When I get to the point of where no comb can go through it, its time to relax. That could mean I do it at week 20 or at week 10 or anywhere in between that
I have some crazy thick a
hair so unless its thinning, or I have tons of breakage, I don't let it worry me. My strands aren't as fine as I thought they were. I have lots of big thick ones interspersed throughout. I do have some that are quite fine but some that are I guess medium.
My hair dosen't like certain things set in stone, except for it does like to be treated like super fine silk and give it the protien it wants (thats a must!) other than that, its up for grabs and what it can handle!
What has helped me for general health of my hair is lowering the manipulation on every front.
I learned that the longer my hair got, the more it didn't want to be fooled with
. So I don't comb it for a few days, just moisterize and go.
I still rinse after working out, but I use a thin conditioner and don't manipulate a lot, I rinse my hair in the direction in which it will be worn (usually back in a bun) and dab on a little moisterizer and oil, smooth it back into a bun and let it alone. All without using a comb or anything.
Granted, that dosen't work for everyone but seems to be whats a key component in my hair journey where hair retention is concerned.
Last relaxer was December 2. I'm now fighting with nearly 2 inches of growth over the greater part of my scalp. Who knows where it all came from. At any rate, that dosen't always happen (usually only happens in the summer but hey I'll take it!)
My hair dosen't grow at the same rate all over so I don't treat it that way. One part can grow fast, then I relax, then the other part will grow fast to catch up. Sometimes I go 10-12 weeks and get MAYBE an 1/4 inch over the greater part of my head, sometimesthe growth just explodes.
I just take it all in stride and enjoy the journey (though it sure can be frustrating at times!)