*Sighs* They're Back...


New Member
The tangles that is! Last night I lost so much hair trying to detangle. For one I rinsed my hair (before I pre-pooed) under the sink, for two, I rinsed out my first conditioner under the sink too. I know I know, but it was so cold here in my room and I didn't want to keep hoping in and out the shower. My hair was soooo tangled last night that I amost burst out in tears. I don't know what to do. I texlaxed for the first time my last relaxer and I am not thinking about relaxing bone straight again. I don't think I can deal with these tangles for another 11 weeks. What should I do? Products? Recommendations?

I used Creme of Nature before, didn't work for me.

I do the braiding method, works only sometimes.

I comb under the shower with my jilbere shower comb, didn't work.

ETA: I also used pantene's Detangling spray- my hair laughed at it.

I am so fustrated! Below is a pic of the hair I lost last night. It hurts to even look at it. Even though I only comb when I wash, every 3-4 days I still think this is a lot of hair-What do you think? Any recs?

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Hi Mizani,

You already identified a major culprit....you need to jump in the shower. Even though it's cold your hair is worth it. Second if you're washing every 3-4 days have you tried co washing? Third wash in sections and if you notice tangles in a certain section use conditioner immediately to get them out. Fourth make sure you use an excellent moisturizing conditioner as your last step. I recommend Kenra MC or Herbal Essences. Finally use finger combing both in the shower and once you're out rather than going straight to a comb.
I use to have major tangle issue also. But now I have several shower heads (I had my bathroom re-done). Anyway, the best way to avoid tangles is to wash your hair in the shower backward. When I wash in the sink I too have a tangle mess since I have fine thin hair.
I'm sorry you are having this problem. I know how you feel, though. I have to detangle EVERY DAY or that is what happens to me. And washing in the sink is a big no-no as that is asking for tangles with my hair. Perhaps you are the same. Could you possibly try co-washing and detangling more often? Just a suggestion.

I hope you figure out a good solution! I wish I could be more help. When you detangle under the shower...are you doing it directly under the force of the water? That has made a big difference in my tangle-prone hair.
First of all that does not seem like alot of hair. When I try to avoid tangles Keracare Humecto works every time, I leave it on at least 10 to 15 min. under a warm dryer.hth:)
First of all. I always love your siggy, as your hair is beautiful.

Secondly, as these girls have already stated you need to get in the shower.

Let me also recommend a cream rinse. I use creme rinses and when I get out of the shower my hair is barely tangled (I cw daily).

Also, I know you're probably one of those against cones. But I use Robert Craig's spray shine lightly on damp hair and not only does it get rid of frizz, and seal my cuticle keeping moisture in, but it also helps me air dry straighter, faster, softer and tangle free.

The first ingredient is Cyclomethicone, however. But buildup isn't a problem for me.
Ladies,Thank you all so much. I am going to start co-washing more often! The only thing is I am worried about my hair becoming too soft. But I will tackle that problem as it comes along. I think I am going to re-wash tonight but co-wash this time.

Dahomey, when you wash in sections do you do the braiding method? How many braids do you do and what do you use to secure the ends?

Synthia, thank you for the compliment. I am not against cones, I actually love them. I just prefer to not use them in a daily moisturizer. But I'll check out that spray you was talking about. Girl you awakening the PJ in me!
My hair usually tangles really bad, especially when I wash in the sink (which I'm not doing anymore) but I found that rubbing a smoothing serum through my hair and my ends really makes detangling easier..
Mizani you know what I'm gonna say right? :) Ok so you really don't want to jump in and out the shower how about a compromise. Try washing your hair in the sink, condition and detangle with the conditoner in (right before you get ready to wash it out) and rinse the conditioner out in the shower. It will cut your tangles down drastically. I agree that a serum on very damp hair will glide the comb though your hair.

simplycee said:
Mizani you know what I'm gonna say right? :) Ok so you really don't want to jump in and out the shower how about a compromise. Try washing your hair in the sink, condition and detangle with the conditoner in (right before you get ready to wash it out) and rinse the conditioner out in the shower. It will cut your tangles down drastically. I agree that a serum on very damp hair will glide the comb though your hair.


Great idea!
Since I came to LHCF, the only time I had tangling problems was when I pre-poo'd once with EVOO with some other oils. Other than that time, I haven't had tangling problems at all. I know it's because of rinsing under the force of water from the shower and using a good moisturizing conditioner and leave-in.

My hair is pretty much detangled by the time I rinse out my conditioner, combing through with my Jilbere shower comb and fingers. I then add my leave-in and my comb slips through so easily with no hair lost. I just discovered serum, which I haven't used to detangle, just to help seal in the moisture.
simplycee said:
Mizani you know what I'm gonna say right? :) Ok so you really don't want to jump in and out the shower how about a compromise. Try washing your hair in the sink, condition and detangle with the conditoner in (right before you get ready to wash it out) and rinse the conditioner out in the shower. It will cut your tangles down drastically. I agree that a serum on very damp hair will glide the comb though your hair.

Lol Simply! I decided I will compromise my coldness, never will I not wash in the shower! And thanks for the serum idea Jasmin!
Isis said:
Since I came to LHCF, the only time I had tangling problems was when I pre-poo'd once with EVOO with some other oils. Other than that time, I haven't had tangling problems at all. I know it's because of rinsing under the force of water from the shower and using a good moisturizing conditioner and leave-in.

My hair is pretty much detangled by the time I rinse out my conditioner, combing through with my Jilbere shower comb and fingers. I then add my leave-in and my comb slips through so easily with no hair lost. I just discovered serum, which I haven't used to detangle, just to help seal in the moisture.

This is interesting, I wonder if this is one of the culprits??
2 things that helped me tremendously when I stretched my relaxer (almost transitioning LOL) was protein conditioners/treatments and a Serum. Both help to smooth the cuticle but you have to be careful not to let them dry your hair out.
Hi Mizani, Yes I wash in sections but only two braids. I should use three (one for the back) but I'm lazy.

MizaniMami said:
Dahomey, when you wash in sections do you do the braiding method? How many braids do you do and what do you use to secure the ends?
I'm strictly a sink washer so I won't throw anything in the mix. But you may want to invest in an inexpensive room heater so that you can keep the bathroom warm as you go through your routine. I am always cold too. When I have that heater plugged in, I can take my time as I am comfortable and don't rush through doing my hair.