Sis, It's Time to Grow Up!


Well-Known Member
I haven't look at the video yet but I do agree with you. When you go through suffering God wants you to lean/depend on Him. When you are focused on the Lord He is able to reveal things to you, as well as open doors. All of this will help you to grow in faith and become more Christ-like.
I'd like to go a step further in saying that the things we go through grow us, but may also be needed as a testimony for others, which is God's will that we allow him to use us however, in order to help someone else reach Him.
Here's a description of the series:

"God wants us to grow as believers in Christ. At no time should we be stagnant and allow things and situations we go through to cause us to have stunted growth. One way that the Lord helps us to GROW UP is by the things we suffer....YES, the things we suffer! There is PURPOSE IN THE PAIN!"

Here are the videos:

Growing up stinks, and it hurts and its 3 months of Isomnia. But...I have learned a LOT about myself. I learned I really love YHWH and He matters to me. Matters so much that I'm afraid of His rejection...constantly. I keep getting the feeling that He wants me to grow outta that mindset and I could be wrong.
When you grow up in God if you really lean in and press on you won't even recognize yourself..I know I don't after this year..God growing is a challenge just like living in stagnant life..