SO a lil distance of my career

Hi, I'm trying to follow this so bear with me and confirm:

1. Your business has opened at a new location and he's never checked it out?
2. Do both of you live in FL? Do you live together?

It seems that both of you started on the equal footing ( going to school to obtain degrees) and now your career is getting off the ground and climbing, he feels insecure because his degree has not helped him produce employment yet and he's putting pressure on himself to remain on the same footing as you. The fact that he has not visited your place of business makes me think that he feels some envy since it seems your career is on the uprise and his career goals are at a standstill.

Regardless, as an SO, he should show his suppport for your sucess and also be honest with his feelings. If he is indeed feeling this way, it's a huge negative because he's putting himself in competition with you and that's a quick relationship killer. Does he act funny towards you any other time or only when you bring up your business?