So how do you co-wash?


Live, Laugh, Love
When I first tried co-washing I would put the cond. on dry hair and cover with a plastic cap for about an hour then rinse in the shower. It worked for a while but then I got tons of build-up. Now I get in the shower, rinse and then apply cond., do my showering then rinse. So far no build-up and soft, bouncy hair. Go figure so now I'm back to co-washing, hopefully I can leave that poo alone. :lachen:
I usually do both. With no rhyme or reason just what I feel like doing that night. Sometimes I'll put the conditioner in my dry hair put on a shower cap and leave it in for 30-60 mins then rinse in the shower and apply another conditioner and rinse that at the end of the shower. Other days I simply do the last part in the shower and completly skip the first part. I guess me alternating between the two has prevented me from getting the buildup.
I am a big cheater :grin:

I just use the WEN Cleansing Conditioner line and Blended Beauty Cleansing Conditioner (has witch hazel to keep scalp clean) I use these items specifically so I can avoid having to clarify due to conditioner buildup.

The WEN hair care system creator suggests putting the cleansing conditioner along with the conditioning mask on hair, covering with a plastic cap, and rinsing in the morning. I will try that on Saturday probably...

I co-wash 3x a week :rolleyes: My hair is so in love with me now. If I do use shampoo, it's Max Green Alchemy Scalp Rescue 1x/every 2 weeks, but it has no sulfates and is all organic.
I actually tried something new last night
  1. Wet my hair under the sink and then applied conditioner sat under a heated cap for 30minutes.
  2. Hoped in the shower to rinse
  3. Apply conditioner once more
  4. Wash my body
  5. Rinse out conditioner
My Hair loved this, will do this again in the future.:yep:
I am a big cheater :grin:

I just use the WEN Cleansing Conditioner line and Blended Beauty Cleansing Conditioner (has witch hazel to keep scalp clean) I use these items specifically so I can avoid having to clarify due to conditioner buildup.

The WEN hair care system creator suggests putting the cleansing conditioner along with the conditioning mask on hair, covering with a plastic cap, and rinsing in the morning. I will try that on Saturday probably...

I co-wash 3x a week :rolleyes: My hair is so in love with me now. If I do use shampoo, it's Max Green Alchemy Scalp Rescue 1x/every 2 weeks, but it has no sulfates and is all organic.

I ordered WEN (hasn't come yet) but tell me, how do u like it?
1. I preteat with oil or egg/oil for about 1/2 hour with a heat cap(I want to try oil and garlic cloves the next time)
2. Rinse hair for about 2-3 minutes detangling w/ my fingers under running water.
3. Apply conditioner and message scalp vigorously (however Im not manipulating the hair too much)
4. Rinse and repeat step 3 until my scalp feels clean
5. Final rinse, squeeze excess water from my hair
6. Deep conditon (once a week I Deep Condition over night/ If I wash a second time that week I deep condition for 30 minutes with heat)
I am a big cheater :grin:

I just use the WEN Cleansing Conditioner line and Blended Beauty Cleansing Conditioner (has witch hazel to keep scalp clean) I use these items specifically so I can avoid having to clarify due to conditioner buildup.

The WEN hair care system creator suggests putting the cleansing conditioner along with the conditioning mask on hair, covering with a plastic cap, and rinsing in the morning. I will try that on Saturday probably...

I co-wash 3x a week :rolleyes: My hair is so in love with me now. If I do use shampoo, it's Max Green Alchemy Scalp Rescue 1x/every 2 weeks, but it has no sulfates and is all organic.

The bolded is exactly what I do, however I use jessicurl weekly deep moisturizing treatment or too shea along with my WEN instead of the conditioner mask.


I use the tea tree cc to wash with, my scalp has never been this healthy. I use to always burn when I received relaxers now my scalp doesnt even tingle when I relax.
I wet my hair in the shower, apply conditioner, wash my face and sensitive areas. wash the conditioner out, apply a second time and then wash the remainder of my body.
Similar to what most do except I apply condish twice.