Since starting your hair journey, what have you learned about yourself?


Human being
other than to wash more frequently, i've learned to be more patient. anyone who knows me will tell you that i'm the most impatient person in the world. i've learned to be more thick-skinned and ignore the nay-sayers (they're unsupportive cause they couldn't do it). i've also learned to be more consistent. now i'm thinking of starting an exercise regime that i'll stick to. what else have you ladies learned about yourselves?
Ive learned that I need to wash frequently and absolutely positively stay away from direct heat. I know some of you are probably sayin' "duh", but Ive just started my hair journey a few months back. I do blow dry my roots after I take down my rollerset but thats it, and its only for about a minute or two, and nothing more. Oh, how I wish I would have started sooner...:perplexed
caribeandiva said:
other than to wash more frequently, i've learned to be more patient. anyone who knows me will tell you that i'm the most impatient person in the world. i've learned to be more thick-skinned and ignore the nay-sayers (they're unsupportive cause they couldn't do it). i've also learned to be more consistent. now i'm thinking of starting an exercise regime that i'll stick to. what else have you ladies learned about yourselves?

its making me consistent also trying grow my nails and lose weight which is gonna be a tough one :look:
As newbie I have learned so much from no more Quick Weaves to no direct heat (I said I'm learning lol) to perm new growth only (yes my dumb tail would perm down to the tip every couple weeks!). I learned that moisture and water are my friends! And that I love leave in conditioners! I use to hate them and thought they made my hair feel yucky but I learned that was from the over processing and the heat! My goodness I could go on and on about the things that I have learn and I am still learning!

I also want to say thank you to all the ladies on this board and the Fotki site because I have learned so much from all of you sharing your stories and photos to motivate! Thank you!
Hmmm... I have definitely learned how to speak up more for myself. For example when I use to go to the hair dresser I would just ask for a perm-- and allow them to use any thing on my head. Now I ask what kind of perm they use -- tell them how long to put it on for -- how to wash it out etc...
determined_to_grow said:
Hmmm... I have definitely learned how to speak up more for myself. For example when I use to go to the hair dresser I would just ask for a perm-- and allow them to use any thing on my head. Now I ask what kind of perm they use -- tell them how long to put it on for -- how to wash it out etc...

there you go! :thumbsup:

I have learned that I can manage my hair and do pretty darn good with out living in the beauty shop! Yes, I can do it myself. (I feel like a DIY lady for real. lol)
I learned to not listen to everything someone says about haircare, especially when their hair looks and feels worse than mine.
I have learned that what always look good isn't good for my hair.

I have learned that good things come to those that wait-that patience isn't a bad thing.

I have learned that a lot of my self-esteem is based on the way I look- I learned this when I started my buns, since I don't feel pretty.
I've learned to be patient AND consistent. Interestingly enough, I can accept the fact that it's going to take YEARS of steady, constant effort to get my hair to be where I want to be - and it's starting to reflect in other things that I do as well.
It's kinda cool, actually.
I had been the primary author of my own anxieties.... and that it doesn't matter what other folks think.... I have learned how to tell them to promptly KICK ROCKS with NO MORE disturbances to my sanity, my psyche, and my spirit....

And to be patient, I'll get there.... My steps are ordered by the Lord!
I've learned that I could actually grow my hair.

I've learned that haircare is really pretty easy as long as you know what your hair likes and doesn't like...and stick with it.

I've learned that long hair isn't everything (I know, nonsense!:)), and that there is more to me than hair.

I've learned that I never have to see a stylist again!
I have learned a LOT thanks to this board!

1) My hair is fine, and I do not need a regular strength relaxer for manageablilty.

2) I do not have to relax every six weeks.

3) Frequent washing will not cause breakage or unmanageable hair--it actually makes the texture softer.

4) I do not need a stylist to have nice looking hair. I CAN do my own hair!

These are just a few, but this board has reformed me! I went from getting my hair done twice in one week (brown gel and pump it up included) to maintaining my own new healthy hair. I have even worked up enough nerve to self relax:eek: . I won't cross that bridge for another 5 weeks!
I learned that short hair isn't evil lol. I love my hair short but was afraid of cutting it for so long. It has been truly liberating especially after trying to manage long natural hair for so long. Its so much easier to manage!
I'd like to add that what I've also learned since starting my hair journey are:

*I don't need a hairdresser to care for my hair, I can do it all on my own.

*It's better to stretch relaxers. I'm so glad that I don't go for them every 6 weeks like I used to! :eek:

*The neccessity of protein for our hair (I had NO idea that our hair needed protein to become strong.)

*The IMPORTANCE of moisturizing my DAILY. Before, I've never heard of moisturing hair.

*The only "good" hair out there is healthy hair.

*Staying focused on a goal that means a lot to me (growing my hair and keeping it healthy) and not giving up right away.

*Though I still love straight hair, transitioning to natural may not be a bad idea (been thinking about it.)

There's actually many more things I've learned besides the above. Looking back in these few months since starting my journey, I realize now how IGNORANT I've beem regarding hair care. I'm so glad I've found this board, it's been such a blessing! :)
I've learned that I can take care of my hair.
I'm starting to become more consistient on other areas of my life.
I've learned that having healthy hair is something I can have. For so long I depended on others to care for my hair. I thank God for this board because I have learned and am still learning so much.
I've learned that my internal health is and skin will follow. Proper diet, exercise and necessary supplementation are paramount in achieving my length goals.
I am not my hair. :lol: I love the freedom of a wash and go. My hair has a mind of its own. Right now I am reading a book called "Let's Talk Hair" and its a great read and very enlightening.
caribeandiva said:
^ i read that book! i didn't learn anything new from it though.
It's interesting to me as I never had hair or image issues. I have been going to a salon since elementary so I'm really new to do it yourself and hair education. Until I came here I had no idea about hair types. Growing long healthy hair has never been an issue it was my inheritance.
I like the hair style instructions and mass information about hair.
i have learned that i can grow my hair!
i've learned what is good and bad for my hair.
i have learned to treat my hair like gold.
Since starting my hair journey, I've learned that I wasn't appreciative of what I had in the past, even my hair, I complained that it wasn't long enough when it was brastrap, now it's taking a long time to grow back and I'm now beginning to be thankful for what I have.
princesmich said:
Since starting my hair journey, I've learned that I wasn't appreciative of what I had in the past, even my hair, I complained that it wasn't long enough when it was brastrap, now it's taking a long time to grow back and I'm now beginning to be thankful for what I have.

wow.. your hair was brastrap? what happened?
MizaniMami said:
I have learned that what always look good isn't good for my hair.

I have learned that good things come to those that wait-that patience isn't a bad thing.

I have learned that a lot of my self-esteem is based on the way I look- I learned this when I started my buns, since I don't feel pretty.

Girl it's like we're on the same wavelength with EVERYTHING you said!

I have learned patience, how to be more assertive with my stylist, and that I can live with 10 week old new growth. :lol:
I have learned that I can take care of my hair myself without having to go to the salon every week. I can retain length and thickness. Also if you fail at rollersetting try and try till you get it right!!!!!!!