Silly Question: Difference between hair conditioner and hair moisturizer


New Member
I'm ashamed that I've been on this forum for as long as I have and I really don't know the answer to this question. Most of the time I just use a conditioner as my moisturizer. Usually this requires me having to dampen my hair a bit before applying the conditioner. Is it better to get a moisturizer to hydrate hair daily or is it fine just using regular conditioner? TIA :)
I use my conditioner as part of my daily moisturizer. I use Suave Humentant diluted with water and glycerin everyday. A lite rinse conditioner that says "moisture" on it can be used as a daily moisturizer
I just dc once a week and that is enough for my hair. If I put something on it everyday it will look greasy and limp.
I've been using my AO Honeysuckle rose condish as a leave-in and it hasn't left any residue on my hair. I'm beginning to think that moisturizers are those oil moisturizers like Luster's pink oil.