Smooth Move Ex-Lax


Well-Known Member
Hi guys! I just wanted to formally introduce myself now that I finally added a siggy, avatar, and pics of my texlaxed hair to my fotki (in profile).

But I also have a question?

Has anyone else noticed that things that are really great for our hair (castor oil, epsom salts, bentonite clay) are also laxatives? Is it possible that other substances that are natural laxatives will also be good for our hair?

Is their something going on here or am I just nuts?

Looking forward to some science heads shedding light on this issue...HHG
Hi guys! I just wanted to formally introduce myself now that I finally added a siggy, avatar, and pics of my texlaxed hair to my fotki (in profile).

But I also have a question?

Has anyone else noticed that things that are really great for our hair (castor oil, epsom salts, bentonite clay) are also laxatives? Is it possible that other substances that are natural laxatives will also be good for our hair?

Is their something going on here or am I just nuts?

Looking forward to some science heads shedding light on this issue...HHG

:lachen: Good post.

lol, I dunno... you may be a little bit nuts girl! It's okay, we all kinda are.

Hmmm... what are some other natural laxatives that seems that they may work?
Good question! I hadn't thought that far but here are some ideas

Natural Laxatives:
Psylium Husks (powdered capsules)
Prunes/Prune Juice

Nourishing herbs such as Aloe Ferox, Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion), and Passiflora incarnata have natural laxative properties and also act as a tonic for the liver. Other herbs that may also have a beneficial effect on the digestive system are Psyllium, a natural bulk forming laxative and Cascara and Senna to stimulate bowel movements.

Some foods to try include:
Avocadoes :blush:
Aloe Vera :blush:
Apple Juice
Brewer's Yeast (Take 1 heaping tsp of brewer's with each meal.
Chicken Broth (canned)
Coconut :blush: (oil anyone?)
Dried apricots
Flaxseed :blush:
Garlic (raw)
Molasses (try 1 tsp in water) :blush:
Olive Oil :blush:
Spanish onion
Spinach (raw)
Sunflower seeds
Wheat germ
Recipes and herbals

Lemon juice in warm water or tea can be effective.
Mix 1 cup tomato juice, 1/4 cup carrot juice, and 1/2 cup sauerkraut juice and drink.
Flaxseed is a popular treatment for constipation. Take 1 to 2 tablespoons with lots of water right after lunch or dinner.
Burdock, Echinacea, horsetail and licorice all have detoxifying properties; consider adding one of these to your diet. Be cautioned that licorice can elevate blood pressure. Do not use this herb on a daily basis for more than a week and avoid it completely if you have high blood pressure.
Barberry (do NOT use during pregnancy), butternut bark, cascara sagrada can be used to flush the colon and help release waste.
Boneset (bonset), elecampane, fenugreek, and yarrow loosen and flush mucus from the intestines.
Fennel restores the acid/alkaline balance of the colon, promotes healing, flushes the colon, and releases waste.
Aloe Ferox has a beneficial effect on digestive functioning. A natural laxative that acts as a remedy for constipation, it is also widely recommended for digestive complaints and inflammatory digestive disorders like IBS and other inflammatory bowel diseases.
Senna generally acts as a stool softener, increasing the amount of water in the digestive tract and colon so constipation can be softened and expelled more easily.
Ginger and cayenne pepper are also good natural laxatives.
Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion) benefits the liver and digestive system by stimulating the release of bile from the liver and acts as a mild laxative. A rich source of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin A, D, C, various B Vitamins, iron, lecithin, silicon, potassium, magnesium, zinc and manganese, it enhances liver and gall bladder functioning.

Is this really a coincidence???? :perplexed
Hmmm... :scratchch

I believe Iris has said that she's used Milk of Magnesia on her hair or her daughter's hair. (or both)
Hi guys! I just wanted to formally introduce myself now that I finally added a siggy, avatar, and pics of my texlaxed hair to my fotki (in profile).

But I also have a question?

Has anyone else noticed that things that are really great for our hair (castor oil, epsom salts, bentonite clay) are also laxatives? Is it possible that other substances that are natural laxatives will also be good for our hair?

Is their something going on here or am I just nuts?

Looking forward to some science heads shedding light on this issue...HHG

Interesting observation. I never thought about that.
*cracks up*

Girl!!! You really might be onto something - someone just started a thread about using Milk of Magnesia in your hair!!!!!!

Most interesting!!! I'll keep an eye on this thread to see if any bold experimenters discover something else new! :yep:
Hmmm... :scratchch

I believe Iris has said that she's used Milk of Magnesia on her hair or her daughter's hair. (or both)

hahaha see I had said on another post people got that mixed up

gurrrl it was M.O.M. (Daily Doctor's Miracle Oil Moisturizer)

lol I'm dyin ova here!
: goes to kitchen to brew a pot of smooth move tea, n soak her hair in it :

just kidding!

Interesting. I remember a long time ago my sister introduced me to some hair vitamins she was taking. I don't remember the name but they were capsules (green looking powder inside) and really all they made me do was constantly go to the bathroom. :lachen:

I stopped taking them because of that. :ohwell:
: goes to kitchen to brew a pot of smooth move tea, n soak her hair in it :

just kidding!


Thanks! But don't play with me like that I was like "Ooooh I can't wait to see how her hair comes out!!!"

i did notice that, but...bentonite on the hair?...

someone direct me to this...cause i definitely bought it for my face

JusKiya has started a new trend of using table or sea salt (sometimes with baking soda) in conditioner to make hair really soft. She was inspired by a thread from tLHC where a lady was using sea salt in her clay for really moist hair. I did a epsom salt and clay mask on my hair yesterday and my hair was so smooth and heavy ( I imagine that it was similar to what henna does for conditioning) I loved it but it was a pain pain pain to rinse out. I used the cheap kitty litter and ground it up in a blender but that stuff still needs to be sifted cause I ended up with a tubful of rocks after 3 cowashes :wallbash:

Imma go look for the link to that thread for you
:rofl3: too funny girl!

OT: I am so happy that you visited my very first thread....and that you got a giggle or two :grin: