So, how do YOU look? Um, The Mane Clip strikes again . . .


Well-Known Member
Oh no she didn't! The co-worker said I look younger . . . I'm wearing my Mane Clip for the first time to work. :yep: I got the human, wet-n-wavy weft hair with a black barrette. It's hanging past mid-back (so obviously not mine).

I was like, "You mean I look younger than with my bun??" :lachen: Well, what am I to do now? Yaw'll know I've been rocking the protective styling option, but shoot, an ole vet wanna look young and cute while protecting her lock's ends. I know she wasn't lying because of the looks I just got while walking to the cafeteria. And, to top it off, ran into my daughter while on way to cafeteria and when I got back to my office an e-mail from her commenting on my look today. :rolleyes:

Phew, who knew. I should have purchased The Mane Clip long ago. :yep:

At work now; but heeey, lil diva brought the camera this a.m. anyway to capture the hair thing. Can't upload (download, whatever) until I get home, then back to somewhere to put 'em on LHCF. You see, I'm moving, and iMac at one place, me at another, and only work part-time here. Maybe I can get a lift to the library or something tomorrow. Hope so. Stay tuned.
OP I have some questions for you.
1. How much tension does this thing put on your real hair? Does the weight of the fake hair pull down on your real hair?

2. I watched the video and the girl in it had a teeny tiny ponytail. Mine is bigger than hers, will I have to tuck my hair under or somehow manipulate it into hiding?

Thanks, I want to try this but I'd like to hear your comments on it first.
OP I have some questions for you.
1. How much tension does this thing put on your real hair? Does the weight of the fake hair pull down on your real hair?

2. I watched the video and the girl in it had a teeny tiny ponytail. Mine is bigger than hers, will I have to tuck my hair under or somehow manipulate it into hiding?

Thanks, I want to try this but I'd like to hear your comments on it first.

Hi Cherezr,

LL here! K,

1) How much tension does this thing put on your real hair?

Girll, minimal. I'm shaking, pulling the thing around from my back over shoulder to the front and everything. Oh, and I've got the nerve to be tender-headed and doin' all that. I hardly notice it's back there 'cept I can feel it on my back (scoop neck top this day).

1b) Does the weight of the fake hair pull down on your real hair?

Nope. Not the hair I have. I chose some wet-n-wavy 18" hair off e-Bay. They say it's human. Now, TMC, states you take a weft and measure what, 24-48" (I believe); well, I went with the lower end 'cause my hair is not overly thick and I wanted as good a match as possible.

2. I watched the video and the girl in it had a teeny tiny ponytail. Mine is bigger than hers, will I have to tuck my hair under or somehow manipulate it into hiding?

My pony is probablly, 8" or so to give your a comparison. The hiding method . . . ingenious (she actually shows it in the video); take a piece of your hair weft [the one used in the clip member], enough to wrap around your pony - [I used maybe 4-6"]; THEN apply The Mane Clip. VOILA, hidden.

Holler if you need more.



P.S. Now all I gotta do is figure how I can use Saran wrap or something and be doing a baggying while wearing this bad boy.
Hahaha I like how you said younger than when I have my bun. Shoot.

What actually happen in the cafeteria? Were you catching? or Did folks just look at you like wow she looks prettier/younger today?
What actually happen in the cafeteria? Were you catching? or Did folks just look at you like wow she looks prettier/younger today?

Well, it was on the way to the cafeteria (long walk); I just saw folk checking me (TMC) out.

Oh, and just now, one of the nurses swore I'd lost weight, right! Get this, I was on the way to Weight Watchers WITH CHOCOLATE IN MY HANDS. I get there, dang it, up 2 point something pounds.

I tell you, one's attitude must have a lot to do with how they come across appearance-wise. Here I've gained a couple pounds since last week (189 - 191), but I feel good today [for some reason] and apparently it's showing.
Hi Cherezr,

LL here! K,

1) How much tension does this thing put on your real hair?

Girll, minimal. I'm shaking, pulling the thing around from my back over shoulder to the front and everything. Oh, and I've got the nerve to be tender-headed and doin' all that. I hardly notice it's back there 'cept I can feel it on my back (scoop neck top this day).

1b) Does the weight of the fake hair pull down on your real hair?

Nope. Not the hair I have. I chose some wet-n-wavy 18" hair off e-Bay. They say it's human. Now, TMC, states you take a weft and measure what, 24-48" (I believe); well, I went with the lower end 'cause my hair is not overly thick and I wanted as good a match as possible.

2. I watched the video and the girl in it had a teeny tiny ponytail. Mine is bigger than hers, will I have to tuck my hair under or somehow manipulate it into hiding?

My pony is probablly, 8" or so to give your a comparison. The hiding method . . . ingenious (she actually shows it in the video); take a piece of your hair weft [the one used in the clip member], enough to wrap around your pony - [I used maybe 4-6"]; THEN apply The Mane Clip. VOILA, hidden.

Holler if you need more.



P.S. Now all I gotta do is figure how I can use Saran wrap or something and be doing a baggying while wearing this bad boy.

Thank you --thank you!! This is exactly what I needed to know.