so excited to be here!


Well-Known Member
good morning beauties! *waves*

i just wanted to say hello! i've been a long time lurker, this is my first post! thanks to LHCF, i made the decision to transition and begin my quest towards healthy hair.

while lurking i joined the MTG challenge, MN challenge, Water Challenge, Weight Gain Challenge...and ummm...oh ..yeah, i think thats it!:grin:
Heeeeey girl!

Welcome to the boards and so glad you decided to join. Its so funny, i think most of us here started as "long time lurkers" before finally deciding to join. :lol:

Its obvious by your knowledge of the terms/lingo and the challenges that you've already undertaken that you're not really a "newbie" at heart. :) You're an old pro at the hairboards, so im excited that you made it official. Anyhoo, i know you are going to love it here, everyone is really friendly, helpful, and supportive, and you'll definitely make all your goals in no time.

You GROW girl!!! :D

P.S. And i just love your username too, thats so pretty.

SummerRain said:
good morning beauties! *waves*

i just wanted to say hello! i've been a long time lurker, this is my first post! thanks to LHCF, i made the decision to transition and begin my quest towards healthy hair.

while lurking i joined the MTG challenge, MN challenge, Water Challenge, Weight Gain Challenge...and ummm...oh ..yeah, i think thats it!:grin:
welcome! Glad you're here! I lurked for a over year before I started actually posting.:lol: It can be rather intimidating:lol:
to LHCF, SummerRain! :wave: