Smoking, dry hair, and hair loss


Well-Known Member
I used to smoke and just quit this past March (11 year smoker, yuck!). Anyway, I have noticed that my hair is growing better and it is not so dry as it had been. Decided to look up smoking and hair, this is what I found. If you smoke and want healthy hair (and body for that matter), QUIT SMOKING! If I could do it, anyone can:grin:. I used Chantix (great stuff, no cravings!!)


Both men and women report that hair loss is a constant cause of anxiety for them. Whilst genetic predisposition and environmental factors can trigger hair loss, your bad habits such as smoking can also cause hair loss. Recent studies have confirmed that smoking is a significant risk factor for hair loss.
Smoking also affects the look of your hair by making it look dull and lank. The habit of smoking also causes smelly hair and makes your hair break off.
Hair Follicles
Hair follicles are responsible for hair growth. Dermal papilla, the bulb shaped structures responsible for creating new cells is located at the bottom of the hair follicles. Dermal papilla creates the new cells. These new cells push themselves upwards and force the old cells to move higher. When the cells reach the middle of the hair follicle they die out and become hard. They then become the central core of the hair follicle and subsequently become new hair shaft.
Dermal papilla requires adequate supply of oxygen and blood to create the new cells. A network of tiny blood vessels provides the adequate amounts of oxygen and nutrients required for hair growth to the hair follicle.
Why Smoking Causes Hair Loss
Smoking causes hair loss because it negatively affects the blood circulation system of [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]your [COLOR=blue! important]body[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR].
Cigarette contains 4,000 deadly chemicals that are fatal for [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]your [COLOR=blue! important]health[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]. When you smoke cigarette you inhale all these toxic substances; especially, nicotine and carbon monoxide. The carbon monoxide gas which is carried through in your blood seizes the red blood cells. The cells are prevented from carrying and delivering the adequate amounts of oxygen to all parts of your body including your hair. Because your hair do not get enough nutrients and fresh oxygen from the blood stream they become unhealthy. Due to malnourishment the top layers of your hair become brittle and subsequently they fall off.
Nicotine, the poisonous ingredient of cigarette narrows the blood vessels and decreases the blood flow to the scalp. This leads to delayed and poor healing process of the wound after a hair transplantation treatment. The risk of the wound getting infected also increases. There is poor growth of the transplanted hair due to smoking.
Here are few tips for combating hair loss and promoting new hair growth:
Smoking impairs the supply of oxygenated blood that delivers proteins and nutrients necessary for new hair growth. So giving up smoking will definitely help to improve the condition of your head hair.
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Good info! And congrats for quitting, that's fantastic!!!! :pepper: Hopefully this article will inspire other smokers to quit :yep:
Great info! Thanks for sharing, and congrats for quitting. I'm with tiffers on this, hopefully this thread will inspire others to quit smoking. Very informative thread!
You should be very proud, thats no easy habit to kick! I have been Nic-Free for 3 years now also...
Not only that, your hair reeks of smoke too...I know mines did..
I quit three years ago and I look and feel better than ever! My hair went from looking limp and lifeless to full and vibrant. Congrats to you!
I smoked for 17 years. I quit twice, once for 3 years and now I'm on my 7th year ciggy free.

It does soo much damage and it's not worth it, at all.

Congrats on your new lease on life :grin:
I already knew smoking was bad for my hair.

I still do it :spank: bad me.
Girl i understand...both of my friends still smoke..i am not the friend that looks at them when they take out a ciggy and pulls out a cross to heal them..:grin:..i understand that its a tuff habit to really is..
Congratulations on your victory!! So many people think that the only consequence of smoking is lung cancer and that smoky smell - it actually afffects every body system - every one. Glad you're hair is doing better and glad you're doing better!:grin:
Congrats on the smoking cessation!

Thank you!

Congratulations on your victory!! So many people think that the only consequence of smoking is lung cancer and that smoky smell - it actually afffects every body system - every one. Glad you're hair is doing better and glad you're doing better!:grin:

I feel soooo much better, my skin is better hair, everything. I can sing better now, because I have more lung capacity (um, I'm not the greatest singer, but I can carry a tune in a lil bucket:grin:)

Girl i understand...both of my friends still smoke..i am not the friend that looks at them when they take out a ciggy and pulls out a cross to heal them..:grin:..i understand that its a tuff habit to really is..

Yeah, Neith, it is a hard habit, and it takes determination and shear will to decide you don't want to smoke anymore. You have to be ready in your own time. You decide when that time is, no one else.:yep:
Congrats to you, OP. Although I've never been a smoker, I still know that it's a major undertaking to try to quit. Kudos to anyone who beats that addiction!
