Skala Users: How are you washing your hair?


Active Member
Hey Ladies :)

I just purchased some Skala products due to all of the rave reviews. I know they contain petrolatum. How are you all washing it out? Are you clarfiying weekly? Using a chelating shampoo? Just co-washing? TIA :).
Right now I just use the Skala conditioners - C3- Avacoda and Shea - I make sure I clarify once a week with Giovanni 50/50 I think it's called - other wise I just use a poo bar to wash my hair. So far I haven't had any issues with the petrolatum ingredient.
I cowash, I haven't had an issue with build up yet. As a matter of fact I'm using the aloe mixed with the 2min as type this now, about to do a steamtreatment
I haven't been using it long, but I don't anticipate having to do anything differently. I use a clarifying poo once every 4-6 weeks anyway, so I should be fine. Plus the Skala shampoos do have sulfates (at least the Ceramide and Jaborandi ones I have do) .
I normally wash my hair with Kinky Curly Come Clean every so often....and it seems to remove any and all build up in my hair....I did have to shampoo prior to using the products ...but I have been good since I have been just co-washing with them since I originally shampooed...But I am only a little over a week using them exclusively