

New Member
I was wondering if anyone knew where I could buy the Skala products. I already know about that one yahoo store but I called them and they are going out of business and don't have all the products I want. I wanted the aloe vera shampoo, conditioner, and leave in. I also wanted the milk bath conditioning cream. Are there any other stores that I can order these from? Or does anyone have any of the products I mentioned that you would like to sell?
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Oh no! where will we buy our skala!!! I was going to order from them today. I don't even think it's on Ebay anymore
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DANG! Just when I finally found where they sell it and now they are going out of business. Jeez! Can't win for losing. Well, better luck next time.
I know I was really disappointed because I wanted to buy those products. They still have some of the products but the leave in conditioners and most of the shampoos are gone. I think they have like three types of shampoos left. I talked to them on the phone and the guy had say they were going out of business. He said Skala was a great line of products and that the people who used it loved it but the problem was that there wasn't enough demand for it.

I called another website about the Skala. The problem with them was that they are distributors and the only way I could get some of the Skala would be if I ordered the product in a bulk case of a dozen.
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Well I found that pretty much all shampoos are the same anyway. if you can get the conditioners, get them.