Sister got into a fight with his daughter


Well-Known Member
So my sister got into a fight with her mans daughter.Shes 18 & my sister is 41 they been together for 9 months now.So she went over her mans house and they were in the room.I guess she heard them doin the do lol so when they came out his daughter call my sister a hoe and that she should respect herself.My sister laughed it off because she thought she was playing.So his daughter was like whats so funny its not funny.shes calling my sister all kind of names.Her boyfriend got in the middle of them.She was living with him so he put her out because of this.He did apologize for what happened.He wants my sister to move in with him.But told his daughter she can come back if she wanted to.
The daughter is rather disrespectful and your sister's man needs to get that in check before he moves in with him.
I need some backstory:

so how does he just kick out his daughter?

and if heard my dad having sex with a woman I wouldn't call her a heux but I would think it. Because im only 18 I don't want to hear my dad having sex with a gf...

again need some more back story on both but it sounds dramatic like people said..
Well she started acting funny in the beginning I guess she didnt think she would take it this far.He kicked her out because she was trying to fight my sister.
Hes been married before she did this before its a pattern.I dont no if shes going to move in but thats just a tast of the drama it could get worst if she do.
Dude sounds like a bum, your sister needs to do better for real. Triffling situation all around. The daughter shouldnt have called her that name and she is wayyy to old to be getting in physical altercations. This wont die down so she may as well tell dude to kick rocks.
For all you know your sister is probbaly one of many whose been in that room with her father hence the name calling

Iono..your sister might wanna think this over
Wow that sounds so disrespectful. She is old enough to be on her own if she cannot respect ur sis. Ur sis was wrong to fight tho she should have just walked away.

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Woooww really?

But straight up, if you think you old enough to give licks like a woman you better be prepared to take them back. Little 18 year old sniffing herself to call a grown woman a h*e???

Even if that's how I felt I would never be brazen enough to do some stuff like that.

I'm willing to guarantee that there is way more going on in that house which spells D-R-A-M-A to me. No thank you.
When the father was married before, was the daughter that dramatic throughout the whole marriage?

Eh.. My mom's been single for majority of my life, so I'm not used to someone other than my siblings having her time. With that said, I'm not a fan of her boyfriend and I've def talked ish about him. Never to his face though. I'm 23 now.

When I was a pre-teen into teenage years, I did err... confront her husband (at the time) though. You know, the typical "you aint my daddy" type stuff annnd I punched him once (And I was the good kid!). So if the daughter's used to her dad being single, that could explain her reaction.
He put his daughter out so that he can have sex with his gf? Wow

I don't condone his daughter's feelings but I can understand it and I would think that as her parent he should understand.
I wouldn't go over dude's house any more. He needs to handle that. I would find a new man, plus I am not down for shacking up anyway.

I am sure your sister isn't the first. She should be calling her daddy a hoe, but............
He put his daughter out so that he can have sex with his gf? Wow

I don't condone his daughter's feelings but I can understand it and I would think that as her parent he should understand.
No he put her out because she disrespected his lady friend. Cutting up an trying to fight the lady. And why the woman the heaux? The dad just as much as a heaux cause he flicking too. As a child she should stay in her place and learn to respect adults.
I think hes controling this the same guy she was with on labor.Thats why she didnt come over my house.She changed her phone number because he dosent want her talking to anybody else.And she wanted me to lie for her.
I think shes going to move in with him right now she has her our apartment.But she wont move now ontil her two kids move out there 20 & 18.
This is not a good situation all around and I expect more dramatic updates in the future. Er uh...will you be giving updates? :look:

She's 41 and she can't even see how awful it will be for her. Crazy! For her man to ask her to change her number so she can't communicate with anyone else tells me that he is trying to isolate her and is controlling. She may however think it's cute and that he really cares for her.

What did you say to her about the situation?
Ill give you up dates hes controling and i think she likes its because after all that mess she still going over his house.She told me she cant wait to her kids move out so she can have a life.I was like thats crazy i wouldn't move in with him maybe its the sex.Because she was saying that that was good so maybe to her she'll put up with the drama.
So my sister got into a fight with her mans daughter.Shes 18 & my sister is 41 they been together for 9 months now.So she went over her mans house and they were in the room.I guess she heard them doin the do lol so when they came out his daughter call my sister a hoe and that she should respect herself.My sister laughed it off because she thought she was playing.So his daughter was like whats so funny its not funny.shes calling my sister all kind of names.Her boyfriend got in the middle of them.She was living with him so he put her out because of this.He did apologize for what happened.He wants my sister to move in with him.But told his daughter she can come back if she wanted to.

No he put her out because she disrespected his lady friend. Cutting up an trying to fight the lady. And why the woman the heaux? The dad just as much as a heaux cause he flicking too. As a child she should stay in her place and learn to respect adults.

Both the dad and woman are disgusting but the woman disrespected herself in their home.

I think it's questionable behaviour to have sex, loud at that, in someone's home while their child is around to hear. I can understand the child's anger because if my dad (God forbid) were to do something like that I would've said something. What are they teaching her as a young lady?
Both the dad and woman are disgusting but the woman disrespected herself in their home.
I think it's questionable behaviour to have sex, loud at that, in someone's home while their child is around to hear. I can understand the child's anger because if my dad (God forbid) were to do something like that I would've said something. What are they teaching her as a young lady?
it is his house where he pays rent. If he wanted to have sex swinging from the rafters he can do that. She is 18 years old, old enough to get her own place. Most likely she was not home the time at they started and she came home at the end of their session she at no time had the right to call a grown *** woman out of her name if she had a problem the way her dad was acting, she should have pulled her dad to the side and said something to him and then moved out. session
If THIS isn't a RED FLAG for ur sister... I dunno what is. Smh @ 41 who'd want to deal w/ that kinda mess?!
Too messy for me. I wouldn't move in after 9 months OR when there was that type of drama. If an 18yo thinks that acceptable then I'm sure there's a lot more trouble where that came from.

At 41 or now I can't be bothered with that.
Shouldnt his daughter be too wrapped up in her college classes to care? I am an only child and I admit I've gotten jealous in the past when my parents (more my mom) dated. Since I went away to school I've realized that not only are my parents human, they also want companionship. That daughter is selfish. Your sister should in no way be fighting her, so I can't speak to that, but I know the daughter was getting up in her face because of jealousy over her father. If she's not in school, she better enroll so she can find something to do with herself. Otherwise, the father is justified in putting her out. If she wants to fight a woman, she can go be a woman in her own place.