Sleep Paralysis? Yeah right!


Well-Known Member
So its 4:55 a.m. where I live and I'm wide awake after experiencing what scientists want to call sleep paralysis. I wasn't in a deep sleep but I was asleep on my stomach and could literally feel something, a presence, get on top of me and hold my neck and head, preventing me from moving but I could move my legs. So I began to pray in my mind and after a couple of moments it lifted so I got up and anointed myself and began to have prayer and bible study. I am fully aware of spiritual warfare so I know it was a demonic type of attack. This is the thing, I have a close friend who is desperately trying to break into the (secular) music industry and I ended up watching some videos about the dark side of the industry. No need to elaborate, I'm sure most of you know already. Anyhow, I began to warn her which basically fell on deaf ears. I'm wondering if even watching that could have opened me up to that kind of attack. I used to have them when I first got saved at age 14 but not since I have been an adult. Do any of you ladies know what could have caused that and how to make sure it doesn't happen again?

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i used to have these. .i don't think watching those videos had anything to do with it ..God showed me that that enemy was trying to provoke fear on me ,trying to intimidate me.When it would happen to me ,i would hear whispering in my ear ....

I am not sure about this story and the friend. As I do not really think I have enough info to comment on that part. But I do know we are not to be yolked with unbelievers. But Jesus did befriend sinners though according to the Word. (Luke 7:34) You can minister and show them another way but be mindful not to allow them to bring you down spiritually. I agree with the other poster that there is some fear involved but God has given you not a spirit of fear but LOVE, POWER & a SOUND mind. (2 Tim 1:7)

First things first. I would rededicate my life to the Lord. I do this all the time during my repentance to make sure my heart is right before Him and I ask Him to search me. Then I would plead the blood of Jesus over myself/family/home and just begin to pray to the Lord for protection and that you have the mind of Christ (John 6:53). Also if you use prayer oil (Isaiah 10:27)(extra virgin or whatever you have), bless and anoint your house and allow the presence of God and the Holy Spirit to dwell there. Even the angelic hosts. Then bless and praise God because the Word says praise confuses the enemy! Then rebuke and bind any hindrance to your peaceful & restful sleep. The Word say we will dwell in peaceable habitation (Isaiah 32:18). Consistently and prayerfully bless your home every week or what you feel is needed for your spiritual life right now. I do this all the time and my home is incredibly peaceful. Shalom :)
you were being 'hagged' surprisingly wiki has a definition for it, for years I thought the name was just limited to the islands (I'm from an island) ...

Having been 'hagged' myself a few times, I can't say that it's limited to the things we expose our eyes gates to or who are friends are as I have a friend who is unsaved, she also has these experiences 'regulary' and we were once roommates and nothing happened to me as a result of our friendship (I'm still praying for her and talking to her about God)...

I will PM you ...

I am not sure about this story and the friend. As I do not really think I have enough info to comment on that part. But I do know we are not to be yolked with unbelievers. But Jesus did befriend sinners though according to the Word. (Luke 7:34) You can minister and show them another way but be mindful not to allow them to bring you down spiritually. I agree with the other poster that there is some fear involved but God has given you not a spirit of fear but LOVE, POWER & a SOUND mind. (2 Tim 1:7)

First things first. I would rededicate my life to the Lord. I do this all the time during my repentance to make sure my heart is right before Him and I ask Him to search me. Then I would plead the blood of Jesus over myself/family/home and just begin to pray to the Lord for protection and that you have the mind of Christ (John 6:53). Also if you use prayer oil (Isaiah 10:27)(extra virgin or whatever you have), bless and anoint your house and allow the presence of God and the Holy Spirit to dwell there. Even the angelic hosts. Then bless and praise God because the Word says praise confuses the enemy! Then rebuke and bind any hindrance to your peaceful & restful sleep. The Word say we will dwell in peaceable habitation (Isaiah 32:18). Consistently and prayerfully bless your home every week or what you feel is needed for your spiritual life right now. I do this all the time and my home is incredibly peaceful. Shalom :)

Thank you for your insight. I think the fear part is the key. This particular friend has been my friend 10 years and she actually isn't an unbeliever. She has only been deceived recently because she can't find a job in her field and the music thing is starting to thrive so she thinks that means Jesus is leading her in that direction. I stumbled on the videos by accident and I typically stay away from things that would provoke fear because I live alone. This time I watched because I have a friend who wants go get involved in this stuff. Not only that, I have been fasting. My sister and I are doing a 30 day Daniel fast, for nothing more than to be totally intimate with Jesus and to know his will for our individual lives. I have been really focused on this fast so I feel like the fear issue opened the door for that to happen.

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i used to have these. .i don't think watching those videos had anything to do with it ..God showed me that that enemy was trying to provoke fear on me ,trying to intimidate me.When it would happen to me ,i would hear whispering in my ear ....

Thank you so much. I think watching those videos provoked fear in me.

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you were being 'hagged' surprisingly wiki has a definition for it, for years I thought the name was just limited to the islands (I'm from an island) ...

Having been 'hagged' myself a few times, I can't say that it's limited to the things we expose our eyes gates to or who are friends are as I have a friend who is unsaved, she also has these experiences 'regulary' and we were once roommates and nothing happened to me as a result of our friendship (I'm still praying for her and talking to her about God)...

I will PM you ...

Thank you so much! I would love to hear your insight.

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So its 4:55 a.m. where I live and I'm wide awake after experiencing what scientists want to call sleep paralysis. I wasn't in a deep sleep but I was asleep on my stomach and could literally feel something, a presence, get on top of me and hold my neck and head, preventing me from moving but I could move my legs. So I began to pray in my mind and after a couple of moments it lifted so I got up and anointed myself and began to have prayer and bible study. I am fully aware of spiritual warfare so I know it was a demonic type of attack. This is the thing, I have a close friend who is desperately trying to break into the (secular) music industry and I ended up watching some videos about the dark side of the industry. No need to elaborate, I'm sure most of you know already. Anyhow, I began to warn her which basically fell on deaf ears. I'm wondering if even watching that could have opened me up to that kind of attack. I used to have them when I first got saved at age 14 but not since I have been an adult. Do any of you ladies know what could have caused that and how to make sure it doesn't happen again?

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Found this for you but not sure it will be of much assistance.

Question: "Is sleep paralysis the result of spiritual attack?"

Answer: Sleep paralysis can be a very scary thing. In it, you know you’re asleep, you try to wake up, but you can’t. It’s often accompanied by an irrational feeling of utter terror, and sometimes images of figures in black cloaks. Many cultures have developed supernatural explanations for sleep paralysis. In China, it’s called mèng yǎn, “ghost pressing on body.” In some Muslim countries, it’s associated with an evil djinn. In Africa, it’s called “the witch riding your back.”

However, there is an entirely physiological explanation for the phenomenon known as sleep paralysis. As we fall asleep, our minds may enter a hypnagogic state. It’s what happens when the sleeper’s still-aware mind is faced with dream images. As some people wake up, they experience a hypnopompic state, which is the dreaming mind faced with stimuli from the real world. In both cases, the dreams can seem very real, taking on a vivid hallucinatory feeling. Often these images are of black smudges, which the confused mind interprets as human figures, sometimes called “shadow people.” The hallucinations can also take the form of sounds like a loud bang or a child’s cry. These episodes frequently begin with a falling feeling followed by a “hypnic jerk” where the body’s muscles violently contract.

One of the scarier experiences with sleep paralysis is the inclusion of lucid dreaming and false awakening. The sleeper recognizes they’re asleep and tries to wake up. They open their eyes in relief, but soon realize they’re still asleep. This can go on for some time, sometimes resulting in an actual awareness of their real surroundings—the pressure of the covers, the light of the room beyond their eyelids—but still the inability to fully waken. That awareness can slip away again, returning the sleeper to the hallucinations.

Muscle paralysis in sleep is a necessary thing. People who act out their dreams on a regular basis are prone to accidental injury—even jumping out of windows. Knowing that you’re asleep and paralyzed, however, can be frightening. You tell yourself to open your eyes, just to get caught in another false awakening. One theory is that sleep paralysis affects the larger parts of the body more completely. You can try to wake up by wiggling your toes or fingers. It’s also possible to pray in your sleep. This will often give comfort that lets you fall back into unconsciousness. You may be able to avoid sleep paralysis by getting sufficient rest and avoiding drugs and alcohol.

In probably the vast majority of cases, sleep paralysis is just a quirk in a person’s REM cycle, not a spiritual attack. At the same time, there is no denying that demons can and do attack us. It seems plausible, then, that demons can and do attack us while we sleep. In the Gospels, several instances of demonic attack involved clear physical symptoms. So, it is possible that a demonic attack could result in symptoms resembling sleep paralysis. Whatever the case, we have a God who watches over us, whether we are awake or asleep (1 John 4:4).

