Signs of the End--New World Order/Religion


New Member
Let's discuss--I've seen and heard so much that supports that this New world order is close to being ushered in with the majority blessing. The Obama threads have gotten me thinking--people are really in need for a "SAvior", though no man can do this for them.

I used to think that the occult was something that most people either ignored, or stayed away from--but it is mainstream now. Pantheism is growing and growing in the U.S. and it is not the Hindus or Taoist who are doing it. It is the Western culture that have taken various "feel good" aspects of "faith", erased absolute truth and added a psychic undertone and has presented it anew.

Anyone seeing things?
Let's discuss--I've seen and heard so much that supports that this New world order is close to being ushered in with the majority blessing. The Obama threads have gotten me thinking--people are really in need for a "SAvior", though no man can do this for them.

I used to think that the occult was something that most people either ignored, or stayed away from--but it is mainstream now. Pantheism is growing and growing in the U.S. and it is not the Hindus or Taoist who are doing it. It is the Western culture that have taken various "feel good" aspects of "faith", erased absolute truth and added a psychic undertone and has presented it anew.

Anyone seeing things?

People do need Jesus Christ. Everyday we are seeing so many things going on in the would wonder.

Those who practice what you mentioned above, are in this country in abundance...we know it was not always this way, yet...when we see an increase in the occult and the attacks on "faith" and those of us who believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah, we know that we are in the 'birthing pains".

We can look to the world to see signs as well. Take the EU for example. They are forming one-world government as we speak...yet, no one is recognizing this because all their eyes are on the West. The Bible tells us to watch and pray...and there are so many "believers" who are not.

The church has been going through a time for many, many years now. When we go back in history of the church, we can certainly see the changes over the years, and they aren't all good changes. There are so many hirelings and not many 'shepherds' in the land. But, the Lord has a remnant, that will proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, till the end...and I am so blessed to know that it is Jesus who is the Captain of the Hosts...therefore, we win!

We are on the verge of a new wave of change within the church. I always share with others...."where are you?"

And too, it's only going to get worse. We haven't seen anything yet. Pastors whose hearts are waiting for the coming of the Lord and are doing the work, are preparing all over the world for people to come through the doors because of the "sudden fear" that shall come upon them. Will we be ready? Can we handle such an influx of people?

This is why there are ministries where the Lord is "changing the guards", so to speak. We must be ready for what is about to come upon the world, especially in America.

From what I see...there are so many who are not prepared for what is about to happen...and that is so sad:nono:

My prayer is that people would open their hearts and hear "thus saith the Lord"!

Good thread, Melodee!
Let's discuss--I've seen and heard so much that supports that this New world order is close to being ushered in with the majority blessing. The Obama threads have gotten me thinking--people are really in need for a "SAvior", though no man can do this for them.

I used to think that the occult was something that most people either ignored, or stayed away from--but it is mainstream now. Pantheism is growing and growing in the U.S. and it is not the Hindus or Taoist who are doing it. It is the Western culture that have taken various "feel good" aspects of "faith", erased absolute truth and added a psychic undertone and has presented it anew.

Anyone seeing things?
Oh the end is pretty much upon us. I wonder about this upcoming Presidency. I know that the N.W.O has already been set into motion for years (I even believe the Euro and one currency has something to do with it on a smaller scale) But it's all been written, so all we can do is stay steadfast in his word and pray, pray, pray we'll be ready. Seek souls out, because yes, the time is at hand.
In regards to the New World Order, it appears that it's almost ready to go. I am pretty sure you heard President Bush say during his State of the Union Address, that he was going to have a summit with Mexico and Canada. So that could result in the North American Union which could become a part of the European Union. We will just have to wait and see. There are other threads about this that you might want to do a search on.

In regards to a one world religion, the Pope is trying to get the Muslims and Christians to "agree" on "one" God. This possible "unity" could very well usher in the one world religion. I am attaching an article about the possible changes. You might find it interesting to read when you get time.

Vatican, Muslims Plan 'Historic' Meeting

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Catholic and Muslim representatives plan to meet in Rome in the spring to start a "historic" dialogue between the faiths after relations were soured by Pope Benedict XVI's 2006 comments about Islam and holy war, Vatican officials said.

Benedict proposed the encounter as part of his official response to an open letter sent to him and other Christian leaders in October by 138 Muslim scholars from around the world. The letter urged Christians and Muslims to develop their common ground of belief in one God.

He did not give a date for the larger meeting, except to say it would take place in the spring.

The agenda, he said, would cover three main topics: respect for the dignity of each person, interreligious dialogue based on reciprocal understanding, and instruction of tolerance among the young.

"The meeting with a delegation of some of the 138 Muslims, planned for Rome next spring, is in a certain sense historic," Tauran was quoted by L'Osservatore as saying.

Thirty-eight Muslim scholars initially wrote to Benedict soon after his 2006 speech, thanking him for his clarifications and his calls for dialogue. But the Vatican never officially responded to that initiative, and a year later the number of signatories of a new letter had swelled to 138.

In the letter, the Muslim scholars, muftis and intellectuals draw parallels between Islam and Christianity and their common focus on love for God and love for one's neighbor. They also note that such a focus is found in Judaism.

"As Muslims and in obedience to the Holy Quran, we ask Christians to come together with us on the common essentials of our two religions," the letter says. "Let this common ground be the basis of all future interfaith dialogue between us."

Noting that Christians and Muslims make up an estimated 55 percent of the world population, the scholars conclude that improving relations is the best way to bring peace to the world.

The prince, who is a special envoy to Jordan's King Abdullah II, responded by confirming the agenda of the meeting and saying three representatives of the scholars would travel to Rome in February or March to lay its groundwork.
You ladies have already said a lot of what I was thinking in a few short posts. I believe the European Union, and the American Union that's trying to form (I caught what the president said too in the State of the Union), are moving us to a one world government. And RFID technology is the precursor to the mark of the beast.

As far as the religious side of things, I actually haven't thought that much about the form of religious deception will overtake the world. But I believe that there has definitely been an increase in the number of deceiving spirits roaming about.

This is why there are ministries where the Lord is "changing the guards", so to speak. We must be ready for what is about to come upon the world, especially in America.
I agree that sadly many don't have spiritual eyes to perceive what's coming. Most are expecting things to continue on as it has, or even get better.

But what do you mean by the Lord "changing the guards?"
Also, what I have noticed is the feverent attack against christians. It seems like everything and anything that can come against us is. These deceptive attack stand do nothing, but try to detour the christian man/woman from believeing in God, therefore lie in wait and want for the for the so called savior (anti-christ) to deliver us.

On a political scale the EU and American U have been in cohoots for years planning this one world government, this is what the National deficiet is about.

The status of the world is deteriating fast. You don't even see our religious leaders stand up anymore against violence, racism, homosexuality or poverty.

Jesus is getting us ready and he has prepared a remnant. It is my prayer that we all forget about getting rich and having this that and the other and really focus on the things of God so that we can be ready.

Excellent post, OP.
I am paying attention to this too.
Does anyone have any info on the rebuilding of the temple?

Also, has anyone heard of Oprah's new recommended read (book)? It is called The New Earth. I DK the author, but she is promoting this "to the world", and it appears to be very NWO/ New age...
I am paying attention to this too.
Does anyone have any info on the rebuilding of the temple?

Also, has anyone heard of Oprah's new recommended read (book)? It is called The New Earth. I DK the author, but she is promoting this "to the world", and it appears to be very NWO/ New age...

I've heard some not so good things about that new book from another site I recently joined. I will try to post the info. I found later, but from what I can remember it apparently contradicts biblical principles. And when it's promoted by someone as influential as Oprah....:perplexed

The author's name is Ekert Tollart (or something close to that) and Oprah there are supposed to be radio classes on the book through XM radio or something as they go through the book throughout this year (like a world-wide book club over the air).

There are threads about it (from those who want to participate) in the OT and book forums.
What confusing times we are living in:perplexed. Bush has been allowed to do just about anything in his 8 years here and many have turned a blind eye. While studying the bible I read that the book of revelation like many apocalytic writings were composed as resistance literature to meet a crisis. Unfortunately, are government has allowed Bush (and the powers that control him) to lead this nation into crisis after only 8 years! What's so strange is that he did this on the backs of conservative christians. I am watchful of this situation and I am also hopeful that we will have a voice that is able to stand out enough to bring attention to all that is happening.
What some of us really need to understand is this: Man is not the enemy....satan is. We must come away from blame-shifting (President Bush as an example) an begin to understand why all these things in the world are happening. The bible says that these are the beginning of birth pains, therefore we must watch and pray and do the work of the ministry....leading people to Jesus Christ.

As the Lord prepares His Bride, we will see many things take place in this world.

Be prayerful. Be vigilant...for the devil, the adversary is going about as a roaring lion, seeking to devour many.

Just thought I'd share this with you all.

Loving you with the love of the Lord!
I agree with you Nice & Wavy. Satan is the enemy. I am not necessarily faulting man for seeking God, it is what we were born to do.

Nevertheless, i am sensing that the spirits of the Prince of the Air are getting more an more desparate and working harder and harder--through many outlets. I am noticing that in the past few years, the demonic "pot shots" are occuring more and more, especially around the time of Resurrection Day and Christmas.

I hesitated to bring up names of individuals, because i know that we do not wrestle flesh and blood, but I did because I felt that we must as sisters in Christ, be discerning and on alert. I hate it when there is so much going on, and my Christian friends say, "I never heard about this" because they live in the Christian bubble and never come out to know that the world is changing.

Again, I agree that this should not be a finger pointing...but with that said, I think we should know about various sects and followings so that we may warn others.
I agree with you Nice & Wavy. Satan is the enemy. I am not necessarily faulting man for seeking God, it is what we were born to do.

Nevertheless, i am sensing that the spirits of the Prince of the Air are getting more an more desparate and working harder and harder--through many outlets. I am noticing that in the past few years, the demonic "pot shots" are occuring more and more, especially around the time of Resurrection Day and Christmas.

I hesitated to bring up names of individuals, because i know that we do not wrestle flesh and blood, but I did because I felt that we must as sisters in Christ, be discerning and on alert. I hate it when there is so much going on, and my Christian friends say, "I never heard about this" because they live in the Christian bubble and never come out to know that the world is changing.

Again, I agree that this should not be a finger pointing...but with that said,
I think we should know about various sects and followings so that we may warn others

I totally agree with you. When I wrote the post, I was talking about believers blaming President Bush (example) for the things that are going wrong in America. Knowing about various sects and followings is a must as believers and yes, we must warn others!
Great thread!

What are you all doing to warn others? I need to figure out a way to say....Jesus is on his way without people thinking I'm crazy. Especially since they've already written me off for trying to spread the word about Oil Pulling and Monistat:look:
Oh boy, my husband and I were just talking about this. We're from Canada and we were just talking about your presidency run and he told me his perspective on things. I think what hes saying is really possible, but you never know God's plans because according to our SDA views, it was very likely that Bush would have been the one to usher in Sunday law, and he wasn't. Anyway, he was saying that it's most likely that Obama would be voted in because of his sway with young people due to his celebrity. It's well known that a recession is upon us, and probably after his 4 years when the economy is at its worst, Hillary's campaign would most likely have a mathematical, common sense reason as to how America can climb out of the hole. Obama, since he seems to be so easily swayed may then get some thoughts whispered into his ear by our friend the pope, and then be re elected because he would move people with a heart felt campaign about how we dont need any more mathematical equations, we need something more spiritual. Hillary I dont think would ever do this, because she seems like she would not impose anything so discriminatory as sunday law. anyway, we all know where it would go from there. The craziest thing about this theory he has, is if its true and say someone had some plan to go assasinate Obama or something, they would never be able to because it's God's plan that must be fulfilled! We as christians anyway, should not be scared of signs of the end..we should look forward to them because its means we're only so much closer to living in the new eden with our father.
Oh boy, my husband and I were just talking about this. We're from Canada and we were just talking about your presidency run and he told me his perspective on things. I think what hes saying is really possible, but you never know God's plans because according to our SDA views, it was very likely that Bush would have been the one to usher in Sunday law, and he wasn't. Anyway, he was saying that it's most likely that Obama would be voted in because of his sway with young people due to his celebrity. It's well known that a recession is upon us, and probably after his 4 years when the economy is at its worst, Hillary's campaign would most likely have a mathematical, common sense reason as to how America can climb out of the hole. Obama, since he seems to be so easily swayed may then get some thoughts whispered into his ear by our friend the pope, and then be re elected because he would move people with a heart felt campaign about how we dont need any more mathematical equations, we need something more spiritual. Hillary I dont think would ever do this, because she seems like she would not impose anything so discriminatory as sunday law. anyway, we all know where it would go from there. The craziest thing about this theory he has, is if its true and say someone had some plan to go assasinate Obama or something, they would never be able to because it's God's plan that must be fulfilled! We as christians anyway, should not be scared of signs of the end..we should look forward to them because its means we're only so much closer to living in the new eden with our father.

