Small Question for Ladies Who Bun..


Well-Known Member
I tried to post in the newly bumped 'Ladies Who Bun..' Poll thread 3 times and it shows I posted but my post isn't showing up!! :mad: :mad:

Ok, well my question is, do any of you ladies bun by just using s scrunchie? No pins, no braiding, or twisting the hair around anything, just not pulling your hair all the way out while securing the scrunchie to hold?

Is this type of bun damaging? Not safe to do for a few days, or is it ok? We're talking silk scrunchie, dry moisturized and oiled hair and just secure enough to hold it in place. Is/Was this good for your hair or not so good? Thanks!
Yes, I bun with a silk scrunchie often. I use to do the sock bun, but I began to get breakage in the crown area. So, I think the silk/satin scrunchie method is better.
when i bun i simply take my own hair and twist it around like a doughnut and pin. that way i dont worry about bands or whatever is securing it damaging my hair. it works well:)
If I'm being super lazy, in a hurry, or can't find any hair pins I'll use a silk scrunchie.

I'm not as careful removing scrunchies from my hair as I am when I use pins so I always manged to pull a few hairs out from the root when I use this method. I really prefer pins or hair sticks.
klb120475 said:
Yes, I bun with a silk scrunchie often. I use to do the sock bun, but I began to get breakage in the crown area. So, I think the silk/satin scrunchie method is better.

Thanks! I kinda swore off all ponys but I was looking at one of my sisters hair yesterday, who has thick APL, aside from her salon day every 2 wks she wears her hair in a low pony with scrunchies all the time! Like everyday, and her hair doesn't seem to get breakage. I'm not all up in her hair like that but when she wears it out it looks just as strong, thick and even. So I was wondering about the effects of bunning this way. I might convert for summer months mostly after my co-wash air-dry set days, to avoid putting heat to it. It's actually in that type of a bun today because although my air-dry set was presentable yesterday, no way was that gonna work out for two days without setting it again, and setting it again to me meant more manipulation. So I just moisturizing and oiled the crap out of it and did the bun to go to work today. My hair hasn't been in a pony or bun like this in years, it a nice size, thick and everything, but the fact that it's there is sort of making me cringe. But I can get use to this a few days out of the weekdays every week, especially as it gets hotter.
camellia said:
If I'm being super lazy, in a hurry, or can't find any hair pins I'll use a silk scrunchie.

I'm not as careful removing scrunchies from my hair as I am when I use pins so I always manged to pull a few hairs out from the root when I use this method. I really prefer pins or hair sticks.

O/T Adorable baby!

Since the fact that my hair is being cinched or held in place at all irks me, I'm sure to be careful removing anything that's holding my hair. For some reason pins in my hair scares me more because it's a hard, more concentrated, tighter stress on the ends or strands.
SvelteVelvet said:
O/T Adorable baby!

Since the fact that my hair is being cinched or held in place at all irks me, I'm sure to be careful removing anything that's holding my hair. For some reason pins in my hair scares me more because it's a hard, more concentrated, tighter stress on the ends or strands.

Good Hair Days pins are great. They hold the hair well but don't put stress on the hair and never rip your hair out when removing them. I was scared of them at first cause they hold the hair so securely, I thought for sure I was gonna lose hair pulling them out, and you have to tug on them a little to get them to come out, but I have never lost any hairs. I bun using the donut, but I don't make a pony first, I just slide the scrunchie over the hair and around the bun. I did this consistently for a year and never had a problem with damage. I still do this but alternate with other protective styles now. HTH;)
yes, that is often how I protect my hair while sleeping. but i do not wear a scrunchie if i'm going out,or if i do, i wrap the hair around it so it's not visible.
Thanks for all your replies ladies! So I've decided on the days following my co-wash & airdry, nightly I'll moisturize and oil and put it in one big braid in the back and wrap it around, secure lightly with my silk scrunchie and put on my scarf, in the morning, undo the braid and put up in a clip/holder that has the tong going through it (I don't know the proper term) but I did that last night and put it up this morning and the ends are actually curled like I put medium rollers coming out of the clip. I think I can work with this as a pro-style a few days a week, plus I LOVE these clips, I'm gonna buy a bunch of em.