“In peace I will both lie down and sleep, For You alone, O LORD, make me to dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8
also 'clean house' sometimes we need to do this you would normally clean your house pray and evict all illegal tenants annoint as you are lead (I do door posts and window sills) ...
last one

here's what I found on wiki answers

What does hagged mean? In: Ghosts, Fables and Folklore [Edit categories]

Related QuestionsWhere are ghost from? Is the Ghost in 13 ghost is real? What was about the prophecy about the ghost in the canterville ghost? What do ghosts do to you? Answer:

Being hagged means experiencing a night terror. Usually with sleep paralysis. There is usually a black form that becomes a shape. Some people see dark shadows, some see a hag or a witch. This hag will walk up to the bed then jump onto their chest. All the while the person suffering the nightmare will not be able to move although they feel completely awake inside. Sometimes the hag laughs at them, sometimes chokes them. Sometimes it just sits and stare at them. Then it is gone. They say one out of five people have experienced night terrors. It was a well known phoenomenom in the 1600 to 1800's. Some people claim it is a demon wanting inside you. Some say if you pray it will go away. Some pray over and over again during the attack. Attacks can be long or short attacks. Some seconds some up to 20-45 minutes. Children have most of the night terrors. Especially the longer lasting ones. Search night terrors, sleep paralysis.
Let your comfort be this that when you are a child of God, NOTHING can happen to you unless God allows it. He sees everything and when we rest in Him, He is our protector.....
I had an experience over the summer (not in my home) in my sleep where I felt like I was being pulled off the bed and I couldn't open my mouth to speak. I was able to make the sign of the cross and that was enough. I do believe these kind of attacks can happen. I keep holy water in my home and bless myself daily. I also sprinkle it when I get the urge. You don't have to be Catholic to use holy water BTW. :yep:

The ritual use of this precious substance is ancient and rooted in the Old Testament. When the Israelites entered the Temple, they had to undergo purifcation by immersion in a mikvah (modern Jews still make use of mikva'ot on Yom Kippur, on wedding days, for purification after menstruation or coming into contact with a dead body or semen, etc.). These ritual purifications by water prefigured Christian Baptism, which we recall when we bless ourselves (cross ourselves) using holy water upon entering our churches. Devoutly blessing one's self with Holy Water remits venial sins.

When you enter a church, you might find a holy water font (or "stoup") attached to the wall at one or both sides of each door, or you might find a free-standing font. Simply dip the tips of the fingers of your right hand into the water and cross yourself while mentally contemplating the words, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." Don't rush through this; make it meaningful, remembering the meaning of your Baptism and mentally expressing your gratitude to God. Many Catholics repeat this process upon leaving the church, too. (Note: you might see one Catholic dip his fingers into the Holy Water and touch fingers with another Catholic to share it if that second Catholic can't reach the font comfortably).

This holy water is also used by the priest to sprinkle the people before the beginning of Mass. He will have a pail-like vessel called an "aspersory" to hold the holy water, and into this he will dip a stick called an "aspergillum" (or an "aspergill"). The aspergillum has holes in it to catch droplets of the water, and the priest's swinging it toward the congregation causes the drops of water to fly out. This blessing of the congregation before Mass is called "Aspérges" and the accompanying, chanted words come from Psalm 50:

Aspérges me, Domine, hyssopo, et mundabor: lavabis me, et super nivem dealbador. Miserére mei, Deus, secundum magnam misericordiam tuam

Thou shalt sprinke me, O Lord, with hyssop and I shall be cleansed; Thou shalt wash me, and I shall become whiter than snow. Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy
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Holy water is blessed on the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6) and any time thereafter that holy water is needed. First, the salt to be added to the water is exorcized and blessed. Then the water itself is blessed with these words:

I exorcise thee in the name of God the Father almighty, and in the name of Jesus Christ His Son, our Lord, and in the power of the Holy Ghost, that you may be able to put to flight all the power of the enemy, and be able to root out and supplant that enemy and his apostate angels; through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire.

God, Who for the salvation of the human race has built your greatest mysteries upon this substance, in your kindness hear our prayers and pour down the power of your blessing into this element, prepared by many purifications. May this your creation be a vessel of divine grace to dispel demons and sicknesses, so that everything that it is sprinkled on in the homes and buildings of the faithful will be rid of all unclean and harmful things. Let no pestilent spirit, no corrupting atmosphere, remain in those places: may all the schemes of the hidden enemy be dispelled. Let whatever might trouble the safety and peace of those who live here be put to flight by this water, so that health, gotten by calling Your Holy Name, may be made secure against all attacks. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.

How to use it

You can keep it in decorative bottles 1 for storage at home or in little flasks, made for this purpose, to carry with you. Most Catholics keep at least some in holy water fonts.

Holy water fonts for the home come in all sizes and shapes, some tacky and plastic, others quite lovely and made of alabaster, marble, porcelain, sandstone, or metals -- as inexpensive or as expensive as you like -- some resting on tables, most hanging on walls (one example is shown at right). You can buy one from most Catholic gift shops or make your own (consider using bivalve seashells as basins, or the shell motif in design. The seashell is a very ancient symbol of Baptism, and the shells of large molluscs -- weighing up to 500 pounds -- have been used in churches as basins for holy water). Tip: putting a thin sponge inside the font is said to make the water evaporate less quickly.

Catholics often keep a font near their front door, in their bedrooms' doorways, and near the family altar. Use the water in the same way you do at church, dipping your fingers into it and making the Sign of the Cross. Bless your children with it as you tuck them in at night, using your thumb to sign them with a cross of holy water on their foreheads.

Most Catholics pray "In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" when blessing themselves with Holy Water, but this is another beautiful prayer:

By Thy Precious Blood and by this Holy Water, cleanse me (him/her) from my (his/her) sins, O Lord.

Another use of holy water is to give tiny sips to the sick or spiritually oppressed. It shouldn't be consumed as a beverage, mind you, but the ingestion of small amounts, or adding a few drops to foods, is common.
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I had an experience over the summer (not in my home) in my sleep where I felt like I was being pulled off the bed and I couldn't open my mouth to speak. I was able to make the sign of the cross and that was enough. I do believe these kind of attacks can happen. I keep holy water in my home and bless myself daily. I also sprinkle it when I get the urge. You don't have to be Catholic to use holy water BTW. :yep:

Thank you. I don't have holy water but I do have oil. I was anointing myself daily but stopped. Guess ill be starting back :-)

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Let your comfort be this that when you are a child of God, NOTHING can happen to you unless God allows it. He sees everything and when we rest in Him, He is our protector.....

I will get some Scriptures to start repeating to myself. Thank you.

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If you do a search you will find many other threads in LHCF on this where others shared much insight. I am in a rush and have shared much in those threads so I hope You find them.

I can say from the many I've experienced as a Christian and the questions I've asked God and others, the reasons can be many and varied but most spiritual. You can open doors in many ways or simple associations can bring them in. People hating you etc. can also be a cause and I believe even worry and depression can be open doors.

I have a story about my husband listening to a batman soundtrack while I was sleeping. he was in the office and I had no idea wha he was doing. At the same time it was almost as if I was about to begin a dream. Heard a portion of music and immediately I was under attack. I knew to call on the name of Jesus but that one took some time before I was released. I told my husband about it the next day and tried to explain the music. In the evening he called me into the office and played a few snippets of the things he had listened too. When he got to the batman sound track it was that, but the strange thing was that a chill ran up my spine, extreme fear came over me and I ran screaming out of the room. I've had worst occurances but I mentioned this one because I couldn't remember feeling such fear a whole day after. Now I rebuke the spirit of fear if any such thing happens and not let it hang around. Also, I wasn't the one listening to or watching anything that could open the door to such.

There is one instance when I was under a terrible attack like something was trying to pull me out of my body. As I was fighting I looked to the side where my husband was sleeping and...:look: You know I think I better leave that one alone. I haven't had any in a while. I have had some serious praying about the matter and it seems like I am awoken before most attacks with the sense to pray. If I do get an attack I use the name of Jesus, get out, pray and go back to sleep (unless my spirit is troubled then I pray more). HTH
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Thank you for your response MSee. I will go look up those threads. After I read all the comments I anointed the entire house and prayed in every room and I finally had a peaceful nights sleep. I am realizing now how sensitive we are to things we see and hear. I can remember struggling against this "presence" and literally jerking to get up. I can't be convinced that this is a phenomenon that can be explained away as a normal occurance scientifically. It's definitely a spiritual thing and its sometimes related to things we see and hear.

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It's comforting to know there is absolutely nothing that would happen to us that God won't allow. He is in control and our protector. I've experience night attacks before...even the whispered name of Jesus is powerful. I'm just now more careful, esp with movies/TV programmes that I watch since that experience. Music have demonic influences as well..that's a whole other thread.... lol
I went through this last week. Something woke me up on time for work, so it must have been a good spirit :o)
I felt a hard tapping on the bed, trying to wake me up. The crazy part about it is, I had my alarm set for 5:40 am. It woke me up at 5:37am right before my alarm would go off. My baby sleeps in her bed right next to me, and I try not to wake her up as I'm getting up and ready for work. So, that was helpful because I got to turn my alarm off before it started beeping. It was strange, but it didn't bother me. I used to feel this all the time, but it was always bad and never good. I got the whispers, the choking feeling, and all that other crazy stuff so this time it wasn't so bad. When it used to get crazy, I learned to fight back or call on the lord and it went away.
This has happened to me ever since I was a child every once in awhile, maybe 6-10 times a year I would guess. :perplexed I've never been able to pinpoint the onset of this feeling of not being able to move but I eventually started to think it's some type of demonic force.