So How Has 2009 Been Going? What are you learning?


New Member
What have been your triumphs and trials? Do you feel like you've been making progress or moving backwards?

At the New Year's Eve service on 12/31/08 I was at church and praying about God's purposes in my life for this year and He showed me an image of a Popeye type cartoon man flexing his muscles - I got the impression He wanted to strengthen me this year. I didn't fully realize then that becoming stronger in the Lord happens most directly as a result of TRIAL ( folks need to stop frontin, being a victorious Christian is HARD :lachen:).

I was having a hard time at work - toxic sexist environment, disrespect form my bosses, being straight lied to as far as promotion is concerned. But God has granted me favor in this situation and a lot has turned around for the better.

I've struggled with extreme loneliness and emotional lows because of a lack of close friendships and disappointments in my love life. God has been bringing great women of God in my life over the past couple months who truly minister to me and provide great fellowship.

I've had financial challenges and have been gaining clarity and strategy to overcome them...
What I've learned thru my trials:

We have to stay vigilant against attacks from the enemy. I am primarily attacked in my mind nowadays and I'm learning to use pre-emptive strikes of the Word and praise when the enemy seeks to sow confusion and breath lies. Use the Word like a sword in your mouth.

My job is a temporary test - I have learned an insane amount that is relevant to my field and side biz. I believe this job is a stepping stone to working effectively as an entrepreneur. God has also brought Christian women into my life who have the skills and motivation to partner with me in business - this has been a great need for me, but that's another thread.

God is always working for me and not against me - He is always proactive in working out his desires and purposes in me, even if I don't understand what's going on. We tend to focus on the pieces of the puzzle that are within our viewpoint, but God sees the big picture.

Everything we go through is a testament of His transforming process and a testimony to others. It's easy to get self-absorbed, but it's truly not about me, but His glory and purposes.

I know my stuff doesn't even compare to some of the extreme challenges and loss some other folks go through.. feel free to add on.
Raspberry 2009 has been a good year so far. You're right.... we must be vigilant about the attacks on the enemy. I have found that the more I pray and the closer I get to God (hearing from him), I see more "tricks and wiles" and it's so amazing to me that I can "see" what's going on that I continually thank God for his Wisdom and perfect knowledge. I'm wiser today than I was a year ago.

Recently my DH took a leap of faith, at my behest because I'd prayed about it and he listened. It's not yet manifested but I will share that testimony when the time is right.

Five years ago, an unsaved Laela would've been cussin' people left an right and making poor choices (living out of God's will will bring out the WORST in us), so I am truly grateful that God has been working on me since and has been molding me to be a more loving, meek, wise woman and wife. :yep:

:up: Good post and God bless you!
This year has been AWESOME!!!!! God has kept me. In the midst of this financial downturn we've been experiencing, I never stopped relying on God to be my Jehova Jireh. I was blessed with an ultra-flexible job in Feb and have been here since. I have been blessed with not having to do anything other than normal maintanance on my car
I have been blessed to tithe cheerfully. i have been blessed with the peace that God just wants to be in a relationship with me. He just wants me, not the me I think I should be, not the me others say I am. . . .Just me SuperNova. God has led me into dance ministry and given me back my genuine love for other people, regardless of their actions. God is Good!
Five years ago, an unsaved Laela would've been cussin' people left an right and making poor choices (living out of God's will will bring out the WORST in us), so I am truly grateful that God has been working on me since and has been molding me to be a more loving, meek, wise woman and wife. :yep:

:up: Good post and God bless you!

