silver haired ladies what do you use, what do you do that works for you?

Ms. Syl

New Member
I have at least 50% silver hair; I am relaxed and my hair is now shoulder length, thanks to LHCF. I have learned through trial and error that:

-Use products that are white, cream or pale yellow(use this sparingly)
-Limit heat, since silver hair is porous and dry and can be damaged with heat appliances
-Use coconut oil for pre-poo, smoothing, shine because of its color, it is Excellent for silver hair
-Deep conditioning softens and makes hair look and feel healthy

I was wondering if anyone else had any ideas or suggestions ??????
I am 45 years young. I have had gray since I was 16 y.o.. As I got older my hair is no longer Silver, it is pure "WHITE". I am now approximately 50% gray and colour my hair. I have decided to transition, and go natural (also allow my white hair to show). I just love shocking ppl!
Anyway, I use 100% thick, white, creamy protein conditioner. Never had a problem. So dont believe the myth! Just find what works for you. Some shampoos and conditioners are geared towards, silver\gray hair. Just be careful when you mixture diff. shampoos\conditioners; this is what can cause your colour to fade and dull.

I use Clairol Shimmering Lights or Jhirmack Brightening/Silver Shampoo once a month. Other than that I use regular products.