Sister-In-Law Starting Out


Well-Known Member
My sister-in-law is just starting out and she would like to see someone who started with neck length hair and it has grown out to the bra strap or mid back.

She has seen all kinds of ideas on here but is looking for people who have had relaxed hair and transitioned to natural without cutting out the processed hair or doing what she knows as a "big chop".

Without doing the big chop, wont she have to get it pressed then, wont it start breaking after a while? It seems like most ladies on here who have transitioned ended up having to do the big chop eventually.
when i transitioned i never did a big chop. i pressed my roots and trimmed the relaxed ends every now and then. when i wasn't pressing it i would wear braids and get the permed ends trimmed again. it didn't take that long to get rid of the perm ends because my hair was pretty short.
I never did a big chop either; but I did wear braids for yeeears and when I would take out braids, if I had a trim, then whatever was relaxed was eventually trimmed off. I haven't had a relaxer for 11-12 years, so my relaxed hair is long gone. When my hair was out of braids, I just pressed it and usually just wore a ponytail, just like I do now, but at the time I had to be lot more gentle!