Silk Dreams Hair Care Product Reviews!

Im going to order more this week myself. Have you tried the shampoo? If so what did you think? I have been using the WEN 613 and while i really like it its pricey and i always run out when my funds are low. LOL

Never tried the poo but I plan on it!
I have been using the new End-tegrity Ends Serum and haven't had the time to post an honest review, but since I'm under the dryer right now, I got a little time *Sweet Brown Voice.*

End-tegrity Ends Serum Price: $12.00

Ingredients: Avocado oil, Grapeseed Oil, Coconut Oil, Peach Kernel Oil, Squalene (Olive), Vitamin E.

Pros: Does what it said it would do: protects ends while I wear my hair out or when I wear it in a protective style. Delicious lemon/lime scent. Great for flat ironing. The small bottle will last forever. It really thinks it's a serum. Washes out easily, not sticky like other serums.

Cons: The small bottle costs $12.00. There is no mention of the bottle size on the site, I believe it may be 2 fl. oz. at the most. You'll play in your hair all day because it'll feel so good (which may cause split ends).

I was a bit reluctant to use the product because I am a fan of vanilla based smells (vanilla frosting, oatmeal cookies, butterscotch, etc.). So I finally broke down and used the product, along with other fruity smelling stuff.

Well dang. It's good! I put it only on my ends and my new growth (for flat ironing) and it had my hair looking fly. I started using it more often and while I don't contribute it to making my ends healthier, it sure is helping prevent split ends. I even add it to the ends of my ponytail before rolling it in a bun.

I attached a recent picture of me after flat ironing (almost 4 months post-relaxer). I played in my hair all day. I will definitely be switching between the PRE and the End-tegrity Ends Serum for wearing my hair down.

It gets One Thumb Up :up: because of the price... must be that peach oil that's making it so high, lol. Don't know, don't care, I love it.


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Angelicus thanks for the reviews...keep them coming!

I like the ingredients in the serum so I will definitely try it. And I have the Avocado Pudding Conditioner on my list as well!
Just ordered several products for my mom's fine hair as recommended in The Original Fine Hair Thread 2013. Hopefully she likes them if not I'm definitely having her send them to me!
Update: I am still loving Silk Dreams. I wanted to switch things up buy trying some different products. After using the other products just one time, my hair looked dull and dry. :sad:

I am thinking that it was all the silicones in the products that I was using. I immediately went back to Silk Dreams and my hair was silky and shiny all over again. I am four months post-relaxer again and really don't need to relax if I don't want to... wow, love this stuff! :up: :up:

A note on porosity: I have not needed to use Porosity Control conditioner since I started using Silk Dreams. This may have something to do with the products not having silicones.
Update: I am still loving Silk Dreams. I wanted to switch things up buy trying some different products. After using the other products just one time, my hair looked dull and dry. :sad:

I am thinking that it was all the silicones in the products that I was using. I immediately went back to Silk Dreams and my hair was silky and shiny all over again. I am four months post-relaxer again and really don't need to relax if I don't want to... wow, love this stuff! :up: :up:

A note on porosity: I have not needed to use Porosity Control conditioner since I started using Silk Dreams. This may have something to do with the products not having silicones.

The only other product I can use is Darcy's Botanicals Pumpkin Seed Conditioner. No other conditioners work as well on my hair and Silk Dreams is the only product that leaves me with lasting shine. Im cool with that. I really only prefer to have two staple lines with each acting as back-up for each other. The Vanilla Silk has become my favorite DC because I finally learned how to use it: with heat and not steam. For me, with steam, it just never works out well. Thats why I alternate between lines because I like my steamer too much to neglect it.

I also noticed that silicones cause my hair to chip and it wasnt until I started using Silk Dreams that I began to realize that. Cones in my DC's break my hair, while water soluble cones in my sealers do not.

I still use PC after using the Vanilla Silk, but I think its more out of habit then just needing it. I may give it up soon.
What's the deal with the Mocha Silk Hair Milk? I see someone trying to sell it in the exchange forum...Please Advise! TIA!

I have Go Moist, Shea What!, and Shea What! Deux sitting in my cart. The Shea What! Deux is due to IDareT'sHair reviews.
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Thanks girl. I don't know why I didn't see that. I was expecting it to be under the special care section. I was thinking it was a hair cream instead of a leave in.
Have u tried the Mocha Silk Infusion?
Any low porosity and protein sensitive folks using these products successfully? I'd like to try them based on the rave reviews but have found that I really need to keep to: no cones, very limited proteins, and balanced pH products. So far it sounds like the Shea What Deux might be good one to try. The others have Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein in them so I'm hesitant. Thanks in advance!!!
Any low porosity and protein sensitive folks using these products successfully? I'd like to try them based on the rave reviews but have found that I really need to keep to: no cones, very limited proteins, and balanced pH products. So far it sounds like the Shea What Deux might be good one to try. The others have Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein in them so I'm hesitant. Thanks in advance!!!


