SJS new natural hair video- Your Boyfriend doesn't like your natural hair

Cute! I like that he seems to know his stuff.

He is right. Some men just do not understand natural hair. I had a young, Black male colleague (interracial parents) comment this week about my hair. We were talking about hair at a work event and he said "Nobody told you to let your hair get that nappy."

Needless to say, the tables turned and I had to show him the other side of me since he clearly had it twisted and believed he could joke with me about hair. I gave him a hair lesson but he probably will still make such comments....until it gets him cut.
And I thought my man appreciated my natural hair... This video makes me feel okay asking him to help me re-do my mini twists this weekend.
just ran across this on youtube and just KNEW someone had already posted it...and of course someone had. LHCF detectives don't miss NATHAN :lachen:
Cute! I like that he seems to know his stuff.

He is right. Some men just do not understand natural hair. I had a young, Black male colleague (interracial parents) comment this week about my hair. We were talking about hair at a work event and he said "Nobody told you to let your hair get that nappy."

Needless to say, the tables turned and I had to show him the other side of me since he clearly had it twisted and believed he could joke with me about hair. I gave him a hair lesson but he probably will still make such comments....until it gets him cut.

He had me lol at if you tell him "maybe your man will understand that you need eco styler" in the early am! That cracked me up so badly! Though my fiance does not live with me, I remember an incident when I called him hysterical asking for him to get a hair product and deliver it. I started washing my hair early in the am and it started locking LOCKING! It was like this shampoo sucked all the moisture out. I called him, hysterical, asking him to run and get just for me detangling spray at walgreens on astor place cause its open 24-7 and then come to my apartment. He showed up with detangling spray in hand and I was standing at the front of my apartment with wet hair sooo appreciative. Odd as I can't remember the name of the shampoo now. I was trying something new, a sample that came with my order. Now I stick to what I know works!

But I'm guilty of sending a guy running for products in the early am :grin:
It is good to have a man who appreciates natural hair.:yep:

I will say once I had braids in consecutively and he was tired and wanted me to switch it up (it was more about style though because he thinks braids look like a little kid). I said to him it was easiest for me and did he want me to get to waist length or not (protective styling 24-7 would get me there faster). That was the end of that. And I'm sure he appreciates the results now (and now I have a new goal as I've reached wl of tailbone or classic). Talking to a man does work (if he loves you and appreciates what you're doing he'll get over a hairstyle that he doesn't appreciate). Now I can't say the same if he doesn't appreciate natural hair...that to me seems to be a problem with natural hair and is an "issue" versus a problem with a specific hairstyle.