Slow Growing Area


New Member

I would like to know if any of you dolls hair grows slow at certain areas of your head? The back of my head averages about 3 inches a year and the top, somewhere around 7. I hate that because now that my hair is almost BSL its coming from the crown of my head and the back is chillin at APL (after 3.5 years)

What can I do to step up the growth rate.

The front sides of my head grows the slowest. the crown and rest or my hair grows pretty fast, but the sides only in the front is like a snail.
The sides of my hair grow rapidly. Also front like literally an 1" (in the front) maybe every month and a half. The back chucked the deuces and ain't going that Gonna cut side bangs in the summer tho so should be all good.
I'd say the front of my hair grows the slowest. for some strange reason, my hair ALWAYS wants to grow in layers. I can put it into a blunt even cut all the way around but the top part of my hair is stubborn and wants to take its precious time. Everything else on my head grows at a regular rate.

I've read many good things about MSM helping with growth rate.
Yup, my front and back grow the fastest while my crown moves at glacial pace. Try massaging the scalp in the slower areas a few times a week, might help.
My front grows very slow. It's at chin length while the back layer is grazing BSL. Ridiculous.

Sent from Topnotch1010's Samsung Galaxy Tablet using LHCF
Thanks for your replies. I'm going to cook up some growth aid and get the massaging. I'll see how it goes in the next three months
My crown grows slow, but my nape grows even slower. My sides are about 12 inches and my nape is only about 7 inches. I am applying mega-tek every night until May 1st to see what happens.:perplexed
My crown grows the slowest. I think relaxers damaged that part of my scalp though, because I almost went bald there. My back and sides grow much faster.
My sides are the slowest growers ever :-(

The fact that it is the kinkiest hair on my head doesn't help either. I have my hair braided now and massage the sides daily. I need to get back on my sulfur oil and see how it goes...good luck.
The front of my hair where you would usually cut bangs, grow the slowest. they barely pass my chin. It also doesn't help that I constantly get setbacks in that area and have to cut for a fresh start at every relaxer. smh

Sent from a land where women rule.....