Slow Growers


Real Housewife of Houston
I'm posting this in both the children's and the main hair forums to get more input.

My DD's hair grows close to 1/4" per month (maybe a little less than 1/4"). Is this normal for a small child? She's 5.

Anyone start off as a slow grower when they were younger or have a child who started off as a slow grower who's speed picked up as she got older?

I need inspiration :sad: My hair grows more than 1/2" per month and has always grown at a fairly normal pace.

Any suggestions are welcome!
As a young child my hair use to grow very slow, i was neck length for so long. until i turned 15 my hair started growing at a faster rate, i dont know why maybe due to a change of diet, or increase of hormones in my body at that timw. Then from the age of 18 it slowed down again but that was due to my mis handling of my hair( colouring, perming etc) i went natural and at the age of 22 my hair started growing at faster rate again, but this time i know it was down to a lot of tlc from myself and my great hair stylist.

A lot of factors can play a key role in slower/ faster hair growth, plus kids are still devloping so as they get older a lot changes in their bodies. xx
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Sometimes gaps in certain vitamins and minerals can lead to hair not growing to its full potential. Ever considered a multi-vitamin or more nutrient rich fruits and vegetables in your little one's diet?
from what i understand children's growth rate is relevant to age.....she is still fairly young to reach a mature adult growth rate. 1/4 inch is probably normal for her as a five year old.

children's growth rates overall are affected by hormonal activity.

if you think your daughter has an issue with growth rate (hair or otherwise) your pediatrician can do tests to determine if there is a vitamin deficiency or hormonal imbalance that needs to be corrected.

1/4 inch seems to be within the normal growth rate for height and weight of a 5 year old female in the 50+ percentile. (i asked a nurse at work)
Thank you for the responses!!

Curly Luul This is very encouraging! Thank you for your story!

Aireen She takes a children's multi-vit daily. I need to work on her diet. She's a picky eater.

havilland Thank you for your response. It made me feel better, especially the nurses comment.
Aireen She takes a children's multi-vit daily. I need to work on her diet. She's a picky eater.

topnotch1010 - Is it solid? Solid vitamins are a lot harder for the body to absorb than liquid vitamins. For highly nutritious fruits I recommend papaya, avocado, guava, cantalope, kiwi, strawberries, and apricots. :yep: Your DD will probably like one of those and I can say avocado makes an excellent side dish in a lot of foods; where I'm from we eat it with everything. :lol:
topnotch1010 - Is it solid? Solid vitamins are a lot harder for the body to absorb than liquid vitamins. For highly nutritious fruits I recommend papaya, avocado, guava, cantalope, kiwi, strawberries, and apricots. :yep: Your DD will probably like one of those and I can say avocado makes an excellent side dish in a lot of foods; where I'm from we eat it with everything. :lol:

It's solid. I will look for her a liquid vit. Thank you for the tip!

She does like strawberries and cantaloupe. I will try to introduce these others as well. Thank you so much for all of your advice!!:yep:
It's solid. I will look for her a liquid vit. Thank you for the tip!

She does like strawberries and cantaloupe. I will try to introduce these others as well. Thank you so much for all of your advice!!:yep:

No problem! I hope she likes them, I know when I was young I didn't like these fruits at all but my mother force fed me them. Now I love most of them! I think she'll like kiwi though, it's very delicious and melts in your mouth so you don't have to chew much if it's ripe. :grin:
i guess i would be considered a slow grower. my hair grows a 1/4 of an inch. when i was a child, i didn't have long hair, but my mother (bless her heart) kinda jacked up what i did have. when i became an adult, i was able to achieve APL in two years, before i cut my hair again.

i cut my hair down to a fade last year, and a year later, it is 5-6 inches. my daughter is a slower grower too. she is 3 years old. just make sure you do your best to retain her growth. i wouldn't worry about it. it might just be in the genes.

btw, i am anemic, and have been all of my life. i'm looking for a supplement for myself as well as for my children. can't handle the iron pills. we eat a lot of fruits and veggies, but it doesn't seem to be enough.
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I've been wondering about this too. So it does appear that adults hair grows faster than childrens? Because i've been on my journey for almost nine months and i've accumulated almost 5 inches of hair(even after the big chop)and my 6 year old dd's hair has pretty much stayed at the same just below shoulder length over this period of time. I have her on a regimine nearly identical to mine. But she too is a very picky eater. And i do give her a solid vitamin. I may look into a liquid vitamin for her as well. Thanx ladies.
I've been wondering about this too. So it does appear that adults hair grows faster than childrens? Because i've been on my journey for almost nine months and i've accumulated almost 5 inches of hair(even after the big chop)and my 6 year old dd's hair has pretty much stayed at the same just below shoulder length over this period of time. I have her on a regimine nearly identical to mine. But she too is a very picky eater. And i do give her a solid vitamin. I may look into a liquid vitamin for her as well. Thanx ladies.

So I'm not alone in this.... I thought maybe I had done something wrong when she was younger before I found LHCF. Her hair has been at or around APL for a while now. I moisturize and seal daily and I use little manipulation.

Thank you all for the responses. I got some really great advice and will be following it all. :kiss:
My hair grows slow. I also get about 1/4 of an inch a month. I just stop chasing faster growth. I think my hair grows so slow even growth aid don't help that much so I get discourage. I'm not saying the growth aids don't work, I'm just saying I couldn't really see the growth because let's just say 25% increase of not that much is still not that much.

I've learn the best method for me is to focus on retention. That has allow me to keep length. It's a slow process but I can't have it breaking or shedding faster than it grows.
glad i could help....

aireen is right...check out they have a great selection of organic and raw vitamins...they have liquid viatmins and also chewable gummy vitamins. my son loves the gummy vitamins.

they have the best prices i have seen on health products. i buy household cleaners, hair oils and butters, and vitamin supplements for the whole family from them.
Keen You are absolutely right. I'm just going to focus more on retention and her diet/vitamins for optimal health.

glad i could help....

aireen is right...check out they have a great selection of organic and raw vitamins...they have liquid viatmins and also chewable gummy vitamins. my son loves the gummy vitamins.

they have the best prices i have seen on health products. i buy household cleaners, hair oils and butters, and vitamin supplements for the whole family from them.

Thank you for this website! You guys are awesome!