Smooth Naturals/Sisterskeeper/naturalee hair care. Which one?


Well-Known Member
So I am all over the place, completely indulging in my pj ways. I have a question, which brand should I try based on product performance, cost per ounce, shipping time and customer service.

Smooth naturals has great reviews on YT and it's tempting me bc I'm a wash-n-go girl to my heart who loves a great twist out for elongation every now and then. Has anyone had positive reviews recently? I know someone on this forum had bad luck with their bottles not being filled, but I can't remember who posted that thread. I want to try the hair perfection set for $47, my shipping is only ~$6.

Sisters keeper is having a 20% off $30 with ~$7 shipping.

Naturalee hair care shipping for me is ~$6. I am interested in her macadamia twisting butter, olive and jojoba buttercreme, hair and body butter and cupuacu and hemp buttercreme.
Any advice? Thanks!
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I'm sorry --- I had to read this three times and forgive my ignorance but I'm still not comprehending. Are you asking which of these brands you should purchase? I think it would help if you identified which products you were interested in by each of these brands. That may help narrow it down…….
I'm sorry --- I had to read this three times and forgive my ignorance but I'm still not comprehending. Are you asking which of these brands you should purchase? I think it would help if you identified which products you were interested in by each of these brands. That may help narrow it down…….

Sorry if I wasn't clear. Yes I am asking in general which brand out of the three should I try. For smooth naturals: I am interested in her hair perfection set which includes the hair perfection, hair martini, ultimate hair treat, and shine and seal. Sisters keeper: dip hair and body moisturizer, happy hair leave-in conditioner, coco honey deep conditioner, mango moisture milk.
Naturalee: I listed those I'm interested in already. Any experiences with any, some or all the above. Customer service experience, etc. I hope this clarifies.
The PJ speaks lol...I have tried all three of these lines.

Smooth Naturals (it was Coily Head Chick when I purchased) was just okay. I did not care for the orange dreamsickle scent of her products. I tried the Deep Treatment (it wasn't good as a DC or Leave In), Hair Frosting (it was good for twist outs but so is whipped Shea butter for a fraction of the price), Hair Martini (great shine, it just made my hair hard), Hair Perfection (smelled like cheap Jergins lotion, didn't have a need for it) and the Hair Pomade (I think that's what it's called) and it was just okay. None of them made it to my staples list and I did not repurchase. Customer service was good, she ships quickly.

Sister's Keeper I tried the Dip Hair and Body Moisturizer. Everyone raved about it but it made my hair hard. Not a repurchase. I don't remember her customer service.

Naturalee Hair Care, I tried a lot of her butters. She changed the scent of the mango vanilla one but I would say that's the best one. Her other butters didn't do anything for my hair. Her customer service was pretty good too, we used to interact a lot. Oh, her jojoba and olive buttercream was good too.

None of these lines are staples or repurchases for me. Someone else may have better luck. I don't care for none of them. But I would say of the three, if your hair loves butters, Naturalee may be the way to go.
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I've tried the Smooth Naturals leave-in (can't remember what it's called...maybe Hair Treat?). It was lovely. It would have been a holy grail if it wasn't for the hideous orange dreamsickle scent (which I usually love). Wish it would be offered either unscented or in another would be the only thing I would use.

I've also tried the Naturalee jojoba something or other buttercream. It has a lovely banana laffy taffy scent and it's quite moisturizing. Her shipping time turned me off of ever ordering again. It took 3 weeks or so. When I inquired about it after 2 weeks she was quite dismissive saying that her shipping times was 14 business days. Maybe I'm sensitive but I feel that instead of saying "I'm still within time limit" maybe she could've gone along the lines of "I'll ship it as soon as I can" or something.
The PJ speaks lol...I have tried all three of these lines.

Smooth Naturals (it was Coily Head Chick when I purchased) was just okay. I did not care for the orange dreamsickle scent of her products. I tried the Deep Treatment (it wasn't good as a DC or Leave In), Hair Frosting (it was good for twist outs but so is whipped Shea butter for a fraction of the price), Hair Martini (great shine, it just made my hair hard), Hair Perfection (smelled like cheap Jergins lotion, didn't have a need for it) and the Hair Pomade (I think that's what it's called) and it was just okay. None of them made it to my staples list and I did not repurchase. Customer service was good, she ships quickly.

Sister's Keeper I tried the Dip Hair and Body Moisturizer. Everyone raved about it but it made my hair hard. Not a repurchase. I don't remember her customer service.

Naturalee Hair Care, I tried a lot of her butters. She changed the scent of the mango vanilla one but I would say that's the best one. Her other butters didn't do anything for my hair. Her customer service was pretty good too, we used to interact a lot. Oh, her jojoba and olive buttercream was good too.

None of these lines are staples or repurchases for me. Someone else may have better luck. I don't care for none of them. But I would say of the three, if your hair loves butters, Naturalee may be the way to go.

Thank you NaturallyATLPCH! I was leaning mostly towards naturalee hair care, my hair does like butters and butter cremes a lot. I have read a lot of your threads and your reviews motivated me to try APB :) You are my product pusher :)worship2:). Can you tell me are you low, normal or high porosity? I think my hair is low/normal, high density (mostly medium to thick strands with a sprinkle of a few fine strands), mostly 4a with some patches from my crown to bang that is much looser and my frizzy section, probably in the 3s, if you type. I am going to have to wait to try naturalee though b/c I already bought 10 APB items :lol:
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When I inquired about it after 2 weeks she was quite dismissive saying that her shipping times was 14 business days. Maybe I'm sensitive but I feel that instead of saying "I'm still within time limit" maybe she could've gone along the lines of "I'll ship it as soon as I can" or something.

Now that is a major turn off :nono:, I've had product take over 30 days to get to me and I vowed never again, so I understand. I do believe that the "well I'm still covered and you'll just have to keep waiting" isn't the response that a customer who has given their hard earned money to a company wants to hear. I do feel like "it'll be to you as soon as possible" would have been a better response. I do want to ask, when you received your tracking number, did it take a long time to show movement on your package? I have to wait to try naturalee hair care because of my recent purchase, but I may not try it if CS seems indifferent/non-chalant. I feel if I pay for a item promptly with no issue, I expect my product to arrive in the same manner, and if it can not, be transparent and accessible and apologetic for the delay. Thanks SweetlyCurly
Now that is a major turn off :nono:, I've had product take over 30 days to get to me and I vowed never again, so I understand. I do believe that the "well I'm still covered and you'll just have to keep waiting" isn't the response that a customer who has given their hard earned money to a company wants to hear. I do feel like "it'll be to you as soon as possible" would have been a better response. I do want to ask, when you received your tracking number, did it take a long time to show movement on your package? I have to wait to try naturalee hair care because of my recent purchase, but I may not try it if CS seems indifferent/non-chalant. I feel if I pay for a item promptly with no issue, I expect my product to arrive in the same manner, and if it can not, be transparent and accessible and apologetic for the delay. Thanks SweetlyCurly

To be honest I don't remember the deal with the tracking but I don't think there was anything shady about it. She just took forever to send it out. I actually decided to use the buttercream as a leave-in today because I'm trying to use it up. The only plus for me is the smell. It's not as moisturizing as I remembered. Had to add some APB liquid leave in to make up for it. But the hair does come out nicely with it. It's just not a repurchase for me
Thank you NaturallyATLPCH! I was leaning mostly towards naturalee hair care, my hair does like butters and butter cremes a lot. I have read a lot of your threads and your reviews motivated me to try APB :) You are my product pusher :)worship2:). Can you tell me are you low, normal or high porosity? I think my hair is low/normal, high density (mostly medium to thick strands with a sprinkle of a few fine strands), mostly 4a with some patches from my crown to bang that is much looser and my frizzy section, probably in the 3s, if you type. I am going to have to wait to try naturalee though b/c I already bought 10 APB items :lol:

Lol, why thank you!

I am low/normal porosity. I will also tell you this. After trying Annabelle's creams, those are all I use now. Her line has definitely curbed my PJism.