!Sitting here with henna on my head...1st time!


New Member
So I got "Caca Brun" henna from Lush today (after emailing them and asking about additives, etc.) It comes in a solid bar form, and you have to grate it then add boiling water then put in a double boiler. WOW! What a chore!!! My right hand is stained because the glove ripped.

I didn't realize that henna smelled so funky. Very green and herb-y. Anyway, I immediately cleaned my bathroom after putting my cap on, because it got ALL OVER THE PLACE. It was gritty, so I kept adding hot water to it as it thickened too much, otherwise it would not go on my hair.

Also: It's gonna be a LOOOONG night. I have another hour to go with the henna, then rinsing is going to be a B#$%H, I know. (I found some Suave Milk n Honey cond. at Star Market for a dollar- side note: didn't they d/c this?-so I'll add that to help it glide out. Then I'm going to deep cond. THEN do a rollerset and sit under my dryer.

On second thought, mayber I'll DC overnight and dry in the morning....

Anyway, have any of you used the "Caca" henna fromm Lush? How did you like it?

Have a hood night, all

UPDATE: Well, it's two days later and I have to say: I LOVE HENNA!! My hair is moisturized, and best of all, the henna REALLY covered my grays completely. And can you say SHINE? I'm going to do this 1x per month, if nothing else for the conditioning benefits. I will add that my hair feels stronger and looks thicker. It was ALOT of work, but it's worth it knowing that I'm not stripping my hair with chemicals. The only thing I will do differently next time is stretch the henne mixture itself with some coconut conditioner and let it sit for an hour longer (to get the intense color even with the conditioner). I will also be conditioner washing only and shampooing 1x per month to help the color last. (Oh, and next time will be on a weekend!!!)
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Wow. That sounds like a work! I've never heard of and never used that brand of henna. I use Jamila henna which is easy to use and a wonderful brand. I wish you the best of luck with the henna you chose. Please keep us posted. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
man, that seems like a chore :eek: But, I was just looking at the Lush website and noticed that it contains perfume:
Ingredients: Black Henna (Indigofera tinctoria), Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Red Henna (Lawsonia inermis), Ground Coffee, Nettle Powder (Urtica dioica), Irish Moss Powder (Chondrus crispus), Clove Bud Oil (Eugenia caryophyllus), Perfume,

Just out of curiosity, why did you choose this kind over the traditional henna?
I thought about getting lush henna over a year ago. When I read the directions.....I decided that was waaaay too much work...and potentially messy. Let us know how it turns out.
JLove74 said:
man, that seems like a chore :eek: But, I was just looking at the Lush website and noticed that it contains perfume:
Ingredients: Black Henna (Indigofera tinctoria), Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Red Henna (Lawsonia inermis), Ground Coffee, Nettle Powder (Urtica dioica), Irish Moss Powder (Chondrus crispus), Clove Bud Oil (Eugenia caryophyllus), Perfume,

Just out of curiosity, why did you choose this kind over the traditional henna?

I'm just lazy...Actually, I was in there buying soap for my Mom and saw it. I was on the fence about henna until I saw it. Also, I didn't want to have to hunt down a reputable henna e-dealer only to have ti have them mail it. There don't seem to be any other places in Boston that sell body grade henna.

Still under the dryer...12 minutes to go....
We'll be sitting here waitin'.
*grabs a handful of Carameldiva's popcorn and pours a little flaxseed oil on it*
Wait, one of the ingredients was "black henna?" What did the company say about that because I thought that was bad. I thought the correct henna to use is lawsonia inermis???

