*sigh* Shaking my head....


Well-Known Member
I broke down relaxed (more like texlaxed) my hair again..... :nono:

I honestly don't even remember buying the relaxer..... I was in the BSS, then I was home... and before I knew it I was neutralizing......


Just thought Id tell somebody.

P.S. I did notice some more length, unfortunately I also noticed that I was severely uneven, so I trimmed some back. So Im still the same length, but its much thicker at the ends.
Sounds like regrets, huh? We've all been there so you are not alone...
Since what's done is done just make the best of it and keep striving for healthy hair cause it's gonna grow no matter what.
Don't beat yourself up and don't allow anyone else to either. I used to worry about the backlash I would get about putting chemicals in my hair and the backlash I would get for letting the chemicals grow out. In the end it's your decision. Think of the experience along the way...I hope this helps :look:
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LOL-Why do you sound so pitiful? Are you supposed to be stretching or something? Cheer up:grin: at least you got thicker ends out of the situation.
Well atleast you gained some thickness as far as trying to go natural there is always another time. Maybe you just don't feel like it right now but no reason to feel bad about it.