SO bought my Pibbs 512!


New Member
SOOOO my SO is totally sick of me spending the entire Saturday morning in a roller-set. I told him the reason behind it was that my dryer took too long to dry, and that if my hair didn't get fully dry, my hair would be hard/unmanageble (not soft like he likes it). I showed him the Pibbs from and explained that this salon-quality dryer would get my hair done in half the time--he went ahead right there and purchased it! I was like :shocked::shocked: !! Anway--I'll be posting pics of my results!
SOOOO my SO is totally sick of me spending the entire Saturday morning in a roller-set. I told him the reason behind it was that my dryer took too long to dry, and that if my hair didn't get fully dry, my hair would be hard/unmanageble (not soft like he likes it). I showed him the Pibbs from and explained that this salon-quality dryer would get my hair done in half the time--he went ahead right there and purchased it! I was like :shocked::shocked: !! Anway--I'll be posting pics of my results!

He's a KEEPER!!!!!

Girl, make sure you give hime a special "treat" during your free time!!!!!!!:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:
Good man!!!

Would like to spend some time with his woman buy the PIbbs. He eliminated that old dryer. I like how nips things in the bud:grin:
I just got mine as a gift a week ago. I am sitting under it as I type this and I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT! It's worth every penny (yours or the person who gave it to you...:lachen:)!
Go Msjones! Don't forget the pics!

Note to self: Begin mission Pibbs by spending every Friday night and Saturday morning under the dryer.