EDIT: Ok, nevermind.. the "black henna" is just indigo. So your hair should come out brown since it has both indigo and henna.
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aileendq said:
UPDATE: Well, it's two days later and I have to say: I LOVE HENNA!! My hair is moisturized, and best of all, the henna REALLY covered my grays completely. And can you say SHINE? I'm going to do this 1x per month, if nothing else for the conditioning benefits. I will add that my hair feels stronger and looks thicker. It was ALOT of work, but it's worth it knowing that I'm not stripping my hair with chemicals. The only thing I will do differently next time is stretch the henne mixture itself with some coconut conditioner and let it sit for an hour longer (to get the intense color even with the conditioner). I will also be conditioner washing only and shampooing 1x per month to help the color last. (Oh, and next time will be on a weekend!!!)
I'm glad it turned out well for you! What color is your hair now?
Hi, do you think this henna has metallic salts in it? Judging by your results it doesn't seem to, but I want to be extra careful...
I thought I saw something about LUSAH henna somewhere. It's on Sareca's Henna Journal

Is LUSH henna ok?
LUSH is compound henna. How do I know? Because it has more than one ingredient:
Ingredients: Red Henna (Lawsonia inermis), Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Fresh Lemon Juice (Citrus limonum), Powdered Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Clove Bud Oil (Eugenia caryophyllus), Perfume,
Anyway, I wouldn't use it because their website DOES NOT say they don't use metallic salts in their products. Call and ask if they include metallic compounds.
This story sounds suspiciously like LUSH henna.
JLove74 said:
I thought I saw something about LUSAH henna somewhere. It's on Sareca's Henna Journal

Is LUSH henna ok?
LUSH is compound henna. How do I know? Because it has more than one ingredient:
Ingredients: Red Henna (Lawsonia inermis), Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Fresh Lemon Juice (Citrus limonum), Powdered Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Clove Bud Oil (Eugenia caryophyllus), Perfume,
Anyway, I wouldn't use it because their website DOES NOT say they don't use metallic salts in their products. Call and ask if they include metallic compounds.
This story sounds suspiciously like LUSH henna.

Yeah, when I read it I thought :eek: but it looks like it turned out okay. I prefer BAQ myself.
JLove74 said:
I thought I saw something about LUSAH henna somewhere. It's on Sareca's Henna Journal

Is LUSH henna ok?
LUSH is compound henna. How do I know? Because it has more than one ingredient:
Ingredients: Red Henna (Lawsonia inermis), Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Fresh Lemon Juice (Citrus limonum), Powdered Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Clove Bud Oil (Eugenia caryophyllus), Perfume,
Anyway, I wouldn't use it because their website DOES NOT say they don't use metallic salts in their products. Call and ask if they include metallic compounds.
This story sounds suspiciously like LUSH henna.

I actually e-mailed the company and asked if it had any metallic salts and they said no.

Also, while it's true that it's "compound henna" it does NOT mean the there are chemicals in it. If you add ANYTHING to henna (conditoner..oils) then it's a compound henna. The lemon juice is acidic and helps open the cuticle, the cocoa butter is a conditioning agent, the coffee for color, as with the nettle powder, irish moss and clove bud oil. The ONLY bad ingredient is the perfume, but it's at the bottom of the list. (I couldn't smell any perfume at all when I used it.) All in all, this had left my hair in better condition than most conditioning!
Isis said:
I'm glad it turned out well for you! What color is your hair now?

It's actually very similar to your haircolor in your siggy. And it's my own natural color, with chocolate brown highlights (where my grays were). In bright sunlight it turns a very dark (cacao) brown. I LOVE this stuff!!! There are no purple or red tones to it. (Lush has several color of henna. I chose the dark brown) The other added benefit is that i have noticed little to no frizzing, even in humid weather. I haven't changed any of my other products, so I'm going to assume it's the henna.

aileenadq said:
It's actually very similar to your haircolor in your siggy. And it's my own natural color, with chocolate brown highlights (where my grays were). In bright sunlight it turns a very dark (cacao) brown. I LOVE this stuff!!! There are no purple or red tones to it. (Lush has several color of henna. I chose the dark brown) The other added benefit is that i have noticed little to no frizzing, even in humid weather. I haven't changed any of my other products, so I'm going to assume it's the henna.


This sounds so pretty. This is exactly the color I want.
aileenadq said:
I actually e-mailed the company and asked if it had any metallic salts and they said no.