You are right about that one.
Oh boy, my husband and I were just talking about this. We're from Canada and we were just talking about your presidency run and he told me his perspective on things. I think what hes saying is really possible, but you never know God's plans because according to our SDA views, it was very likely that Bush would have been the one to usher in Sunday law, and he wasn't. Anyway, he was saying that it's most likely that Obama would be voted in because of his sway with young people due to his celebrity. It's well known that a recession is upon us, and probably after his 4 years when the economy is at its worst, Hillary's campaign would most likely have a mathematical, common sense reason as to how America can climb out of the hole. Obama, since he seems to be so easily swayed may then get some thoughts whispered into his ear by our friend the pope, and then be re elected because he would move people with a heart felt campaign about how we dont need any more mathematical equations, we need something more spiritual. Hillary I dont think would ever do this, because she seems like she would not impose anything so discriminatory as sunday law. anyway, we all know where it would go from there. The craziest thing about this theory he has, is if its true and say someone had some plan to go assasinate Obama or something, they would never be able to because it's God's plan that must be fulfilled! We as christians anyway, should not be scared of signs of the end..we should look forward to them because its means we're only so much closer to living in the new eden with our father.

I respect your opinion, but I can't help but be a little of offended because of some the assumptions made in the bolded. I also realize that Canada has benefitted very much from nafta which may perhaps sway your opinion a little bit more positively toward Sen. Clinton. However this particular topic seems to deal much more with character as oppose to politics and in watching the character of these two candidates I disagree with the notion that Sen. Obama is somehow more easily influenced into spiritually immoral behavior. I also sense a great amount of misunderstanding about the catholic church that I won't dwell on here.

I sincerely apologize if this is taken in a negative way. It's just that what was said in this statement really hurt my heart. With this said, I will leave this particular thread.

God Bless!
Oh boy, my husband and I were just talking about this. We're from Canada and we were just talking about your presidency run and he told me his perspective on things. I think what hes saying is really possible, but you never know God's plans because according to our SDA views, it was very likely that Bush would have been the one to usher in Sunday law, and he wasn't. Anyway, he was saying that it's most likely that Obama would be voted in because of his sway with young people due to his celebrity. It's well known that a recession is upon us, and probably after his 4 years when the economy is at its worst, Hillary's campaign would most likely have a mathematical, common sense reason as to how America can climb out of the hole. Obama, since he seems to be so easily swayed may then get some thoughts whispered into his ear by our friend the pope, and then be re elected because he would move people with a heart felt campaign about how we dont need any more mathematical equations, we need something more spiritual. Hillary I dont think would ever do this, because she seems like she would not impose anything so discriminatory as sunday law. anyway, we all know where it would go from there. The craziest thing about this theory he has, is if its true and say someone had some plan to go assasinate Obama or something, they would never be able to because it's God's plan that must be fulfilled! We as christians anyway, should not be scared of signs of the end..we should look forward to them because its means we're only so much closer to living in the new eden with our father.

According to some of the quotes you have made, you have your eyes on man and not on God:nono:

We must watch what we are saying and remember that it's not about US, but about Jesus, the One to whom we must keep our eyes upon.

All in love, Sui...all in love.
According to some of the quotes you have made, you have your eyes on man and not on God:nono:

We must watch what we are saying and remember that it's not about US, but about Jesus, the One to whom we must keep our eyes upon.

All in love, Sui...all in love.

It's just a hypothesis, and in accordance to what I believe, men will be used to carry out the will of God, so when we see men starting to work up to do something, we know that we'll see our Father soon. Please don't think I'm saying Obama and the US are the anti Christ.

(lol dont worry your statement was taken in love :yep:)
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I respect your opinion, but I can't help but be a little of offended because of some the assumptions made in the bolded. I also realize that Canada has benefitted very much from nafta which may perhaps sway your opinion a little bit more positively toward Sen. Clinton. However this particular topic seems to deal much more with character as oppose to politics and in watching the character of these two candidates I disagree with the notion that Sen. Obama is somehow more easily influenced into spiritually immoral behavior. I also sense a great amount of misunderstanding about the catholic church that I won't dwell on here.

