Sinner comes to confession for Redemption..! kinda long/New Fotki


New Member
Hallelulah! Sisters, Gather round a lost head of hair!!

I have been lurking for a long time, I'm ashamed to say. Struggling with my hair texture for a long time, I've just recently begun to take responsibility and control.

My biggest setback was struggling with my hair texture. After a relaxer my hair becomes curly, and dries this way, if there is no manipulation. For a while I attempted wash and go hair, and eventually, my hair would become so dry, I would give up, and let it become more and more tangled until my next relaxer.

In 2006, I did my big chop. I let my boyfriend trim me down to an inch with electric clippers. I have pictures of most of the various stages of my hair journal thus far, luckily! As my hair grew, I discovered the crown and glory method/website, and used box braids to gain even more length without relaxing.

Eventually, I could not resist relaxing my hair, and I'll admit, the nagging of my mother and sister did have something to do with it. I went to a professional they recommended, and lo and behold I had shoulder length hair!!

Well, who could resist that! I stopped braiding, and began the wash and wear cycle I described earlier. I couldn't break out of this loop, but because it was no heat, no manipulation, my hair continued to grow.

Then I got cocky... (insert mysterious music..) enter COLOR.. ! I not only colored, but BLEACHED my poor hair, and that's when I lost my way a bit. Now I'm dealing with/combating:
  • Fried frizzy Edges and Ends
  • Damaged Hair
  • Breakage
  • Unevenness
Just this past weekend, I began to fight back. I used the Aphogee Two Step Protein Treatment, and invested in a good 1" ceramic iron, which I used after doing my first blow out in like 2 years. But were do I go from here? Should I trim the bad ends? What is a daily moisturizer, and how do I incorporate it into my regiment? Protective Styles??? My various hair stages are in my fokti below, all comments are welcome
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Welcome to this awesome forum. I really like your fotki album! What an interesting story you have. You really have grown your hair fast! I hope that the advice here helps you reach all of your goals!
Your hair especially the ends looks like mine when I first started. I started with a very good trim which was the best thing I could have done at that point and I also started deep conditioning every week for 20 minutes or more and roller setting.

I suggest that you do a small trim of no more than 1/2 an inch. Color is really hard on the hair so find a good conditioner that you like and do deep condition regularly.
well the first step is admitting your sin and asking for forgiveness...:lachen:

I enjoyed your story and your album. What is your current regimen and what products are you using? Id say cut it out with the coloring if its damaging your hair and use henna hair turned a similar shade as yours just using henna, which is healthy for the hair.

I agree with Raven....maybe do a small trim and then baby it back to health from there. Luckily your hair still looks good enough to be saved! ;) I think u can get it back to optimal condition with a little time and effort.
First off, thank you for your time and thoughtful replies, this was exciting for me, to have my first real post on LHCF and get replies.

In response, I'm still developing a regimen. My hair really love the Aphogee two step protein treatment, and I want to continue my path of lo/no heat, low manipulation, but as far as the rest of it, that's why I came to you all!! I need guidance!

I have used Henna in the past and it works well, I was just lazy this time.... and now I'm paying for it..

P.S. My Tattoo is my crowning glory next to my hair, of course

Now it's time the get the trim Raven suggested, I will be continually posting more pictures, as I try to get on top of things.. Thank you again ladies, so much!!
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