Also, while it's true that it's "compound henna" it does NOT mean the there are chemicals in it. If you add ANYTHING to henna (conditoner..oils) then it's a compound henna. The lemon juice is acidic and helps open the cuticle, the cocoa butter is a conditioning agent, the coffee for color, as with the nettle powder, irish moss and clove bud oil. The ONLY bad ingredient is the perfume, but it's at the bottom of the list. (I couldn't smell any perfume at all when I used it.) All in all, this had left my hair in better condition than most conditioning!

Thats good to know, I really want to try it although I'm still a little scared and want to take all necessary precautions like a strand test. Does anyone have a link to intructions on how to do a strand test? Thanks alot for the review aileenadq!
aileenadq said:
It's actually very similar to your haircolor in your siggy. And it's my own natural color, with chocolate brown highlights (where my grays were). In bright sunlight it turns a very dark (cacao) brown. I LOVE this stuff!!! There are no purple or red tones to it. (Lush has several color of henna. I chose the dark brown) The other added benefit is that i have noticed little to no frizzing, even in humid weather. I haven't changed any of my other products, so I'm going to assume it's the henna.

This is amazing! Thank you for sharing your henna success! :up:
Hey everyone, I'm currently doing a strand test with Lush henna in Noir! I'm pretty nervous but at least I'm not testing it with the hair still on my head :lol:... Aileen, do you have any words of advise, since I think you've done this more than once? I read in another thread that you microwaved hot water and your henna although the package says not to, did you still have desireable results? Basically I plan on using the same method that you mentioned in another thread sans double boiler but I'm still nervous.... Sorry for the 20 questions, I hope you or someone else familiar with Lush henna can reassure me.
I've used Lush hennas several times over the years and they are great. They are not pure, in the sense that it is ONLY henna (lawsonia inermis) in them, they are like hash-cakes (okay, showing my background there a little :blush:)
packed with cocoa butter to make them easier to handle. They come in 4 colors red, reddish brown, brown and black. They are mixed with coffee or indigo to create the different shades.

My hair gets really soft and shiny with this henna. I don't have the energy to mix stuff myself, so it's perfect for me. I don't mind the perfume, there is perfume in all the other hair products I have so why not this one? It stinks like henna anyway :lol: No perfume can cover up that smell...

Very convenient and healthy for my hair. :)
metalkitty said:
Hi, do you think this henna has metallic salts in it? Judging by your results it doesn't seem to, but I want to be extra careful...

I actually e-mailed the company and asked about metallic salts and whether the ingredients as listed on the website were 100% accurate...

They said no metallic salts and that the ingredients are exactly as listed. I've used it 2x now and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

Will be hennaing again tomorrow...(For a Xmas party).

Hope this helps.
metalkitty said:
Thats good to know, I really want to try it although I'm still a little scared and want to take all necessary precautions like a strand test. Does anyone have a link to intructions on how to do a strand test? Thanks alot for the review aileenadq!

I would do a strand test, esp if you already have haircolor in your hair (I do). I grated about 2 1/2-3 pieces in a glass bowl, added enough hot water to make a syrup, then I added some olive oil and conditioner and put it over a double boiler. The second time I covered the glass bowl after the add ins and stuck it in the microwave at half power. It specifically says not to do this, but it's b/c of the risk of burns- microwave hot spots- but I stirred it thoroughly and then transferred it to a haircolor squeeze-type bottle.
I the sat under my heat cap for 2 hrs, rinsed and "shampooed" the henna out wiht Suave Coconut cond (and again and again!) until all the bits were out. I did NOT shampoo with reg shampoo, as it would effect the color deposit, I think.

You can just mix a small batch of henna and use hair from your hairbrush to do the strand test. Just leave it in for the same amount of time the rinse really well.
For those of you who have tried Lush henna, how much of the block should I use for mid-back length, medium thickness, fine hair? (200g of powder is *just* enough for my my hair.)

Also, how do you break up the block? Does hot water suffice to melt it, or should it be grated first?

TIA. :)