Sisters, I have sinned

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
I haven't washed, touched, conditioned, combed, bunned, rinsed or done anything else to my hair in over 4 days. I look like Buckwheat with a texlax right now :lachen: And thank the good Lord for scarves because we had an emergency here last night (mom had to go to hospital by ambulance) and I had to throw one on quickly to go to the hospital. And when the EMT's Fire Dept came to pick up my mom there were some really really, REALLY good looking firemen, emt's. Imagine my embarrasement to have my scarf on barely covering my uncombed curly, dry, straight, mix of everything hair looking crazy as sin :blush:

I know i'm not the only one out there sinning over the holiday. Who else will confess?

My mom is fine by the way:)
Glad your mom is ok!

Haven't you been sick lately? I think you are allowed a few days if you aren't feeling well.

OK, I haven't scarfed up my braids or slept on my special pillowcase since Christmas eve. :ohwell:
I understand. I finally washed my hair last night after 4 days and I'm an everyday cwer. Don't be hard on yourself. I'm glad your mother is okay. I keep wigs around for such occasions.
singing like Usher . . . This is my confession . . .

No comb, water, conditioner, oil, moiture, style. . . Nothing, since xmas actually on xmas I fluffed up and put a headband on a three day old braid out so we are really talking almost a week. Momma is tired and I just told my husband . . . NO APOLOGIES. Except to my hair. I will wash it tonight and get decent for work tomorrow.

So happy to hear that your mother is fine BreBre.
Glad your mom is ok!

Haven't you been sick lately? I think you are allowed a few days if you aren't feeling well.

OK, I haven't scarfed up my braids or slept on my special pillowcase since Christmas eve. :ohwell:

Thanks! And yes, I 've been sick for a couple of days. And being in the emergency room which i'm sure was cootie city was unbearable at times.

Giiiiirrrl, you'd better do a dc stat!! Me too :lachen:
:lol: Glad it isn't just me. For the last 4 days I have finger combed and pulled back into a ponytail with the occasional spritz of water. I'm sitting here with conditioner in my hair now though
I wear my hair straight, but I wash it every couple of days, but I went outta town for the Holidays. Monday to Saturday, couldn't wash my hair, no products because I packed light (I hate luggage I hate packing I hate unpacking), so I got home yesterday and immediately washed my hair (well not wash, co-wash, dc, and because of wearing my hair straight for a week without washing it, I'm going to attempt to just leave it natural and do wash and go's!)
i still haven't finish twisting my hair yet. i just need to finish the top and front. i have been rockin a scarf and hat around the stores and house. i will finish tonight though.
I've had days like that. Those Don King look-alike photos will probably never make it to my fotki so ya'll just have to trust me when I say my hair can start to look crazy real fast if I start slacking. In fact I need a little moisture in my hair right now.

Glad your mom is fine.
I flat ironed my hair with quite a few passes on Christmas Eve. I could literally hear my computer screen talking about me. Whispering 'why she doing that many passes?', 'that's too much, that's too much', 'what til I get to PM land, imma talk about herrrrrr!' I ended up just wearing my hair straight, it was too humid (80 degrees) on Christmas Day.
I flat ironed my hair with quite a few passes on Christmas Eve. I could literally hear my computer screen talking about me. Whispering 'why she doing that many passes?', 'that's too much, that's too much', 'what til I get to PM land, imma talk about herrrrrr!' I ended up just wearing my hair straight, it was too humid (80 degrees) on Christmas Day.
Oooo, chile..that was me just a few days ago..i hadnt touched my hair in about a week..the root was mad tangly..i didnt even comb it, i just slapped some DC in in and sat under the dryer and then rinsed....A hot mess...olol
Sorry about your mommy.

I've done so terribly I'm afraid to even say it here. I had braids for 2 weeks and washed and conditioned 4 times but only oiled it once and otherwise didn't moisturize. Since I took them out 4 days ago I haven't moisturized, either, only added oil a couple of days.
I rollerset my hair for Christmas and used quite a bit of hair spray too but instead of washing it out, I pulled it back into a ponytail and wore it like that the next day to work (complete with gel to lay down my edges :ohwell:). I just washed it yesterday and now it kinda feels like sandpaper....
Sorry about your mom but I'm glad that she's ok! Girl you betta do your hurr! lol

I've been doing pretty decent at moisturizing... but I have not been co-washing or anything else. I haven't washed in about a week. I threw in twin dookie plaits and called it a day. :lol: