So after dying your hair, has anyone ever noticed.......


Active Member
I'm relaxed. I normally have really, really dry hair. This past weekend I put a permanent color in my hair (some random drugstore brand). My normal hair color is dark brown, I died it jet black. Now normally I would expect my hair to be a bit dryer and a little brittle after the color process. But from the day I colored to now days later, my hair is the softest and the most moisturized its ever been. After I colored I followed up with Aveda Damage Remedy Treatment, but today I shampooed my hair and did a protein reconstructor and still my hair is very soft and moisturized.

Anyone else ever have this experience after a permanent color?? Was this a result of the color or the Aveda?? I expected to have to really baby my hair back to life after I put the color in, which I will still do, but I'm really shocked its so soft and silky. Its like my hair has done a 180 as far as dryness is concerned.
I believe they've improved the formulations for colours a lot also Aveda DR Intensive is the truth so that would play a big part too.
I am not relaxed. However, I get my hair colored at Aveda. I find their color to be very gentle and while I pay special attention to my hair because of the color, it hasn't dried out my hair at all.