Since it is begining to get cold...


Ladies that wash their hair frequently during the week, will you continue through the cold winter months or do you cut back? I was concerned about getting sick.
I plan to play it by ear. I live in FL so it doesnt get super cold, but a little cool especially in the mornings and at night. If anything, Ill just try to wash it on a day where I dont have to head straight out first thing. Or in the evening so it can dry overnight or I can sit under the dryer.
I blowdry now, so it's not a problem. When I used to airdry a lot, I cut back to once or twice per week to avoid getting the sniffles, and definitely didn't go to bed with a wet head.
I co wash daily and I don't plan on stopping. I airdry now, but when it starts getting super cold, I'll use my bonnet dryer to speed up the drying time. I'm always hot anyway, so I kinda like having a cool head :cold: :)
Just stay in the house and don't expose yourself to germs, that's all. Wet hair/head doesn't cause you to get sick. The cold virus itself does so just dont leave the house or let your wet head give you the shivers so your immune system stays up.
Since the cooler months are here I definantly switched up my routine and I am getting stricter on myself in terms of keeping up with it.

Here it is:

-CO wash at least 3x a week ( I will be working out at the gym regularly)
-Light Protein treatment 1x every 2 weeks
-Deep condition w/ heating cap for 1 hr (once a week on sat)
-Wearing protective styles & taking Vits everyday (Bioton 5000mcg,msm 500mcg, B-100s, flaxseed Oil
-Using Boundless Tresses in scalp every other day w/ massaging

I slacked off for the summer and hardly paid close enough attention to my hair. I'm back on track now and want at least 3-4 inches of NG before the end of January for the start of the new year!

I will continue to co-wash regularly but I will do it in the evenings and put large twists in my hair. Large twists won't change the pattern drastically and they are less time consuming :yep:
i cowash daily.. in the morning... i regularly leave the house with damp/wet hair... i do it year-round... no sickness as of yet... :grin:

i think you should do whatever you're comfortable with
i cowash daily.. in the morning... i regularly leave the house with damp/wet hair... i do it year-round... no sickness as of yet... :grin:

i think you should do whatever you're comfortable with

Me too lately I've been washing daily and air drying. Weather is not to big a deal I'm only outside walking to my car and from my car to work. by the time I get off it's warmer out and my hair is "partially" dry .
At first I was thinking about back off a little but no I like to co wash and moisture and immediately twist my hair up in a clip and go. Sometimes its still damp when I get home but I am only outside from the car to the work place and then I get in a van that takes me to the job and again going back so I am not really exposed to the cold weather for to long. I blast the heat in the car and I wear a hat in the winter sometimes. I might get a ponytails done that last for two weeks if I can hold out that long. we will see.
The only thing I will do different is wash my hair at night and not in the morning. I plan on continuing my usual regimen because it gets really dry and dusty here in the winter. Q