
Well-Known Member
....I ordered my hair steamer! :yay: :woot:And let me tell you my shoulder is STILL hurting from all the arm twisting you guys did!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

YIKES!!!! I am SO excited!!! Cant WAIT for it to come... Im hoping it will be on my porch when I get home. Think DH will be upset if I wash my hair instead of painting the bedroom when the new furniture is coming tomorrow? Can you "call in sick" home? :evillaugh:

Anyway...just wanted your opinions....I LOVE to prepoo and I was just you think it would be more beneficial to sit under the steamer with my prepoo or deep conditioners? TIA

Congratulations on that Steamer girl Reviews please.

I love my steamer, I don't use it to prepoo I use for DCing so sorry can't help with that but ENJOY it girl :)

Congratulations on that Steamer girl Reviews please.

I love my steamer, I don't use it to prepoo I use for DCing so sorry can't help with that but ENJOY it girl :)

Thank you thank you!!! Unfortunately it wasnt there when I got home but Im hoping for tomorrow.

Will give reviews while Im under it! :grin::grin::grin::grin:
congrats, im still saving up for mine... for now i'll continue using my much loved dryer

Hey I used mine for years and loved it but I gave into peer pressure! LOL If you buy it on ebay you can use "bill me later" and you have 90 days to pay it off interest free. (just continuing the peer pressure! LOL)