In addition to the Shea What Deaux ... the Avocado Pudding & Chocolate Bliss are protein free ... also the new Razberry Coconut Affair that is coming out soon wil be protein free :grin:
Used Silk Dreams for the first time last night and to my relief the products delivered as advertised.

Go Moist Shampoo
I squeezed a small amount into an applicator bottle and then filled it half way with water. This is something I always do to prevent stripping and porosity issues but I always end up having to use porosity control. Not this time!! I can't remember the last time a shampoo made my hair feel so soft. Looks like I'll be moving my PC to the back of the stash. Go Moist not only softened my hair, it was clean without feeling coated or stripped and smelled great. It really just made me want to stop this transition madness and big chop so I could play with my natural curls more.

Shea What Deux
Great DC. Normally I use Aubrey Organics HSR and a substantial amount. It works well for my hair but go though 1 bottle in 3 washes :nono: With Shea What Deux, I didn't have to use as much, it rinsed out clean, and left my hair hair soft and supple.

Chocolate Bliss Conditioner
I left a smidgen of this in since I was roller-setting, next time I'll put a dap on my roots as well (transitioning). I need a lotion that smells like this, I would wear it everyday!!! As I was setting my hair it was way more manageable then usual and again WITHOUT having to use PC. I lost so little hair during the comb thru it was amazing. If only I had heard about SD months ago, it would have saved me some hair drama and a set back.

Mocha Silk Hair Milk
After taking down my set I moisturized my bouncing curls with this. Honestly it wasn't necessary but I'm enjoying these scents too much. :)

Final results - My hair looks and feels great. I'm one of those people whose hair does better with natural / boutique products. When I was natural, the CURLS line was all I would use but I can tell SD is going to take over, especially if Supergirl develops a conditioning styling pudding or butter with hold. That's the only other thing I would need once I've fully transitioned.

I still need to try the Avocado Pudding Conditioner, Whip My Hair cleanser, as well as the Chocolate Bliss as the primary for my conditioning. When I do, I'll post reviews.
Hey caliscurls

Thanks for the great feedback! I'm so glad your products work well for you. My goal is to have something in the line that works for everyone. :yep;

I would like to create a curl defining cream. In fact, I've been working on one. I thought I'd get it out at the same time as Razzberry Coconut Affair, but the cream still needs some work while the RCA is pretty much close to launching.

What do naturals look for in a curl defining cream? What are some of your favorite ingredients for curl defining products?
Supergirl you know I think the answer is - it depends on how much hold you're going for, but, generally speaking Shea butter and Aloe Vera Juice are ingredients i look for immediately. If it has glycerin high on the list i leave it on the shelf. Hold that leaves my hair soft and not tacky, "wet", crunchy, residue ridden, or weighed down is important. My hair responds well to kinky curly custard but it can leave a tacky feeling and the scent is way to strong to use if I want to stay married :). Curls soufflé and curls whipped cream used to be my mainstays.

Hopefully others will chime in and give you some more insight.
Is an excellent pre-poo treatment! It smells great! I have used this twice to finger detangle and pre-poo overnight. Because of the great smell, you can run errands with your pre-poo in, without being conscious of the smell the way you would while using EVCO as a pre-poo. Your hair will not look coated it melts into your hair just like EVCO. Nevertheless, this will be a treat, because even though EVCO doesn’t smell great, it’s more cost effective. :sekret: I got up in the middle of the night and went to the 24-Hour Walgreens to buy Biscoff cookies. You want to know why? Because, Pre has a caramel smell just like Biscoff cookies.

Whip My Hair:
Is a creamy thick hair cleanser. Your hair will feel soft, after cleansing with it. However, due to it’s thickness you will not be able to use your Hercules Sageman Jumbo Rake to finish detangling, while in the shower. Maybe, if you’re relaxed or have straight hair. I’m working with Daughter S using the LOIS system. Possibly, some Daughter O.

Vanilla Silk Cream Moisture Dream:
The name of the product says it all. I may have used more than necessary, because this melts into your hair upon application. My hair has never been soooo soft following a DC treatment, as it was when I rinsed out the VS. I’m not sure if it was the combo of WMH and VS together, because the WMH has a conditioner type consistency. Regardless, my hair was SOFT!

Go Moist Shampoo:
My hair and scalp was completely clean. Okay, I know this is going to sound repetitive, but my hair was soft when I finished cleansing with GMS. GMS has Carboxylic Acid in it, which is suppose to set your hair up for optimal conditioning, according to Supergirl’s research. Thank you EnExitStageLeft for dropping this knowledge on us and sharing that thread. If you had to run out the house w/o DCing your hair would still be SOFT.

