Silky Secrets: Share Yours!


New Member
Hello Ladies

If you're like me, next to length and the appearance of health the next thing we're all in a quest for is super soft and silky hair. It can be a challenge since that's not the natural state of our hair (at least not for most of us). help a sista out...reveal your silky secrets. What products, techniques and procedures do you use to ensure that your hair not only looks great but feels incredible too!.

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Lacio Lacio isn't a secret but to the 'outsiders' its my secret: a silk-wrap or just rollersets w/ Lacio gets my hair silky soft: but if i want it SUPER SILKY SOFT & STRAIGHT........after my rollerset is done: i'll wrap my hair overnight and in the morning: i'll flatiron my hair w/ a light (spray) heat protectant. My hair is so shiny, soft, and so straight: and glides w/ the air: hint: my profile pic :D
I just discovered CHI Silk Infusion. That stuff is great. It leaves my airdry hair silky, shiny and almost straight.
Castor oil is da bomb!:) It leaves my hair soft, moisturized and silky. Sometimes I use some serum on wet hair.
I just discovered Giovanni Direct leave in..but get this, I mix the GD with a little Lacio Lacio for rollersets and :woot: Soft Silky, Silky Soft!!
rollerset-flat iron roots with Chi Silk, then wrap over night. Additional days add olive/coconut oil mixture to ends and hair...shine, shine, shine.
NTM Leave-in and ORS Olive Oil Moisturizer. Moisturizing with both at night keeps it soft and silky for me.
Carefree gets my airdried hair silky ( but thats just for reg. buns or wearing it naturally dried straight)

I dont know how to get straight flatironed/wrapped/rolled hair moisturizied and silky but still bouncy/swingy either

So bump
co-washing... not a big secret on hairboards, but again not a well-known practice to the outside world. i discovered this while transitioning and my relaxed/textlaxed hair improved SOOOOOO much. now that i'm natural, my hair can do just fine if i co-wash and use no other products (although it won't be as defined as if i throw a leave-in on it).

it made a world of difference in how much softer my hair felt! :yep:
Mizani Moisturfuse(Deep Conditioner), Mixture of Salerm 21 & Lacio Lacio (leave-in conditioner), Serum(either Fantasia IC Olive Oil serum or Paul Mitchell Super Skinny serum) and rollersets/rollerwrapping!
Long Lovely Locks is making my hair very soft and moisturized. I was al little afraid I'd have to write this woman a bad review (and she wouldn't give out free samples... :nono::look::lachen:) but, nonetheless, its done just what she said it would. Look out for the review in my blog\/\/\/\/\/

We're not going to talk about Bb. Deeep Conditioner. You just need to get some... that's ALL I'm going to say on it.

Herbal Essences Hello Hydration and V05 Moisture Milks makes your hair VERY soft after a co-wash. The latter makes an excellent deep conditioner if you add honey, olive oil, and molasses.
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Somebody said castor oil :notworthy:sekret: Y'all know I love some castor oil:rolleyes: But Imma have to peep this Lacio Lacio...I've read a lot of great reviews about this stuff with a roller set. :drunk:

bump bump

Four words: apple...cider...vinegar...rinse!!!

This stuff is great! You just put one tablespoon of acv in one cup of water and use it after shampooing. My acv is infused with herbs that are good for the hair, but plain acv works just as well.

I shampoo my hair and on the final rinse, I use cold water (as cold as I can stand it). I wring the excess water from my hair then pour the cup of acv/water over my entire head. (When I wash my hair over the sink and not in the shower, I actually catch the mixture in a plastic bowl and repeat pouring it over my head about three times). I DON'T RINSE IT OUT! I just wring out the excess then rollerset my hair. The slight vinegar smell goes away COMPLETELY by the time my hair is dry.

Anyway, my hair comes out soooo soft and silky. I don't even use conditioner anymore (just my once a month aphogee treatment and immediately after a touchup). I just shampoo and follow with the acv/water. But the rinse works just as well after conditioning.
Sometimes right after I flat iron my hair feels stiff or the ends don't all flow together. So I'll finish ironing and then put it up on a LOOSE bun with one pin -- nothing that will leave a dent. It helps if you put your hair up while it's warm and let it cool in that position. So sometimes I'll give it a quick blast with the blowfryer to warm it up. When I take it down the ends all flow together and my hair isn't poofy anymore. Works like a charm.
Sometimes right after I flat iron my hair feels stiff or the ends don't all flow together. So I'll finish ironing and then put it up on a LOOSE bun with one pin -- nothing that will leave a dent. It helps if you put your hair up while it's warm and let it cool in that position. So sometimes I'll give it a quick blast with the blowfryer to warm it up. When I take it down the ends all flow together and my hair isn't poofy anymore. Works like a charm.

I have the same problem too sometimes after I flatiron. I will give your method a try.
using very little product to rollerset my hair. The bounce, shine and feel of my hair is incredible afterwards!
For me:

hydrolyzed silk protein in products: praital silk worm, vital plus
avocado butter
lacio lacio
vatika oil
lady fior avocado leave in
natural oasis pomade
a good blowdry and flatiron does the trick everytime i was soft, silky hair. I use heat protectant spray to blowdry and creme press to flatiron because creme press controls the hair better.

this is amazing for silkiness. i learned this method from macherieamour's tutorial at

ETA: and castor oil is amazing for softness.
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Sometimes right after I flat iron my hair feels stiff or the ends don't all flow together. So I'll finish ironing and then put it up on a LOOSE bun with one pin -- nothing that will leave a dent. It helps if you put your hair up while it's warm and let it cool in that position. So sometimes I'll give it a quick blast with the blowfryer to warm it up. When I take it down the ends all flow together and my hair isn't poofy anymore. Works like a charm.

I do something similar. I roll each section on a large magnetic roller after I flat-iron. Letting it cool like that keeps it straight and silky while giving it a little extra body. Plus it keeps it out of the way while I move on to another section
I do something similar. I roll each section on a large magnetic roller after I flat-iron. Letting it cool like that keeps it straight and silky while giving it a little extra body. Plus it keeps it out of the way while I move on to another section

that's a good idea. i am going to try this. I sometimes follow flat ironing by using my carusos.

the silkiest results i have ever had was from a silk wrap. i first learned about it from pokahontas' tutorial. and i followed her tutorial.

macherieamour's tutuorial is excellent because its a video where you can view each step as she does it.
For me it's rinsing with oil. I apply oil to freshly washed hair, rinse under hot water, then apply the conditioner du jour and rinse under cold water. My hair is softer, resists breakage, and retains moisture better. It feels very smooth and silky w/o being oily or greasy.
For me....

I wash nightly w/ Suave Humetress shampoo and conditioner. Then, I rollerset with water and airdry overnight.

That's it.

I don't think it's the products, but rather, the lack of that has given me the softest hair ever! I have a blow dried effect in the morning that moves even w/ a head tilt.

;) now that's hot!