Slow growing :(

Am I the only person who has really slow growing 3c-4a type hair . My paternal grandmother had 2c hair and it never grew past her shoulders . My maternal grandmothaer had 4 c hair and it was past her shoulders .
Are my hair genetics unlucky...I have not posted for a while but I am ready to try at it again. I just do not want to fall back into the pjism.
Have you tried MTG.....? Or M.N.? I know many ladies on the board dont believe in growth aids.... but I am one who does. :) Who knows, it may speed up your growth rate a little bit.
I'm sorry I can't help with the growth question but I just wanted to say "hi"!! I remember you from when I first joined, and you were one of my inspirations to go natural! Your hair is looking good by the way.... ;) ... any new updates?
I think my hair growth is average but have you thought about vitamins?

I was doing the vitamin thing and it was all good until I got lazy and my growth slowed down. I started shedding and my hair grew NOTHING like it did.

Then I stepped back up my vitamin game (biotin, MSM, b150 complex, horsetail, and a multivitamin) and my hair is thanking me something serious for doing this!!!! I don't know which one is helping but it is getting my growth kicking! You should def. try it!
Thanks ladies I am going to bust out the MTG i used it last year. I also used surge and i remember i had sideburns. With the vits i will take the msm . even though it made my period heavy. biotin gave me pimples... boy i have issues. I am on this journey once again starting tomm.