I sincerely apologize if this is taken in a negative way. It's just that what was said in this statement really hurt my heart. With this said, I will leave this particular thread.

God Bless!

Didi please don't be offended. I have nothing against Obama, or anyone. This is just a theory that my husband and I thought of the other day. We may be wrong, I mean he thought that end times would be brought in with George W, but obviously he was wrong with that. I do know about the catholic church, but I chose to become a seventh day adventist and our teachings show that unfortunately the leaders of the catholic church will usher in some testing times for us. This doesn't mean we hate catholics because Jesus has hearts under every denomination.
It's just a hypothesis, and in accordance to what I believe, men will be used to carry out the will of God, so when we see men starting to work up to do something, we know that we'll see our Father soon. Please don't think I'm saying Obama and the US are the anti Christ.

(lol dont worry your statement was taken in love :yep:)

Sui, I used to be SDA, I know exactly what you are talking about and alot of it isn't Gospel.:nono:

No worries, here... and thanks.
Didi please don't be offended. I have nothing against Obama, or anyone. This is just a theory that my husband and I thought of the other day. We may be wrong, I mean he thought that end times would be brought in with George W, but obviously he was wrong with that. I do know about the catholic church, but I chose to become a seventh day adventist and
our teachings show that unfortunately the leaders of the catholic church will usher in some testing times for us
. This doesn't mean we hate catholics because Jesus has hearts under every denomination.

See, this is what I mean, Sui:nono:
While there are many "signs of the times", there have been signs of the times for a long time coming.

I've been hearing the end is nigh since I was a little girl going to church with my grandmother. Which is why I've stopped looking for signs.

Instead, I just focus on Jesus and focus on praying for my loved ones salvation.

If He comes in my lifetime, I will be ready. If not, whenever He comes, I just pray that my loved ones and everyone else would have received Him into their lives,
While there are many "signs of the times", there have been signs of the times for a long time coming.

I've been hearing the end is nigh since I was a little girl going to church with my grandmother. Which is why I've stopped looking for signs.

Instead, I just focus on Jesus and focus on praying for my loved ones salvation.

If He comes in my lifetime, I will be ready. If not, whenever He comes, I just pray that my loved ones and everyone else would have received Him into their lives

I agree with you Nice & Wavy. Satan is the enemy. I am not necessarily faulting man for seeking God, it is what we were born to do.

Nevertheless, i am sensing that the spirits of the Prince of the Air are getting more an more desparate and working harder and harder--through many outlets. I am noticing that in the past few years, the demonic "pot shots" are occuring more and more, especially around the time of Resurrection Day and Christmas.

I hesitated to bring up names of individuals, because i know that we do not wrestle flesh and blood, but I did because I felt that we must as sisters in Christ, be discerning and on alert. I hate it when there is so much going on, and my Christian friends say, "I never heard about this" because they live in the Christian bubble and never come out to know that the world is changing.

Again, I agree that this should not be a finger pointing...but with that said, I think we should know about various sects and followings so that we may warn others.

You are speaking my heart right there. I get frustrated trying to talk to Christian friends (I wouldn't expect as much from an unbeliever) about how I see things lining up for Revelation to take place (i.e. RFID as a possible precursor to the mark of the beast) and all they want to talk about is the lastest episode of some crazy reality t.v. show :perplexed:wallbash:.
Didi please don't be offended. I have nothing against Obama, or anyone. This is just a theory that my husband and I thought of the other day. We may be wrong, I mean he thought that end times would be brought in with George W, but obviously he was wrong with that. I do know about the catholic church, but I chose to become a seventh day adventist and our teachings show that unfortunately the leaders of the catholic church will usher in some testing times for us. This doesn't mean we hate catholics because Jesus has hearts under every denomination.

Don't count Bush out quite yet. I heard on the news the other day that he wants to bring peace to Israel and Palestine BEFORE he leaves office. Will this usher in the Anti-Christ? Will this start the 3 1/2 years of "false" peace? Only time will tell. A lot can transpire in the months to come...........

CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO----->Bush says optimistic Israel-PA peace deal possible in 2008 - Haaretz - Israel News
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