
Well-Known Member
Hi ladies!

I just got some silk pepetide powder from Akoma yesterday and will start using it soon.
(my perm dried my hair out a bit too much for me to try anything new until my hair is back to normal.)

I was planning to add it to my leave - in's and maybe dc's too.

Have any of you ladies used this raw ingredient with success?

I've read where the amino acids place a moisturizing silky barrier on the hair, so would you compare that to a silicone product feel?

I've also read where the humidity in the air can dry it out quickly because it acts like a humectant, drawing humidity from the air and should be kept sealed tight.

Please share your experiences/findings! :yep:

Thanks ladies!
Bumping...just got some yesterday too and a little scared of it. I read the thread on Silk Amino Acids liquid, but I'm not sure if they work exactly the same.
Bumping.... I'd love to know peoples expereinces too. I have a tub of Silk peptides that I have done very little with so far cos I'm not sure how best to use them.

(I added them to a leave in once and they made my hair feel hard :wallbash:
If that's the same as the powdered version of silk amino acids then I recently purchased some. I include a pinch of it in my DC and I add it to a spray bottle of water and use that and Aloe vera juice as my nightly spray then seal with an oil blend. I love it. And it actually does make your hair feel silk. Some people include it in their mascara. There is a thread on it but I can't find it now sorry:(
this thing about the peptides being hard on the hair is new to me.

i've always read that the silk peptides help with moisture.

i'm gld they've worked out well for you, Nix08!