Not you, dear one :lachen: My life is up and down...but steadily going up the hill. Sometimes that hill is muddy. And I'm gaining more clarity but more dilemma as well. Somethings that I thought I was ready for, I decided that I couldn't support it...uber religious life. It wouldn't have panned out. NOw that leads me back to my heritage and what I wish to do...and all those prophecies people pronounced over me...leading me to Israel, which never quite goes away, which would take me away from my people. Friends will try to coax me back towards the religious life I sought previously. I just sometimes sigh...and rest in the knowledge G-d gave me...there is but One G-d and He knows all and why. We're all in His hands. He'll work it all out. Perhaps there are some things He's got left under his sleeve that we don't quite know about yet. It's just one day at a time.
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GV, I was terrible. :laugh: but thank God for his Saving Grace.. :yep:


LOLOL I'm still terrible. See, I've got this family thing going on..warrior spirit and we don't take no stuff from nobody when it truly counts! I'm getting ready to go through an ordeal in the next 10 minutes with this public school system I'm putting my oldest daughter into after cuz we lost our scholarship this year....that lady in the office was mean as heck last week! If she just looks at me with mal intent.....I might lose my mind and tell her exactly like I see it. I'm truly trying to control myself and am usually very calm...just sometimes....when folks treat you like a dumb n**** know what I mean. She's up here telling me I don't provide enough info on residency when the sheet says x,y or z...and I've got x as one of the options. I'm like, lookie here chick, I'm me your legal papers to be here! They're just afraid of us darkies encroaching upon them, a way to keep some she doesn't trust me. This neighborhood is multicultural...hasn't she heard? I blackened my tax info...just left the name and address. She betta not cause me trouble or I'ma buss a hatchett up in this muva :swordfigh. :ohwell: As you can see, I'm struggling with the world today. But other than that...I'm steadily moving uphill :giggle:
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Just trusting the Lord in all I do. I am just so blessed for the Lord has made a way for me and my family out of no way!. I am learning so much more about the Lord! I am still growing.
Well, this year has started off pretty bad for me. I had to quit my job (long story) in February and I've been unemployed since. But I live with my sister so I don't have to worry about paying for rent, food, etc (Thank you God and Sis). The good thing is the little money I do receive, I've been able to pay my personal bills and tithe.

My faith has increased like crazy. I'm alot more positive DESPITE my negative situation. God through the CF has sent me powerful women of God that has prayed and gave me Godly words of wisdom.

But I expect great things from God real soon.
Fear and Trusting God on a deeper level. :yep: I 've never even been the fearful type but I have been attacked by the spirit of fear this year! Of course, this made me 'buck up' and decide if I was going to exercise my faith in God or try to 'do it my waayy' (Think Frank Sinatra). I choose to trust in God and continue on this journey. I'm learning that he loves me more than I ever thought he did... :rose:
It's going. I'm learning to truly trust in Him and not what man can do for me. Paying my tithes, staying in prayer (need to do that) and releasing total control to Him. It's been tough, I must say.
This might be long so I hope you don't mind...

This year has been a year of spiritual breakthroughs for me. I have made a concerted effort to follow God's will for my life since I turned 14. I turned 28 years old this year, which means that as of now, for over half of my life I have strived to live according to the Spirit.

Being in graduate school tested my faith in God and even my self-confidence. From last fall until this year year (even now, to be perfectly honest :ohwell:) I began to realize how much my confidence was in my own abilities and not in God. I began to realize and embrace my weaknesses, seeing that God was using them to bring glory to Himself and to use me to help other people. He's also put dreams in my heart over what I can accomplish in my life and my career.

Thus far, this has proven to be the year where I not only believe in God, but that I BELIEVE God - I believe in who God is and glory in His attributes. Tonight I realized that the reason I had such a bad day today emotionally is because I was worried about my funding and money in general. God allowed me to see that I still struggle believe that God will meet my every need, and then some. I'm grateful for that revelation because now I can pray more specifically about my relationship with Him.

Finally, this has been a great year in realizing the importance of daily Bible study and prayer. It sounds simple but even in the past couple of weeks that I've been trying hard to do it (and mind you, it hasn't been every day, but it's been much better than before) it's sustained me spiritually and even mentally. I feel that this is the year that God is showing me how to turn to Him as my rock. :yep: Thanks very much for reading all this.
Thanks ladies for your honest and encouraging responses :). I used to want to keep all of my struggles to myself but now I realize that was a form of pride and God wants us to share, build each other up, and bear one another's burdens. Still working on this...
I just sometimes sigh...and rest in the knowledge G-d gave me...there is but One G-d and He knows all and why. We're all in His hands. He'll work it all out. Perhaps there are some things He's got left under his sleeve that we don't quite know about yet. It's just one day at a time.
I know somethin of how you feel, being a logical person I try to figure God's ways out sometimes (foolish and useless, I know). But we see through a glass darkly... Keep doing what you know is right to do and keep a pure and open heart and God will reveal himself more and more you. I have to keep faithful in believing that too.

My faith has increased like crazy. I'm alot more positive DESPITE my negative situation. God through the CF has sent me powerful women of God that has prayed and gave me Godly words of wisdom.

That's great. Having peace and strong faith are great gifts from God, terribly underrated :yep:

This hasn't been the best year for me but I'm hoping it will get better. Hopefully, 2010 will be a better year.

It will :) Even if you only begin to perceive things in a different light - according to God's word and promises. Perception is everything.

Fear and Trusting God on a deeper level. :yep: I 've never even been the fearful type but I have been attacked by the spirit of fear this year! Of course, this made me 'buck up' and decide if I was going to exercise my faith in God or try to 'do it my waayy' (Think Frank Sinatra). I choose to trust in God and continue on this journey. I'm learning that he loves me more than I ever thought he did... :rose:

This is a great testimony :yep:

Being in graduate school tested my faith in God and even my self-confidence. From last fall until this year year (even now, to be perfectly honest :ohwell:) I began to realize how much my confidence was in my own abilities and not in God. I began to realize and embrace my weaknesses, seeing that God was using them to bring glory to Himself and to use me to help other people. He's also put dreams in my heart over what I can accomplish in my life and my career.

It's encouraging that you've been able to help others through your struggles, I'm always having to remind myself that it's not just about me.
Thus far, this has proven to be the year where I not only believe in God, but that I BELIEVE God - I believe in who God is and glory in His attributes. Tonight I realized that the reason I had such a bad day today emotionally is because I was worried about my funding and money in general. God allowed me to see that I still struggle believe that God will meet my every need, and then some. I'm grateful for that revelation because now I can pray more specifically about my relationship with Him.

Praise God for your growth in this year! Aint nothin like trial to bring forth some fruit. I remember an associate pastor at my church saying how this is a time in the body of Christ where God is mining is people for the treasure they have deep inside. Mining involves toil, time, heat, pressure, and cleansing those precious stones before they can be used...
Finally, this has been a great year in realizing the importance of daily Bible study and prayer. It sounds simple but even in the past couple of weeks that I've been trying hard to do it (and mind you, it hasn't been every day, but it's been much better than before) it's sustained me spiritually and even mentally. I feel that this is the year that God is showing me how to turn to Him as my rock. :yep: Thanks very much for reading all this.

And thank you for sharing, keep building on the Rock, you can't go wrong. That foundation of study and prayer is so important.. I've been hearing so much about learning to be still before God- which is hard for me. I can study and pray to a certain point but learning to tarry just a little while longer before Him - learning to be still and wait for His voice with faith and patience is my current battle.
This has been an interesting year to say the least.

Work has been a struggle and finances have been tight, family has been negative and my personal life has had many struggles. And there have been days where I have literally thrown up both my hands and said "Lord I can't do this any more."

But he has been faithful, I've made it through the hard days, weeks and months. He has even reignited some old dreams and opened up an oppurtinity that I let go pass twice already...this time I'm all over it.

