread set in motion the faithfulness that we have all grown in.