Single and Saved?


Well-Known Member
:wave: :wave: :wave: Hello!

I know that there is an abstinence challenge, but I thought I would post this. I know that there are a lot of us here on the board and I just wanted to try to be of support for any LHCF cyber sisters who are single and saved! I will start by saying that I am 32, and I have three children. I have learned a lot these past couple of years about standing still and waiting for God's plan for my life to come to fruition. My last "relationship" ended almost 3 years ago due to cheating. I have been celibate for the past 2+ years and I have never been more excited about what God has in store for me.

What about you?
Its so funny that I came across this.

I'm struggling. I don't have a relationship, not even close but I miss intimacy so much. I almost started crying today because I want to have sex (so badly) but I don't want to have sex because its been 1+yrs and I love God because He's so faithful, why can't I be?

I'm a mess.. :oh well:
I have been celibate for four years (I went celibate a year before I got saved).

I've never been married and have no children. I definitely want to get married. I get lonely, and it gets lonelier for me because all my friends (saved and unsaved) are either married or have boyfriends, so oftentimes, I am the only single chick when I get together with my friends.

I haven't met anyone whom I want to date. It does get tempting for me to go back to my old hangout and hopefully meet someone, though they're not saved, but I know that is NOT what God wants for me, and I know that a realtionship with an unsaved man will be nothing but heartache for me, so I'm trying my best to be patient and wait on Him, because I know once He brings me the man He wants me to have, I'll see that it will be worth the wait. :)
I was really blessed in Sunday School last Sunday. THe First Lady/Sunday School teacher was saying that it's one thing to be single and know you don't have a significant other and you probably live alone so being lonely at times is going to happen. However, she said it's another thing to be married AND lonely. She explained that there are so many women and men who get married on their own terms instead of waiting for God. As a result, they end up feeling lonely because the passion has worn off and they sit in the house wondering "who the heck this person is that they married.":ohwell: So she said it's much better to be single and feel lonely, than being married and still feel lonely. So, we just have to be patient and wait on the Lord. I know its hard, bc I get so tempted to just give in. But GOOD things come to those who wait patiently on the Lord.
Hang tight TC!

Don't equate sex to intimacy. There are couples everywhere struggling to bring intimacy back into their relationships (I'm talking about married people, since this is God's plan) and they're having sex.

tuffCOOKiE said:
Its so funny that I came across this.

I'm struggling. I don't have a relationship, not even close but I miss intimacy so much. I almost started crying today because I want to have sex (so badly) but I don't want to have sex because its been 1+yrs and I love God because He's so faithful, why can't I be?

I'm a mess.. :oh well:
Thanks ladies for your responses. Trinigul, you made a great point about confusing sex and intimacy. I try to have an "intimate" relationship with God. He goes wherever I go, I can talk to Him about anything. He won't judge me for anything that I tell Him, and He has a plan for me that I can't wait to see come to fruition. So I don't want to mess that up by putting my own wants and desires in the mix. I've done that before and it brings nothing but pain and confusion. Keep praying ladies and God answers ALL prayers!

Hi sisters, I appreciate all the honesty. I am pretty much in the same boat saved and single. Yet I know it could be worse! My sister who is a year older than me has been married 3 times! lst one died in a motorcyle accident, 2nd one tried to wrap her arm behind her back and drown her, cleaned her ckg acct of $6000.00 and she found out he was a devil worshipper! she married him after only a few months! 3rd one she decided to go caucasian and she went ballistic and he had(so they told me)to get a restraining order against her! whew! too much drama for me! :confused: I am so glad I am allowing God to work for me because we dont know what's inside of these people. Oh and by the way my sister met her 2nd husband at church???