
New Member
Yes snip them as soon as u see them with a GOOD PAIR OF HAIR SCISSORS! dont delay just snip away! i made the mistake of sayin "ahhh i'l wait till so and so then give them a snip" i swear those lil *CENSORED* are contagious! since i've done the adore rinse i found 30 of the little monsters!! Tjis is because i didn't add colour to my ends, and now they are waving at me with all their frends and family!! i've checked thru my hair again and again, and i think they've all gone (phew!) but never again am i gonna wait to snip. i actually used 2 PULL them out with my fingers! this must've just shortened the hair and made the split start again


so really this is a warning, dont wait till its too late! to think i wasn't gona trim til after February!! probabley would've had 2 chop all my hair off!
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SweetCaramel1 said:
i've been doing a weekly sweep. how do you get to the back???

i bring sections over the top of my head, or round the side. the back of my hair had about 3 splits, the front of my hair had the rest. i've realised its cuz i keep fiddling with the front.
Its SOOOO much easier to see if you have split ends if your hair is relaxed. No matter how hard I look at my natural hair, I have NEVER seen a split end! I know its there, but you just can't see it. I usually do a lil snipitty snip every 2 or 3 months or so. Or just when it feels like I have lil knots at the ends of my hair.
naturallady said:
Its SOOOO much easier to see if you have split ends if your hair is relaxed. No matter how hard I look at my natural hair, I have NEVER seen a split end! I know its there, but you just can't see it. I usually do a lil snipitty snip every 2 or 3 months or so. Or just when it feels like I have lil knots at the ends of my hair.

oh yes wasn't too long ago i remember those lilly knots. i loved them! i used 2 create them!
I'm going to wash and trim my hair, today! Hopefully, my SO will help me w/ the trimming part, but, he's so afraid that he'll mess up my hair.
naturallady said:
Its SOOOO much easier to see if you have split ends if your hair is relaxed. No matter how hard I look at my natural hair, I have NEVER seen a split end! I know its there, but you just can't see it. I usually do a lil snipitty snip every 2 or 3 months or so. Or just when it feels like I have lil knots at the ends of my hair.

Ditto. Sometimes when I inspect shed hair, I'll see the splits. :mad: