*sigh* So Back To No Wrapping Again


Well-Known Member
I noticed some breakage in my temple area Ive only been wrapping for like 2 weeks, I love wrapping.. I love the way my hair lays

The only thing I can suggest if you still want to wrap is to alternate sides daily or every other day, be a little heavy handed on the moisturizing in the breakage areas (hairline and nape), and don't tie the scarf too tight. What are you using to tie your hair with? That could be the culprt too.
I too noticed breakage of the from manipulating the hair into or out of the wrap. I do it very very little now, like maybe for 1 night if I have to wear my hair down. Other than that I wear my hair loose in a bonnet now, or pincurl my hair (which I'm still not really good at). It's a constant battle with the wrapping. I do love wrapped hair though. My hair is too thin to risk the breakage too often.
100% Silk Scarf to wrap... :(

simplycee said:
The only thing I can suggest if you still want to wrap is to alternate sides daily or every other day, be a little heavy handed on the moisturizing in the breakage areas (hairline and nape), and don't tie the scarf too tight. What are you using to tie your hair with? That could be the culprt too.
What upsets me is that it was just starting to grow back from my post partum shedding..

Oh well, I w ill just either cross wrap, pin curl (what do you hold them in place with) or in a bonnett :)

RabiaElaine said:
I too noticed breakage of the from manipulating the hair into or out of the wrap. I do it very very little now, like maybe for 1 night if I have to wear my hair down. Other than that I wear my hair loose in a bonnet now, or pincurl my hair (which I'm still not really good at). It's a constant battle with the wrapping. I do love wrapped hair though. My hair is too thin to risk the breakage too often.
****coming out of lurk mode*****

I recently had to give up wrapping as well because my left side is significantly thinner and a lil bit shorter than my right
I dunno why but whenever I try to alternate wrapping it never comes out right
What I have been doing is really nice sized pin curls and just this weekend I started doing the mohawk set that I got from this board and my hair is looking decent..I have lots of movement and bounce with the complete flatness
I'm sorry you're experiencing this and it can be very frustrating especially when you try to do everything to nurture and take care of your hair. I dont' wrap at all. After my roller sets, I finger comb and let my curls fall and wear a bonnet at night. If my curls get too loose which is usually day 3 or 4 or if it's extra humid outside, I'll bantu/pin curl it and it works great! I'm trying to do as less as possible to it. I'm tempted to get some box braids so I wont' have to do anything to my head, but hubby doesn't like 'em...
I dont use fine tooth combs.... Only to part and I use the tail for that!!

den1 said:
when you manipulate your hair into wrap are you combing it into place with fine tooth comb
Hi Khandi B. I now what ya mean.. I love the way my hair lays when wrapping as well.. I just doesn't lay flat if I sleep with it any other way..

By the way Happy Birthday to your baby... What are you planning for his or her first birthday party.. My baby turns 1 in July!!
I experienced the same thing. I started doing a cross wrap instead. After setting my hair with Caruso rollers I part it in the middle amd wrap both sides to the front and secure it with a pin before putting on my scarf. It looks good but now the hair in the temple area looks funny. :mad:
Oh No, thats MY birthday!!! I turn 31 next week@!!!! LOL

But my son is 6 months old :)

His bday is in October!!

But Imma just go back to what I used to do, tie a scarf around the front and put a bonnet on it, LOL

Dogmd said:
Hi Khandi B. I now what ya mean.. I love the way my hair lays when wrapping as well.. I just doesn't lay flat if I sleep with it any other way..

By the way Happy Birthday to your baby... What are you planning for his or her first birthday party.. My baby turns 1 in July!!
mizztasha49 said:
What I have been doing is really nice sized pin curls and just this weekend I started doing the mohawk set that I got from this board and my hair is looking decent..I have lots of movement and bounce with the complete flatness

Glad you came out of lurk mode!
Dontcha just love that mohawk rollerset?
I swear once I starterd doing this I forgot all about wrapping. :)
KhandiB said:
What kind of rollers do you use for that mohawk set?

Most times I use 4 grey magnetic rollers and hold them in place with long bobby pins. Sometimes I use a mesh rollers. I guess it depends on what I can get my hands on at the time.

I know there are some who make the set without rollers at all. I'm not that good yet.
I feel you. I have also been having breakage on one side of my hair. I did the mohawk set last week and i loved it but i didnt like the way my bangs turned out so I'm going to continue doing it but before I go out into the world wrap my hair and leave it there for an hour or so my side bags will flatten.

i do recommend the mohawk set though. I just use 4 grey rollers and voila!
Khanid B I also had to give up wrapping. However there are so many other ways to wear that pretty hair of yours just alternate your styles more often then your hair will not become accustomed to being wrapped a certain way. Good luck and BTW love your hair!!!!!:D
I can't wrap my hair anymore either. Too much manipulation to get my hair into that circle. Its such an unatural position for the hair, and mine suffered terribly from my wrapping days. :cry3:
Sistaslick said:
I can't wrap my hair anymore either. Too much manipulation to get my hair into that circle. Its such an unatural position for the hair, and mine suffered terribly from my wrapping days. :cry3:

Your hair is beautiful. What do you do now since you stopped wrapping it at night?
Now that I am 7 weeks post relaxer I am in the NO WRAPPING CLUB too. My hair just started doing it's own thing like overnight and wrapping is totally out of the question. I just twist my hair in 4 sections or one big jumbo fatgirl twist and clip up with a plastic clip and put on a satin bonnet. At this point I do not think I can stretch to 20 weeks and wrap / no way.