What I've learned: That I need to go ahead and conform to his will and stop fighting it. Even if it means admitting that I made a big mistake. That He heard every prayer, saw every tear and was standing behind me holding me up when I was ready to fall. He has NEVER left me or forsaken me. And even though I can't see it right now, he is working EVERY situation out for my good and I shall come forth as pure gold.
This year has been a year of change for me. I have been through so many things during the past 32 years and I feel like I am going through a cleansing period in my life. I feel that god is teaching me to let things go and stop trying to be in control all the time. It is like all things are being brought to the surface so that I can finally deal with them. The loss of a child, suicide of a loved one, daddy issues, childhood abuse, Lupus, relationship abuse, loneliness, family betrayal, loss of friends and lovers, low self esteem, my kids, Should'ive, Would'ive, Could'ive, being a chameleon in order to fit in... So much. I always would keep things to myself and take things out on myself. But now it is as if god has said Im here and I always have been let it all out so you can be happy. You've done so much inspite of all the obstacles you had to face. This year has not been easy, I've been crying alot but I am not depressed. I can talk about things I normally would keep to myself and not feel ashamed. I wear my hair natural and do not get offended when people have negative things to say, and I no longer care when people say I think im too good or im too nice because I don't want to talk about people or do whatever I don't feel like doing. This year has been a time of self discovery and reconnecting with god and I am thankful for it. Thank you so much Jehovah.
I've learned the importance of having a TRUE relationship with God. Eventhough I grew up in the church being a PK, grew up in Christian school, I'm now (26 yrs.) having a sincere relationship with Him, not just calling on Him in bad times or going through the motions or living off my parents' faith or being zealous for God for only a moment then back to old ways. I wasn't terrible or 'out' there, but being a PK I knew better. But I had to be in control. Because of that, I'm nowhere where I planned to be at this stage in my life, and the end of 2008 did me in. I said it's time to stop running. And I've seen myself mature even more spiritually in 2009 by having a RELATIONSHIP with God not a bunch of 'one nighters'. I'm steadily getting back on the right path and learning to let go and let God, Reading my bible daily, talking to Him etc. I know 2010 will even better.
2009 has been a lesson learning experience for me....

In one particular situation I've learned that you can't let your compassion and love for others override wisdom. If you can't easily discern a wolf in sheep's clothing pay close attention to the fruit that they bear and the fruit of their spirit. Be slow to speak and quick to listen. The mouth speaks from the abundance of the heart; and their actions will soon follow.

A costly experience that was dreadful but a valuable lesson.....
I feel like I'm stuck in the same spot...and I really need to lay face down and just talk to God. Cuz I have an idea of what I need to do but I'm not moving.
2009 has been a lesson learning experience for me....

In one particular situation I've learned that you can't let your compassion and love for others override wisdom. If you can't easily discern a wolf in sheep's clothing pay close attention to the fruit that they bear and the fruit of their spirit. Be slow to speak and quick to listen. The mouth speaks from the abundance of the heart; and their actions will soon follow.

A costly experience that was dreadful but a valuable lesson.....

I too, have been guilty of this, but I blame it more on my lack of knowledge of the Word. Thanks for sharing.
I have had an amazingly peaceful year and I have learned to rest in that peace. Today at church Bichop Jakes talked about how we sometimes do not allow ourselves to enjoy the seasons of peace, because we've been through so much that we're just waiting on the next storm. I thank God that I'm not spending my serene seasons of life worrying about when the next tsunami will hit the coast of my being.

I see growth in my life. I can acknowledge my own flaws without it threatening the very essence of me. I can admit that I need to work on my thoughts toward others, being more patient, and other things without thinking I am a "bad" person. To God be the glory. I'm praying that no matter what stage of life we (LHCF ladies) are currently in, that we all experience visible character growth with each passing day. When I say visible, I mean visible to yourself. There's nothing like knowing you have not been stagnant and only you know how far you've come with both internal battles and external.
this year has been one major rollercoaster, but God has been keeping me through it all. i have been tested so many times, it just doesn't make sense anymore.
2009 has been a year of learning how to work hard to reap good results. It has called me to let go of a perfectionism that says that I should already have everything down pat, to instead embrace an attitude that says that I am still learning and growing and that if I am going to achieve anything it won't be because I'm already there but because I worked hard to get there.

The days are over now of things coming out of little to no effort. I wish I had learned this lesson sooner. But that's okay, I'm learning and growing and getting there.