Silicon Mix = wavier new growth?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member

I just dc'd with silicon mix for the first time ever two days ago. After doing so, I noticed that my new growth is wavier than before . . . not kinky, but wavy . . . so when I pull my hair back it has (softer) waves. I guess this is a good thing (even though the main idea when I'm trying to stretch is to keep the new growth as straight as possible). I'm not complaining, because it's a pretty nice effect . . . but I'm just wondering if anyone else had this happen when they used silicon mix? (I generally notice that I have this same effect when I use highly moisturizing products.)


I've never used Silicon Mix, but I'm thinking maybe that is the natural texture of your hair?
I know that my natural texture is a lot different now than when I used to go to a stylist due to all the moisterizing and such. It hasn't changed back either. It has stayed 3C/4A for a year now. Before it was a 4B but now I know that it was just because it was dry.
I've never used Silicon Mix, but I'm thinking maybe that is the natural texture of your hair?
I know that my natural texture is a lot different now than when I used to go to a stylist due to all the moisterizing and such. It hasn't changed back either. It has stayed 3C/4A for a year now. Before it was a 4B but now I know that it was just because it was dry.

I am thinking that as well. I remember when I was about 12 I became obsessed with olive oil and I would slather it on my head straight out of the bottle and my new growth got all wavy like that . . . .
I've never experience any changes in my texture from using Silicon Mix, I wish I did though! It just detangles my hair really well, that's about it :ohwell:
When I used Silicon Mix for the first time last week, I was amazed when I slathered it on my hair, only for it to behave like a relaxer. The heavy weight of the conditioner and the fact that it's loaded with cones literally straightened my NG out! However, as soon as I rinsed out the product, my curls came back ... but my curl pattern was loosened.

I simply think it's all the cones in the product coating my strands and weighing them down.
I simply think it's all the cones in the product coating my strands and weighing them down.

ITA. I used my Silicon Mix last night and I was just sitting here playing with my NG ( work, but the door's shut) thinking that it's springier than usual.
It's probably your true texture that was there all along. Your hair is just more moisturized now. My hair looks it's curliest when it's soaking wet or full of moisturizer.
I did notice this. I bought silicon mix months ago but have only used it three times (not b/c I don't like it..if anything, I love it) I used it the other night and have noticed that since then, my ng, which there is a lot more of since the last time I used silicon mix, are so wavy and soft, and....

I agree with the poster who said it might be the cones...that's a good idea, but to tell the truth, I have no idea.
It definitely softens NG and makes it more managable. My hair is always wavy so I can't attribute that to using SM but I will say it works best for me when I'm at least 3 wks post texlax, and flourishes when I get to be about 10+ wks post. It's like the further the stretch, the better this stuff works.
I've never used Silicon Mix, but I'm thinking maybe that is the natural texture of your hair?
I know that my natural texture is a lot different now than when I used to go to a stylist due to all the moisterizing and such. It hasn't changed back either. It has stayed 3C/4A for a year now. Before it was a 4B but now I know that it was just because it was dry.

:scratchch: The guinea pig (sis) and I have noticed our hair changing, I think I posted on a thread about my hair becoming more uniformly 4a, my sis now even has some 3c:perplexed from a 4a/b, initially we thought it was MSM I just realised we haven't been taking MSM for a while and I only just got back on it tonight. All I can think of is we've finally got the moisture levels of our hair back to normal - mum says this was our texture as toddler/ kids. Boy, my hair must have been hella dry:grin:
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