Slowed hair growth for catch-up purposes - UPDATE!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!

Way back in February I posted about how weird my hair was acting. My hair is currently in layers (not by choice, it just grew that way) but as my old post says, it seems as if the growth in the back has slowed down dramatically whereas the front and crown growth has sped up quite nicely.
Does Hair Growth Slow for Catch-Up Purposes?

Well, it's almost been six months since I posted this and growth in the back is currently 1/4 inch per month (was 1/2 inch per month when I first went natural) and the growth at the top and crown is 1/2 inch per month (used to be 1/4-1/3 inch per month). It's not breakage (thank God!) because the ends in the back are in tip top shape.

One theory was that the hair in the back was just going through a resting phase but hair does not stay in a resting phase for 8 months.

Now I'm beginning to believe that my hair is growing out of these layers naturally in an effort to have the hair fall in the same place and the growth in the back will continue to be slow until the front catches up.

What do you guys think?

that is exactly what happened to me...and now it is mostly one length. The bangs are now starting to stretch out longer...then the temple sides and then the crown, that seems to be where the new growth is concentrating....hth Bonjour
I read this article yesterday on about how the body likes balance and it's not good to have bangs and layers. This might be the same article two ladies were talking about in the previous thread I had:

A lot of what is said sounds crazy. For instance, if hair is dead then how does the body know that the hair has been cut into layers? But as crazy as it might seem, what they said about the growth rate slowing on longer lengths and speeding up on shorter lengths is exactly what's happening to me right now and has been happening for months now.

I don't think this happens with everybody because I had bangs and the bangs grew out really fast but when my sister got bangs, it took her a long time to get her hair back all one length.
