Simple Things

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
Here is another from him. This kid sure does make me proud!!!:yep:

Simple Things

I must say that recently it's been hard to endure; not anything in particular, just life in general. All the daily battles we encounter can be discouraging if not fought in the right way, and very typically I lay down my weapons and refuse to fight out of simple fatigue. And that is definitely not the right way to fight. Consequently, I feel discouraged, but thank the Lord for His mercy. He gives me renewed strength each day.

When I consider all that is taking place in our world - the disease and oppression that many face without any chance for escape - I realize that my fatigue and discouragement are completely misplaced. The only reason I see my daily battles as battles rather than chances for growth is because I selfishly view my issues against the backdrop of the world I inhabit, rather than the world our God inhabits. In the grand mural our Lord has painted, I often times consider only the small oak in the corner under which I sit, whose leaves fall occasionally, while the rest of the forest is burning.

Basically, we have nothing to worry about regarding our own lives. We should, rather, consider the lives of those around us, and the condition of the souls we can change. The Lord carries us and guides our lives so that we might be able to achieve that very purpose. While the rest of the forest burns, we can't be wrapped up in our few shriveled leaves. With a new season comes new growth, but a tree consumed by fire can never bear fruit.

So let us not blow the pitch and yaw of life out of proportion, for if we know God, we have nothing to fear. We can do anything through Christ who strengthens us. But there are those who do not know God, who have no such source of strength, and it is our responsibility, our mandate as the Lord's vessels, to bring as many souls as we can to the kingdom. How can our minds be focused properly on God's kingdom if we're trying so hard to perfect our own?

Matthew 6:33-34 says, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Fellow believers, I ask you to pray for me, and for all other believers you know, and still for those whom you don't, that we will focus wholly on the Lord's call to the kingdom. You are in my prayers always. May it be so in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father.

With love,
Here is another from him. This kid sure does make me proud!!!:yep:

Simple Things

I must say that recently it's been hard to endure; not anything in particular, just life in general. All the daily battles we encounter can be discouraging if not fought in the right way, and very typically I lay down my weapons and refuse to fight out of simple fatigue. And that is definitely not the right way to fight. Consequently, I feel discouraged, but thank the Lord for His mercy. He gives me renewed strength each day.

When I consider all that is taking place in our world - the disease and oppression that many face without any chance for escape - I realize that my fatigue and discouragement are completely misplaced. The only reason I see my daily battles as battles rather than chances for growth is because I selfishly view my issues against the backdrop of the world I inhabit, rather than the world our God inhabits. In the grand mural our Lord has painted, I often times consider only the small oak in the corner under which I sit, whose leaves fall occasionally, while the rest of the forest is burning.

Basically, we have nothing to worry about regarding our own lives. We should, rather, consider the lives of those around us, and the condition of the souls we can change. The Lord carries us and guides our lives so that we might be able to achieve that very purpose. While the rest of the forest burns, we can't be wrapped up in our few shriveled leaves. With a new season comes new growth, but a tree consumed by fire can never bear fruit.

So let us not blow the pitch and yaw of life out of proportion, for if we know God, we have nothing to fear. We can do anything through Christ who strengthens us. But there are those who do not know God, who have no such source of strength, and it is our responsibility, our mandate as the Lord's vessels, to bring as many souls as we can to the kingdom. How can our minds be focused properly on God's kingdom if we're trying so hard to perfect our own?

Matthew 6:33-34 says, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Fellow believers, I ask you to pray for me, and for all other believers you know, and still for those whom you don't, that we will focus wholly on the Lord's call to the kingdom. You are in my prayers always. May it be so in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father.

With love,
When you're hit with a 'challenge', 'Kiss it'. "Keep it Simply Simple"

Precicous Wavy, Seth sounds like the Apostle Paul in his letters...

Beautiful message Sis... :love3:
When you're hit with a 'challenge', 'Kiss it'. "Keep it Simply Simple"

Precicous Wavy, Seth sounds like the Apostle Paul in his letters...

Beautiful message Sis... :love3:

He sure does...and its evident when we are in class. He is one of my most humble, yet powerfully wise students.

He has been recently accepted at Harvard University.

Yes, he certainly has made me proud.

Thanks you, sis!