Shea What!:
I didn’t have to use as much of this compared to the VS. It’s really thick and rich! My mane was uber soft when I rinsed. It smells lighter than lemon crunch cake. After, I removed my Turbie Twist, I was distracted by a phone call. By the time I got off of the phone my hair had completely air dried. I started to panic, because normally this would not be a good situation! However, my hair was SOFT! I’m glad this happened, because it showed me just how soft my hair was. I couldn’t stop touching my hair. It was so damn SOFT! Have you ever accidently ripped your down coat. My hair was silky and soft like down feathers. I was able to use my seamless combs to detangle w/o re-wetting my hair and/or spraying it with Soul Glo (S-Curl). I only used my leave ins. SW has reached Holy Grail status in one use.

Wheat Germ Butter Conditioner:
I can’t speak on using this as a conditioner, because I’ve never used it in that capacity. I use it as a leave in. My transitioning hair loves this stuff! This is my liquid with the LCO method.

Creme de la Silk:
I’m not sure if this smells like Italian soda or the black cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper. IDK, but I love it! This reminds me of a moisturizer I associate with my mother from my childhood. It’s like a dupe but I can’t recall the name of that product. When I do I’ll report back. It has the consistency of Oyin Whipped Pudding but it’s silkier and emulsifies in your finger/palm(s) quickly. This is my cream in the LCO method.

Nourish Oil:
I have this in the Dreamy Decadence and Pink Sugar. The Pink Sugar smells just like the fragrance tester at Sephora. I like both fragrances! My hair loves ceramides! This is like a ceramide cocktail that smells great. This is my oil with the LCO method.

My hair stays moisturized for days using the WG, Creme/Silk, and Nourish. I only have to M&S every two or three days. It’s pliable, silky, soft, and shiny. Shiny in a good way, not greasy looking.

Ladies, I have to reiterate how soft my hair was using the WMH, GM, VS, and SW. I’m talking like a newborn baby’s hair or down feather soft. That’s as soft as it gets! My hair is silkylicious!

Trying this line has been a home run for me, so far. My fine strands love silk protein and ceramides and this line is chock full of them. In addition, I’m sensitive to smells. I don’t like overbearing smells. Believe me when I say, twice in the past six months, I’ve got up out of bed and re-washed my hair due to an overwhelming smell that would not let me sleep.:nono: The fragrances are light, pleasant, and are not overbearing. It’s like the products were specially designed for me. :yep:

Also, I have Shea What! Deux, Mocha Silk Infusion, Mocha Silk Hair Milk , and Mocha Bling Butter. However, I have not tried them, yet. I’ll report back, after my next wash day.

I’m almost scared to use the Shea What! Deux. IDareT'sHair goes hard in the paint for this as a moisturizing DC w/o protein. I can’t imagine anything being more moisturizing than VS or SW! I’m going to use it when I do my first henna to add the moisture back.

P.S. I’m sorry this is so long, but I had to let ya’ll know bout my baby soft silky hair.

P.P.S. I used to think that Angelicus was crazy or related to the owner, but now I know she's not. This stuff is awesome!
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MileHighDiva, wow. Your reviews were so detailed. My family members ask me all the time what I use in my hair and I break down and tell them Silk Dreams. I also let them know that I deep condition 2x weekly and really take care of my hair. I LOVE this line. I have never been a stan for a line ever until now. Everything smells so good, good quality. Speaking of that, I need to buy a Silk Dreams Tee Shirt. Thanks for reminding me.

Is there a difference between a defining cream and an enhancing curl cream?

Ultimately, I would say no. But what it's actually called will depend on the maker of the product. But there's no specific ingredients or technique that makes some products a "definer" and some an "enhancer." I believe the two would be synonymous meaning products meant to help the curls pop. My hair is relaxed, so I could be wrong. A veteran natural might have a better answer for you.

I used my current version of the cream I'm working on on my 2 year old DS last night and then brushed his hair with a soft brush, and I could see his waves "form" as if he'd slept in a wave cap. His hair is about like mine, 4a, maybe some 3c spots closer to the back. I was excited to see those results, excited that he actually sat there and let me do it, and excited that I actually have something that works for his hair. My hubby mostly puts Royal Crown on it. ;) I've been scared to use much else, because he seems to have sensitive skin. I love how crazy soft it has left my hair the past couple of nights, but of course it's gotta work for my natural sistas too. I gave a sample to a co-worker yesterday who has a head full of natural 3c coils. I'm waiting on her feedback.

Chile...You Laid that Review OUT! Very Nice and Fully Detailed. *good job*:goodpost:

Yes, I love my Shea What Deux and my Destination Hydration. :love:

My other preciouses are (in no particular order):
Mocha Silk
Chocolate Bliss
Vanilla Silk

Recently pulled out my Nourish Oil......I'm trying to save it.:drool:

Someone sent me Shea What & Whip My Hair when the line 1st launched (liked them both). I'd like to re up on both of those & try them again.

And....I cannot wait to try my Raspberry Coconut Affair:lick: