Bubl'n, I'm not sure about the article only because I know for a fact that I've been "slain in the spirit" so to speak.
I'll never forget it. I had been tarrying to receive the impartation of the Holy Ghost and Mildred Harris was holding bible studies at Dixon Elementary School. My friends Valencia and Alvin were there, along with me. I was praying and Mildred Harris came and stood in front of me. I hit the floor like a firecracker. She didn't touch me or anything. I kept trying to get up and couldn't. I could literally feel something holding me to the floor.
And then, the impartation began...I began speaking in tongues so heavily that I couldn't stop. Once the service was ending, I was still going. Since it was my first true impartation, I didn't understand how to calm myself down in the spirit. I spoke in tongues even 10 minutes after I left the school. I had to make myself calm down before I went in the house because I knew my parents wouldn't understand.