Silly question about relaxed hair and braids

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies

I am planning a trip abroad in August. I would love, love, love to NOT have to worry about my hair while traveling. So, I'm thinking of getting a braided hairstyle (using my own hair, which is about neck length). I'm wondering, though, if my hair will be too slippery? I just got a relaxer last week, so by the time August rolls around I will have plenty of new growth to allow a braid to *start* . . . I'm just wondering if the rest of my hair (the relaxed hair) will braid correctly.

Any thoughts? Also any recommendations about what type of braider to go to? I haven't had my hair braided since I was about 11 or 12 . . . so I'm probably *tenderheaded* from the lack of cornrowing since then.
You'll be fine. I would go to somebody off of a recommendation. And make sure they don't pull your hair too tight.
You should start calling beauty shops and asking to see different braiders work. Usually Saturdays is the best time to watch them because they do alot of heads. You should figure out what style you want when you go and take that with you on your visits and to your actual appointment.