Slowly but surely...nape progress pics

Loca, please tell me that you don't go to the same stylist. Because if you are, she'd have a lot of nerve telling you to relax the nape area.

Your progress is wonderful! So when are you going to relax that area again? Would you ever consider going natural?
Yeah, my dad has been using it for years and he still has a good amount of hair on his head. Have you tried going to a hair transplant place. Not for a transplant but they can give you an idea of what type of hair loss you really have going on in a consultation. The ones I have been too have given me very interesting tidbits of info.

I actually made an appointment once, then chickened out. I will do it and report back.

Thanks so much ladies!!

I couldnt have done it without your help.

Tiffers and Lady Esquire it does get really dry sometimes especially when I need a relaxer for some reason. Thanks for the compliments!

Ladies with nape problems, try not relaxing it for a couple of months, it definitely helps:yep:

I read the old thread where others have problems with their nape and they said that they relaxed it every other touchup but I wanted to give that area a break for a while.

I think it was easy for me to do it because the nape broke off to the ng, so I didnt have to worry about the demarcation line because it was natural.

Loca, you're on the ball. You did so well. :yep:
Congratulations! You've made some wonderful progress. You should be proud that you took charge of your own hair care. Great job!
January 2008, I went to a stylist and I dont think she washed out the relaxer properly. As you can see thats not regular breakage.

December 2008 I need to trim it a little.


What I did: From the time that area broke off to now I did not perm it. I wore it natural, so I didnt perm it for 11 months. Stylist would complain but I didnt care.

I made sure I moisturized and sealed it at least once a day. I tried doing massages once in a while but I got lazy with it.

And thats it. I know it's not spectacular. I dont get 6 inches a year more like 3 and I have to trim the rest of my hair to even with the nape but I'm happy. I've been dealing with broken spots for a while now and to see some progress makes me feel good.
thanks for posting this....I'm going through something similar. I noticed breakage in my nape over 2 weeks ago and I really can't say for sure what did it. For the last month I hardly messed with my hair... I wore my hair pulled back wet, a lot during the month so I don't know if that may have contributed to it.....or I'm not sure if it was the color.

I've been moisturizing my nape more than normal since I discovered the breakage and I try no to apply any pressure in that area. I think I'm going to have to do like you and not relax that area next time I get a touch up.

Your post was helpful
Wow!! I love your nape progress! Your hair is shiner and so healthier too, Loca! You have inspired us all!!! Congrats, sis!
Great Job loca!
What type of scalp massage were you doing? Hanging upside down?


No I didnt hang upside down. I would use both my hands and massage it in circles. But don't rub your scalp. Take the tips of your fingers and mover your right hand in a circle and your left hand in the other direction going in a circle. thats the best way I can describe it. Sistaslick has directions on how to do it, in her fotki. and click on her articles and click on scalp care.

Loca, please tell me that you don't go to the same stylist. Because if you are, she'd have a lot of nerve telling you to relax the nape area.

Your progress is wonderful! So when are you going to relax that area again? Would you ever consider going natural?

Thanks girl!
No, I dont go back there at all anymore. After that, that was my last time going there.:nono: I relaxed it two weeks ago. I was natural when I first joined the site. I still like natural hair but I dont think I would go back to it, at least not right now.

Val, it will take time but it will grow back.:yep: Definitely try relaxing that area last or relaxing it every other touch up.

Thanks again ladies! :)
Great progress, loca!!!

Your hair looks so healthy and full! From the way you be talkin about your hair, I was expecting it to be all dry and crispy :lachen:

I know! Like fried chicken wings!:lachen:
Loca, Im through with you now, your hair grew back nicely!:yep:
Sending you a PM!
I am going through the samething, I realized the breakage 2 weeks ago. I hope that I get progress just as good as yours.
oh, wow, it's a complete 180. I'm glad to hear you are making progress. I think about you a lot, actually, so I'm happy to hear you are seeing the results of your hard work.
oh, wow, it's a complete 180. I'm glad to hear you are making progress. I think about you a lot, actually, so I'm happy to hear you are seeing the results of your hard work.
Aww, thanks so much for thinking about me :) It did take some time but it so feels good to finally see results :yep:

I am going through the samething, I realized the breakage 2 weeks ago. I hope that I get progress just as good as yours.
You will!:yep: I felt like mine would never grow back because it was so damaged.
Looks great! I've had issues with my nape for a while....I gotta try this! Thanks for sharing!
Try it!!

Thanks again ladies:grin:
Thats some great progress Loca. I remember taking that first pic for you and I was scared to show u the picture :nono:. Now it looks lovely. Keep it up.