Since we're being real here.......


New Member
I've been reading several threads about being honest and unfraudulent. So here's me being real about myself. Have you ever known a lot of scripture but feel like it doesn't apply to YOU? Like it's done a lot for other people but you got left out in the cold? Sometimes I really feel like God has failed me. Like I failed myself first, and then when I tried to rectify things, He didn't come thorugh. I know the Bible says God is faithful, but I don't feel it in MY life. I know God loves me, but sometimes I REALLY DOUBT it.

I know my thoughts are wrong, and I can already think of millions of scriptures to dispute myself, but I just wanted to share how I feel about my life right now.
Yes I have felt that way many many times in my walk with the Lord. When everything seems to be going wrong and there doesn't seem to be light at the end of the tunnel, I have felt that my life is a big joke and that everybody else gets blessed but not me, however I than truly dig deep way down and remember in my tears that God has a blessing for me just like everyone else. I'm not difference and even though I have sinned and not lived correctly all the time, that God still loves me, that I am still his child. That as Jer 29 states he knows the planns he has for me, plans to prosper not harm. I then go to Deut 8 where it says that I will have a land filled with milk and honey just don't give up, stand strong and be of good courage.

Sis, I have been where you are believe me. It's not a fun place to be, but remember there is a reason why you are going thought whatever you are goiing thought. There is a testomony in the test, you will be able to tell someone else, but God, but God brought me throught. Also when I have felt like you are right now, I have learned that you have to go to the Lord, sometimes in tears, sometimes in angry and just talk to God, not in any form or fashion, not always on your knees at a special time but just talk to the Lord, in your car, in the shower, in your bed, in the kitchen while cooking, on your knee in the middle of the floor anywhere andytime just go to him ask him why, ask him to show you the direction you are going, but then wait to hear his voice and wait for direction. It will be better but I know night is a hard place to be.
One thing for sure our feelings can lead us away from Christ. The bible has to be read as an intire thing. Christ has clearly told us our life in this world will be no bed of roses. He has basically said if you follow him watch out. Often time the light at the end of the tunnel will just be another train. He told us the world will hate us and not ever treat us as he will. His promise to us is sure if We are faithful. We will be with him for eternity and he is with us always. Him being here for us is never stated that life will be fun and happy and easy with most of our life going along as we want it to. That is what will fail you but never Christ. We plan and dream and want etc. But he never said those are the things that will bring us happiness and peace. We set our selves up and then when things don't go how we hoped then the blame falls on the Lord. That is not fair. When reading the bible and what Christ has said you can not put in your version of peace and happiness. He will give us the desires of our heart if we pray "Our Father who art in Heaven ".....Thine will be done. That is what he has told us. God will always work for the good of his purpose not ours. Surrender your self to the Lord and a peace that passeth all understanding shall come through prayer, thanksgiving and supplications to the Lord. It is not happiness and peace this world can ever give.

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy
shun, thanks for being real. The sisters here are on point. I will be in prayer that God will be real in your life. I am also going through a valley in my life, and I know God didn't promise me all peaks. But be encouraged!
Be encouraged. Thanks for your honesty. Know that God has a plan for all of us and there will be valley's. You will grow from your trials believe me.
I sometimes feel like you do this. Thanks for starting the thread. I look at the people suffering from Katrina and know I am trully blessed. I had my son watch coverage so he can understand how blessed he is.