Simple reggie for a relaxed head?


New Member
ok so my sister is looking to me for hair advice, but I'm natural and she's relaxed, so she can't do the things with her hair that I do. My other sister kind of followed my reggie and her hair broke off, especially with the no comb method but she didn't do protective styles or moisturize:nono:.

So what is a simple and easy reggie for my sister to follow?
Shampoo weekly
DC weekly (I'd initially choose one like ORS Replenishing where it's more of a protein-moisture combo, until she gets a clear grip on the basics)
moisturize daily
bun at least 5 days a week
relax every 12 weeks

The bare basics are usually good enough to see results. :yep:
DC weekly
Low manipulation
Wide tooth comb
Moisturize and seal daily
Protective styles
Little or no direct heat!
Shampoo weekly
DC weekly (I'd initially choose one like ORS Replenishing where it's more of a protein-moisture combo, until she gets a clear grip on the basics)
moisturize daily
bun at least 5 days a week
relax every 12 weeks

The bare basics are usually good enough to see results. :yep:

This! Even the laziest person (like me lol) can follow this.
wash 7-10 days (depending on her hair needs)
deep condition weekly
protein treatment as needed
stay moisturized
determine if airdrying, rollersetting or heat works for her (heat protectant if she uses heat and only use heat on wash day)
find a good leave-in after washing + use porosity control as/if needed
use scarf at night
protective styles- meh - that's up to her. life's short - enjoy the hair!
relax every 12 weeks
I do have to say be careful about this, while you should definitely not relax too soon for fear of over-processing keep in mind everyone's hair grows at different rates and this may not work for you. I was planning to slowly work my way up to extending the time between relaxers and had planned to start at 8 weeks and work my way up relaxer after relaxer.

Well at 6 weeks I had lots of pretty healthy new growth and I realized me waiting was starting to break my hair off. I knew this because even the least bit of manipulation was causing breakage.

I'll throw my ring in the hat.

Moisturize daily
Wash 1x a week or more depending on your comfort level
Experiment with shampoo or co-washing to find out what works for her.
Examine ends, if dry then encourage her to seal them when she finishes moisturizing
Use a deep conditioner 1x a week
Protein treatment 1x a month
I'm not relaxed but my mom is and her hair is growing and she has the simpliest reggie ever.
-wash hair every 2-3 weeks along dcing
-blowdry after wash and dc
-moisturize maybe 2x a week (her hair love coconut oil)
-combs hair once a day w/ a large tooth comb
-style with a ponytail every day
-relaxes every 3-4 months
-trims maybe 3x a year but never lets her hair grow to apl b/c according to her she is too old for long hair. She likes it b/w sl & apl but can easily grow past apl.

This reggie works for her.
Bascically what everyone else said. I prepoo with wheatgerm oil and olive oil, wash (non-sulfate shampoo), DC with moisturizing condish, leave in, and limit the amount of heat. Keep your hair off your clothes and pillow!!! Moisturizing and keeping your hair off of your clothes and pillows is the most important thing!!
Cowash, detangle while in the shower, add more conditioner after getting out, throw a headband on.
You should start her off simple, daily or frequent moisturizing and sealing and Deep conditioning maybe even co washing. Just get her in the idea of hair needing a lot of moisture.
Well, it's repetitive, but my reggie's pretty effective: Pre-poo with EVCO, Wash and condition with Nioxin System 7. Roller Set with Keracare Wrap Lotion. Protective style in a pin curl bun (ponytail with ends rolled into a 4-part cross bun secured with bobby pins)--which can be worn morning and night. On special occasions or just for a break, can wear the hair down and pin curls will maintain the curls from the set. Occasional daily moisturizing may be necessary in the winter, I use MoistureMax. Took me from chin length to BSL in a year and a half.
Bascically what everyone else said. I prepoo with wheatgerm oil and olive oil, wash (non-sulfate shampoo), DC with moisturizing condish, leave in, and limit the amount of heat. Keep your hair off your clothes and pillow!!! Moisturizing and keeping your hair off of your clothes and pillows is the most important thing!!

I was curious about the no hair on pillow or clothes. What happens if you hair gets on your clothes or pillow? Damage hair?
Wash (Sulfates Free Will be the Best)
Deep Conditioning(weekly)
Protein Treatment (once a month)
Growth Aid (If she wants too)

*Stretch Hair 10 weeks or more
*Handle Hair gentle while detangling, with a wide tooth-comb, starting from the ends to the roots
*Find a conditioner that has slip
*Protective Styles to Retain length
*Air Dry

*Don't use to much Heat
*Try to keep your self from using relaxers often
*Petroleum and mineral are not good for the hair

P.S. Co-Washing is your friend
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I use some of the same methods I used when I was natural, most of which are basics that if you don't want your hair to fall out all over the place, you stick with them.

Anyway here's my regime these days, and this is when I'm being lazy or school's in session;

Bun all month.
-Detangle/ deep condition once a week or even every two weeks If I don't have time.
-At night takeout bun, spray hair with water and conditioner, then wear silk scarf and sleep.

If I had applied a little gel to my sleeked bun on the day I did my detangling/deep conditioning it usually lasts me till the next weekend as long as I remember to tie my hair up with my silk scarf at night.

Side note: I plan on getting a wig too, taking my laziness to another level ahahah, I've never had one and I'd love to own one.

P.s. I perm every 6 months, or as long as I can stretch xD
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I was curious about the no hair on pillow or clothes. What happens if you hair gets on your clothes or pillow? Damage hair?

The friction can cause your ends to get all raggedy with split ends, it's true if you are prone to wearing cotton.

It's easier to just get a silk/satin pillow case and call it a day.
Some people like to use oils to "seal" their ends after conditioning and stuff, I suggest she tries that too. Trust me! the baggy method does work.

And as far as shampoo goes, she might wanna use a diluted drop of sulfate shampoo because after all that bunning and what not, you'll have a lot of buildup.
I've been wearing a relaxer for a long time now, but most of this I learned only after discovering LHCF (thanks, ladies). My hair has thrived as a result. Most of this has already been stated, but:

1. Moisture, moisture, moisture is our friend (reg. DC'ing and daily moisturizing)
2. Keep hair & scalp clean (shampoo minimum 1x per week; I do 2- 3x per week)
3. No or very little heat (airdrying w/ scarf method is my friend at 7 weeks & beyond)
4. Space time between relaxers (different times work for diff. people)
5. Protein when needed or light protein regularly (again, different heads may need more or less amounts of protein) and always follow up w/ moisture
6. Keep hair off cotton clothes, pillowcases, etc., & the occasional trim is necessary to keep those ends healthy
7. Drink water, work out, take a vitamin (take care of your body & your hair will reap benefits as well)

These seven are pretty simple and should promote healthy, growing, relaxed hair. There is no need to go out and buy 50-11 products & growth aids or have a complicated 14 step routine (trust me; speaking from experience on this one LOL)
Shampoo weekly
DC weekly (I'd initially choose one like ORS Replenishing where it's more of a protein-moisture combo, until she gets a clear grip on the basics)
moisturize daily
bun at least 5 days a week
relax every 12 weeks

The bare basics are usually good enough to see results. :yep:

That's pretty much what I do to the letter! :yep::D In addition, I rollerset my hair weekly (when I shampoo) and then use flexi rods to keep the curl. I only have to use two in the back to curl my entire head (the front is pretty much straight). I rarely use any other heat.

I moisturize with my own whipped shea butter concoction. I basically wear my hair up and off my shoulders every day. My hair has grown from SL to BSL.
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